Fifty Shades of Brown | Teen Ink

Fifty Shades of Brown

January 13, 2014
By TeeDaBest BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
TeeDaBest BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal winter day in Manhattan, New York and Sirene was headed off to see her boyfriend Brick, who had caramel-like skin, was built like a quarterback, and averaged out at a 6' 5. He fit Sirene perfectly, who was a voluptuous 22 year old women, with mocha skin and long curly locks. She pulled up at Chipotle, their favorite restaurant.

"Hey baby." she chimed as her and Brick embraced.

"Hey ma," Brick smiled showing his pearly whites. "How was class?"

"It was intense as usually but will be worth it when I get my PhD in psychology,” she sighed.

"Don't worry ma. I'll give you a massage when we get..." before brick finished his sentence in walked a Dominican chick with hair that went past her back. It was Amor with her boyfriend, North. Amor was in shock, but somehow snapped out of it when Sirene gave her a sisterly hug
"Hey girl, you stalking me?" Sirene joked with her friend of 4 years. "Amor and North, this is my boyfriend, Brick.”

Brick was frozen in place when the waiter came to their table and gave them their food to go. Brick snapped into reality and said "ooo yo nice meeting y'all I'm be in the car ma" and gave Sirene a peck on the cheek and left in a rush.

"Um.. Okay I guess I'll see you in class tomorrow girl nice meeting you Mr. North." Sirene smiled and left.

"See you ma" North said, "yo they cool peeps bae" he continued while ordering. Amor had blank look on her face ignoring what North had just said.

"Bae?" North stressed.

"Huh?" Amor said snapping out of her trance.

North laughed "what's wrong baby you act like you done gone and saw a ghost."

Amor did a fake smile "Naw baby just thinking" she responded then their waiter came and took their order and they ate.

A week later North was calling Brick to meet up at the gym with him and his friend Hazel. Hazel, who was tall as some basketball players, had a slim build but was still very muscular. He was what some may say a fashion killa, and of course had some of the prettiest hazel eyes you'd ever seen.

"Wassup son" Hazel bellowed as North and Brick walked into the gym which was practically empty.

"Wassup Man," North grinned "this my man Brick he Sirene boyfriend." Brick's eyes lit up as he ran up to Hazel and gave him a bear hug.
"Man where you been, I ain't seen you since you moved to Florida," Brick said with excitement

"Yea man I know, I broke my phone and lost everybody number. But yea I moved back 3 years ago" Hazel responded. He and Brick both missed one another. They were best friends in high school up to sophomore year when Hazel's dad moved their family down to Florida to pursue his practice in anesthesiology.

"Well are you guys gone to cry all day or are we gone push some weights." North joked around with them. Hazel jokingly punched North in the shoulder as they fake fought. Brick stood there laughing at them as he thought to himself I don't even know this cat North, and he already seem like a cool dude this made Brick feel even worst about what he had done. But it wasn't my fault I.....

Before brick finish his thought Hazel and North yelled "come on son we about to push these weights, yo." The three young men talked about everything from LeBron being the best player in the NBA to how it is being a powerful rich black man. They laughed and joked around all day like three best friends who knew each other forever. But was this the start of a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. To Be Continued…..

The author's comments:
This article was inspired by life event that I went through and books that I loved reading; and inspired me to write my own.

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