A Night Out | Teen Ink

A Night Out

January 8, 2014
By ErycaFroes BRONZE, Oakville, Other
ErycaFroes BRONZE, Oakville, Other
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As I glided into the open mystic bar, I had pleasure of feasting my eyes upon a muscular built man. He was leaning over a wooden ledge acquiring about a drink to the bartender. The dim light appeared to illuminate around his body of which casted a shadow that intently peered into the darkness. A single bar lamps light carved around his jaw line, displaying a heavy bone structure in his hearty face. He was dressed very mod, sporting a classic suit jacket and a pair of dark wash jeans. I stood there stunned by his outer beauty, craving to learn more about this good looking man. There was a certain familiarity in his face that I recognized, but was unable to place. He began to croak his head in my direction, I wanted to look away but it was too late, he had seen me. His bold eyes pierced into me and I felt myself stumble backwards. I glanced down to make sure I still had my footing and when I looked back up he was already making his way over to me. I started to panic. Why was he coming over to me? What could he possibly ever want to speak to me about? Questions immediately began to flood my brain like a massive tidal wave smashing into shore. I had been perfectly content just with watching him for afar. I knew it was too late to turn around and run out of the bar so, I decided to close my eyes and count to three to calm myself down. When I was finally able to yanked my eyelids open, the beautiful man stood before me.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, luckily he did. “Hello there”. “Hi” I somehow managed to choke out. “What brings you downtown tonight”. My palms began to sweet and my face grew hot. His presence was too overwhelming.”Business” for someone who often prided themselves on the ability to talk I was falling incredibly short now, hopelessly resorting to one word answers. While he continued to grace me with his smooth confidence. Who was this man? I decided to buckle down and channel my inner confidence. “What brings you here tonight?" What a brilliant question I thought to myself, it certainly didn’t take a genius to come up with that one. I had basically just regurgitated what he had previously said. But to my surprise he did not look reluctant, he simply just responded back to me. “Business as well, now may I ask if I can buy you a drink?” He was so incredibly smooth and had absolutely no sound of hesitation, the words just seem to flow out of his mouth. “Yes you may”. I replied back to him with a light touch of my fake confidence. I felt timid by his courageous exterior but I certainly did not want him to know that. We steered our bodies over to the empty bar ledge to order our drinks. He ordered a single cheap beer, as for I a vodka cranberry, nothing too fancy as I did not want to take advantage of his kindness. I began to nibble on my bottom lip and silently prayed my shaky nerves would not get the best of me.“Thank you for the drink” I finally uttered back.“It was no problem. So tell me about yourself, starting with your name”. At first I hesitated but the words just began to spill out of me. “It’s Eryca, I’m from Toronto City and I’m a News Reporter. What about you?” “Very interesting” he said causing me to blush. “My names James, I live in L.A. and I’m an actor” “An actor you say”. As soon as those words left my mouth I began to recognize the familiarity in his face. I knew who this man was. It was James Franco the famous actor. I had seen one of his movies with my sister earlier in the year. At first I felt slightly intimidated but then to my surprise discovering this fact about James did not shy me down. I believe I found myself more able to relate him on a personal level. We continued to chat about the hectic city life and work. The conversation seem to simply flow and it felt very natural. However our chat came to a dramatic holt by the loud ring of James's cell phone. “Sorry I have to take this. Hello there...”. His voice began to trail off as he hurried away from the bar ledge, in search for a quiet spot to address his telephone call. I was left sitting on the tall bar stools with my face cupped in between my two tiny hands. With James being gone it finally gave me some alone time to reflect on this magical situation.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, but I didn't want to look back incase it wasn't James. As the footsteps grew closer, I felt a heavy arm lightly drape across my back. I fixed my eyes up from my empty glass to see James's weary face very close to my own. “I'm so sorry Eryca but I have to get going”. He said with a voice that screamed of guilt. “You have to leave!” I clarified with obvious disappointment. “Yes unfortunately, it was really nice to meet you”. He exclaimed as he viciously threw his grey trench coat on. “I would love to see you again sometime”. Those words rolled off his tongue and sparked excitement in the very pit of my stomach. “Ya that sounds great” I eagerly answered. “Awesome” He leaned on the bar ledge and pulled out a pen from his coat pocket. He gestured for me to scribble down my phone number on a napkin for him. As I finished the last number, I began to glance up from the napkin to have our eyes meet “Thanks” he hushed. He then flashed me one of his famous charismatic smiles, put on his grey trench coat and strolled out of the bar into the frosted winter night.

I wandered home later in the night, awaiting to hear from my magical bar date. When I awoke the next morning I ran to checked my phone. My empty screen read “No Missed Calls”. My heart dropped, he didn't call me. Almost immediately after I began to process this thought, I heard a hard knock at my door. I made my way over and peered out my frosted covered window. The snow was falling in sporadic fashion. I could not see anyone through the window and it lead me to wonder who was knocking at my door so early on this cold winter morning. So I pried open my frozen door, to lay my eyes upon a single white rose in a small clear vase. There was a card attached to a pale pink string of which was dangling in the bitter winter wind. I anxiously grabbed the card and read it out loud. When I was finished, I bursted into a great big smile that spread from cheek to cheek. It was a simple gesture but yet very elegant and thoughtful. I could not wait to see him again.

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