I Always Knew I loved You | Teen Ink

I Always Knew I loved You

January 24, 2014
By Anonymous

No one knows why they fell madly in love with each other, some call it myth, others call it a legend, and they evened all called it a tall tale. Everyone was always so curious on what the real story was but, no one knows no one except the kids who fell in love. This story is about how it all happen, starting in the 9th grade... her name was Stephanie Smith and she wasn't the most prettiest crayon in the box. She was often different from the coward and was bullied everyday because she was different. Stephanie always thought if she was the same as everyone else they would stop messing with her, but before she made any rash desicions the light was shining at the end of her tunnel. On this day, the one man that can change her point of view came strolling her way in biology class.

His, name was Prince Alexander Thompson the III, the new kid. Prince was going to Lawrence North High School and was already getting bullied as soon as he walked in the door. Prince thought that the move will give him a fresh start and new beginning for him and his family. First, class biology... Prince is not a very good science man so this going to be hard for him. Walking in the class Prince already had people laughing at him and snickering and mumbling things other thier breath but, Prince brushed it off.

The teacher, Mr. Alvin had him sit in the back of the class... as he was walking and Ryan stuck his foot out and tripped him and fell. Everybody started to laugh, he got up and looked very apoplectic you can see it on his face but, and took a deep breath and walked away. In the back of the class he sat by Stephanie... Stephanie looked at him and he looked at her and smiled but, Stephanie quickly turned her head and payed attention to the information Mr. Alvin had put on the board. Sydney one of Stephanie's bullies looked back her and rolled her eyes and turned away.

Sydney and Stephanie never got along they've were in the thrid grade and Stephanie had accidently spilled paint all over Sydney's new dress. After that day Sydney has bullied her called her names, Sydney has even got physical with Stephanie. Stephanie did tell the teachers and then it came to the Principal but, it didnt help it only made it worse. Stephanie did apologize more the a million times Sydney never accepted it.

In biology class, Prince and Stephanie really didn't talk they just kept staring at each other. At that one moment Stephanie put her hand on the table to grab her penicl and Prince did the same and for the first time their hands touched and their eye's met. Stephanie looked and smiled she couldn't take her eye's off of him as did Prince he smiled with happiness amd thought he had found his happy place. Just before they could say anything the bell rang for the next class. They jumped back and moved there hand at supersonic speed and their eye's left from one another. As they left the class they looked at each other and walked passed each other. They said to their self "Wow..."

That night, as Stephanie layed in bed she couldn't sleep because the new boy was all in her mind she thought that she had to talk to him and he had to be her's. Prince sat on his couch and was watching "ABC FAMILY" watching love movies and just sitting there... Stephanie was on his mind he thought he had to talk to her tomorrow and get her attention. Prince and Stephane had infatuation towards one another. As Stephanie lied and bed and Prince watching love movies they thought if they were together wonder if there love will last eternal.

The next day, in biology they were the first to be in the class and went directly to their seats and waited for class to start. Prince thought he take the upped hand and start a conversation with her... so he took his chance and started the converstaion.
"Hi, my name is Prince..." He said, "Prince Alexander Thompson the III."

Stephanie looked at him and then she looked his hand it was shaking a little, she took the opportunity and grabbed his hand anh shook it.
"Hi, I'm Stephanie..." She said as she smiled and looked at him and took her hand out of his hand, "Stephanie Smith."

Now I know what your thinking... when are we going to get to love scenes, the drama, the fight, the break up, the terrible mistake, and the love they share between another. Well don't start on a new love story cause this is just the beginning.

The author's comments:
I knew I loved you, when you told me that you loved me, I thought I never here those three words from you, when you told me you loved my world span, an-an and on the days went, I kept the moment that you told me, I cause I knew in my heart you meant what you said, and now I see that... I knew I loved you!!

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