Magic Hello | Teen Ink

Magic Hello

February 4, 2014
By Suz140 BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
Suz140 BRONZE, Paso Robles, California
4 articles 7 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself
-Theodore T. Hunger

He made me feel amazing. Just the way he stared from across the room. He was gorgeous. Tall, tan, muscular, dark hair. He walked over to me as I was heading for the back door and following me out, he smiled at me. I walked the long dirt trail, him following, and finally came to the tree. As I pushed aside the low branches, I found myself appreciating their cover, I didn't want to Elizabeth to have more to gossip about. I was brought back to reality by the sight of Ethan crouching in front of me, grinning and looking smitten. He licked his lips, leaning in. I smiled and pulled him closer, missing him. He pulled my waist quickly, trying to catch me off guard, and I laughed.

I pulled back and leaned against the tree, my insides effervescing.

“I-,” he started but I covered his mouth with my hand, hearing footsteps and loud voices.
“Maybe he’s over here,” I hear Elizabeth smacking her gum, “let’s go back to the party guys, Ethan can’t stay away from me for long,” I hear the footsteps retreat and see Ethan rolling his eyes but I wait until I don’t hear feet anymore to pull back my hand.

“I missed you,” he said moving to sit next to me, I lean my head against his shoulder in agreement.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me towards him, “you know I still can’t believe this all started with you saying hi. I know that sounds cheesy but some days I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't been walking the same way you know?” I say contemplatively.
He looks at me for a second, just really looks at me then says, “I know why we were both there that day and so do you, I was supposed to meet you so I could be here and be happy,” he smiles at me then kisses my cheek.

He whispers something but I don’t hear him, I only hear static.

“What?” I say, but he doesn't seem to hear me. All of a sudden I feel the sensation of being tossed across a room and when I open my eyes I’m in class, the same class I always seem to see things in.

Of course, I think, it wasn't real. It was another subconscious vision. Tears scratch at my eyes and I blink them away. I can’t seem to understand why I have this ability, why can I see the subconscious of other people? Sure it’s great to know how they’ll eventually think but right now? It’s heartbreaking. Ethan won’t love me like in that vision, no. People only realize what they subconsciously want when it’s too late.

I get up and walk out of my class, ready to make a sprint towards my car when I collide with something that feels like a brick wall. I stand up, dazed from the impact when I see.

“Hey I’m sorry, that was totally my bad, I’m Ethan by the way,” says the tall, tan, dark haired perfection I've been seeing the past few weeks.

“Hi,” I say smiling and knowing that those two letters start magic.

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