My Mate | Teen Ink

My Mate

February 2, 2014
By AngelinaP4 BRONZE, Astoria, New York
AngelinaP4 BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

P.O.V Chloe

I so badly want someone to love, someone who will love me back. A guy who will hold my hand and tell me I am beautiful. Someone who will walk on the beach with me. To cuddle with me. Someone who will just be mine and will always care about me. Hopefully he is strong, an alpha or alpha to be in a nearby pack. I couldn’t wait to find him. My sixteenth birthday is here, finally. Sixteen is the year all female werewolves find their mates. I wasn’t sure how it worked but that was how it is

“Chloe,” Evangeline, my best friend and packs Beta daughter said. “Stop fantasizing and get into your dress. You need to be perfect tonight.”

“Mmm,” I said, turning back to look at Evangeline rather than the ocean thats just visible from my bedroom window.

Evangeline is very beautiful. She is blonde, thin and has the greenest eyes I ever saw on anyone, werewolf or human. Compared to her I felt average, even with my waist long dark brown hair, tan skin and curvy body. But Evangeline was simply radiant. If I did not know she was a werewolf I would suspect her to be an Angel.

“You have to wear this dress. its a right mix of everything.” she said pulling the black number that had been one of the four my mom and me narrowed down to. “And your hair will be up today for once”

“You don’t think the blue will go better-”

“No .” She held out the dress. “Put it on.”

I walk into my bathroom, drop my black robe and slip on the black dress. I walk out of the bathroom and Evangeline stops eyes widened “You look hot!” she said.

“You really are wanting to find your mate already” she said “Yes I want to” I replied back. Evangeline is a year older than me and found her mate on her sixteenth birthday.

“Do you really think he is here?” I asked “He is totally here. Your dad invited every wolf on the east coast. He has to be here.” She said while smiling with her snow white teeth.

“Yea he has to be here.” I echoed

The whole first floor is filled with werewolves and I’m feeling kinda overwhelmed. Two fights have already broken out, one between Evangelines brother and another packs beta, and another one between unmated females. To say tension is running high would be an understatement.

“Do you feel anything yet?” Evangeline ask as she returns from the refreshment table. She hands me a red drink with a little red umbrella. “When I first felt Andrew it was like a tingling in the air. But some claim they smelt their mate before anything else. Other’s that their voice was like Baby Christ, singing. Any of that going on?”

“No,” I said with a sign, taking a sip of the red liquid in my cup. It taste like alcohol and was too sweet. “Nothing. What if he isn’t here? What if he’s-”

“Hello gorgeous,” a deep male voice said from behind me. Both Evangeline and me jump around.

Wow, this guy is built and while his voice is way too deep to belong to Baby Christ, his face sure looks like it could have belonged to some kind of god. With his tan skin, almost turquoise colored eyes, and deep red lips.

Only when the guy reached forward, took my hand and kissed the back of it, I felt nothing special. I mean he is really hot but there is no tingling or wonderful smell coming from him.

He was just like all the other males I greeted tonight.

The guy seems to realize there is no bond between us, even if his eyes said he would be more than happy to get with me tonight but that is not happening. Even if he was really hot.

I pulled my hand from his “Excuse me.”

Out of the living room, through the kitchen, out of the house - I ran.

What if I’m broken? What if I have some strange defect and I’d never find my mate? What if I am destined to be alone forever?

I know I am being silly and over reacting, but I’d so hope that I walk down the stairs and find him.

Stumbling I head for the water. It would be cold despite that it was the middle of the summer but at the moment I would not have cared if it was the arctic ocean I was stepping into. I smiled as I left my shoes behind, glad my dress was short so I could walk in knee deep. The ocean was like a security blanket to me. Ever since I was little I’d come out here to watch the ocean, feel it slosh around my feet, when I was upset. It is my place.

I smelt the air and it had the most wonderful smell, smelt like pine cones and some other smell that I can’t make out, this is strange I think to myself. I turn around to search for the smell and lock eyes with a man. My inner wolf is screaming Mate, Mate, Mate! His eyes were on my eyes.

I step towards him, my feet nearly slipping as something seemed to lach out from within me. It seemed like a rope of air had curled from me to him. The slightly shimmering rope was bright white and visible for about two seconds and then it was gone. Only it is still there. I can somehow feel the rope connecting us, binding us together. Forever connected. The stranger on the beach was my mate.

I took more clumsy steps towards him, not able to take my eyes off of him. I could only see that he was tall, six feet five at least and broad shouldered. Dark hair. The rest of him was obscured by the dark moonless night. When I finally reached the beach I am able to see him better. He is older than me by perhaps a dozen years. Not surprising. Most wolves in my house had been as well. His skin is tan, he is very good looking. He smells great.

But it is his eyes that captivated me. They were a color of the bluest part of the ocean. I just could not look away from them. I felt a flutter in my chest.

“We’re…” I started feeling my throat get dry, “...we’re mates”

P.O.V Jace

I was fixing my shoe laces when the girl had come running out. It had seem an odd thing to happen so I gone after her, followed her to the beach. But I hadn’t gone near the ocean. The ocean had been something I as a young boy had been taught to fear. It killed men and destroyed ships.

I knew something was not quite right, when I got that feeling to follow her. I was not the type to follow any female, anywhere. I watched her take her shoes off and step into the water. She walked out and for a moment I felt compelled to call to her to be careful. I watched her for a little. A gust of wind came and I knew that she smelt me. She looks around and see’s me looking and I felt my knees give out and nearly fell, We are mates. Then I felt it happen. The bond connect. The bond, the light, the magic surge into me and into her I suppose.

I look over her, the beautiful golden skin, the dark mane of hair and the eyes that seem to me, like a blue. She has a faint smell of vanilla but the ocean smell took over my senses.

I watch her stumble but make her way out of the ocean. She looks over me but just came right back to my eyes, this happens to me a lot. When I first meet a person they usually just stare at my eyes for a awfully long time. But when she was doing that it didn’t bother me, It felt right.

“We’re…” she started to say but stopped for a second, “...we’re mates”

“Yes we are gorgeous” I said trying to work my charm. She smiles—that smile! let her smile again. Her eyes are bluer than ice. When she looks at me my skin freezes. I did not, could not look away from her for a second. I knew I am in love.

P.O.V Chloe

For a short time there was silence after we said that we’re mates. He looks at me and me at him. I could see love and lust in his eyes. Is he true? Is he there? Or is it a dream of Satan to torment me with hope? Either way let him torment me. I will dream. But when he grabs my hand I knew that this wasn’t a dream. He introduces himself “ My name is Jace but you can call me anything you want sweetheart. I am the alpha of the South Ocean Pack in Florida.”

I knew in that moment when he was talking and when I was looking at him I was in love. I feel breathless when I looked into his eyes, they were just so blue. His smell intoxicates me. My heart jumps and beats quickly when he looks into my eyes.

“Well Jace my name is Chloe. I would love to get to know each other better but I think we should go tell my father that you are my mate.”

He nods his head in agreement. He grabs my hand and interlocks it with his. When this happens, I feel like we are the only two people in the world.

We walk to the house to find my father. He ends up to be in the kitchen. When my father see’s Jace and I, he looks at me in approval.

My father said “I see you found your mate Chloe. Hello Alpha Jace how are you this fine night?”

“ I’m better then ever, especially having your gorgeous daughter as my mate” Jace replied back.

My father smiles at him and says “Well lets announce to everyone that you two are mates and complete the ceremony.” My father grabs Jace and my arm and pulls us to the living room. The living room is probably half the size of a football field and two stories high, making it possible for all the hundred wolves to pack in.

We head for the staircase, my father still holding on to us with a tight grip like if we were gonna get lost. As we walk up the stairs I look over to my mate to see his face, well I guess he had the same idea as me. We end up walking or more like tripping up the stairs staring deeply into each other eyes.

Once we get up to the balcony to overlook the room and the hall, my father stops. “Silence!” my father said, his voice barely above speaking level. But the room went silent as a grave and all the wolves turn their attention to us.

Wasting no time my father held up Jace’s arm, moving him slightly forward closer to the balcony railing. “I present to you Jace, son of Trist the Great, alpha of the South Ocean Pack and now mate to my daughter.”

He keeps hold of Jace’s arm, as he turns to me. “I present to you Chloe Ross, daughter of my beloved mate Jessica, daughter of my own flesh and now mate to Jace.” he said as he tugs me forward, holding my arm up too.

Jace and I both kept holding our hands up as my father let us go. The ceremony isn’t complete. A second later my father’s hands came back, holding a blood red satin ribbon. He loops it once around Jace and my wrist, then once around Jace’s before tying the ribbon, and us, together.

My father pushes us forward and says in a booming voice, “I give you the mated pair Jace and Chloe.”

The crowd erupts in applause, cheers, hollers and few howls. I see Evangeline smiling, her mates arms wrap around her.

I turn to smile at Jace as we lower our arms. “I guess we’re stuck with each other for now and forever.” I said.

Jace smiles and says “I want you to know that I will the best mate that I can be and will cherish you in every way possible. Even if this is the first time meeting I want you to know I love you.”

Then he leans in and kisses me. I felt sparks run throughout my body and my heart beat like crazy.

When he pulls back I look into his eyes, in that moment it felt like we were the only two in the room. “I love you too Jace”

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