Hard Love | Teen Ink

Hard Love

February 3, 2014
By Anonymous

The music blasting loudly, the view of socializing,mini conversation in every corner, this was not the scene for Khloe. She wandered around a room of a birthday party only out of respect she had agree to attend for her close friend. Staring into the faces she noticed at the party, her heart dropped when she spotted an unknown man. His jacket, his smile, his smooth comfortable voice made her in seconds fell in love. He introduced himself “Hi, my name is Ian” and after a conversation she knew he was the one she wanted to be with. Khloe knew she would not get her mother’s approval. Khloe knew in her heart that all her mother needed was to met Ian.

For Khloe and Ian there was no better now then on a sunshine Saturday afternoon. Khloe’s palms started to sweat and that was the time to make the magical spark between her mother and Ian. One bright sunny afternoon Khloe happily brought Ian to eat with her mother. Khloe’s mother was trying to be really nosey by asking Ian a lot of questions. First Khloe’s mother Christina asked him how old was Ian. “25,” Ian responded. Christina made this confusing face“ you’re too old to hang out with Khloe,” Christina said. Age doesn’t matter when you’re in love said Ian. Also Ian said “ I came here for a different reason.” I wanted to ask if I can have your approval to date Khloe? Christina’s face turned really red and started to laugh “ you’re really funny,” she said. Ian you're never going to date Khloe, you’re too old and its illegal. Then Christina walked to the door outraged and stated, “ We have nothing to talk about, you may leave now.” Ian’s face was instantly put into a frown as he walked out, slamming the door behind him . When Ian left Khloe’s mother,Christina walked in front of Khloe where she was seated “you can never see him again,” Christina said. Khloe asked why and her mother replied “because he’s too old for you and we are a high class family and high class people do not date middle class.” Then Khloe stood up and yelled at Christina that she was going to see Ian how many times she felt like it because he made her happy. Khloe also said “ Even if he doesn’t fit our standards that is not going to make me stop from seeing him.”
But then Christina’s face softened a little bit and she said “dear I don’t care if Ian is a middle class person I mostly care about the age difference, he can be your brother Khloe, think about that.”
Two Month Later….
Khloe’s mother Christina felt like punching the wall when she saw him with her. Christina was so frustrated that she felt steam was coming out of her ears. Khloe didn’t care she just walked passed her mother with a big grin on her face and ignored her. Christina thought to herself “ This is not over yet, I will definitely with no doubt break them apart.”
YES!! Christina whispered to herself with a smirk planted across her face. “I have found the perfect plan to destroy this incorrect love between them” were the words flowing out of her. “I’ll try to bribe or offered Ian money, anything to end this madness” Christina repeated to herself. Christina placed the check on his smooth black jeans with the cruel words “ I’ll give any amount of money you desire to leave my daughter for once and for all.” Ian tightened his fist and with a firm tone replied “no money will change how I feel, now with your respect leave me alone.” He risen from his seat, and pushed the check out back into Christina’s hand.
Three Weeks Later ….
Ughhh I can’t stand them being together Christina admitted. Christina thought to herself that she needs to figure out a really clever and amazing plan to destroy Ian from being with Khloe. Brilliant got the perfect plan to get him away forever Christina said out loud. Wishing that no one heard her say that. Christina walked back to her cozy room to get one of her checks and she neatly wrote one million dollars slowly and then Christina signed her signature in a different way than she usually doesn’t sign it with. After Christina was done writing her beautiful check, she smiled “I hope this plan works this time,” Christina said.
Ding Dong Ding Dong
Christina walked out of her bedroom to see who it was, but when she got close to the door Christina saw that Khloe had already opened the door for Ian. Khloe said “hi.”and kissed Ian. Then Khloe said to Ian “take your jacket off it’s too warm in here” then Ian said “okay”. Afterwards Khloe walked to the sofa and placed his soft jacket on the sofa. “Lets go upstairs to my big and warm room.” Khloe told Ian. When Khloe and Ian left upstairs Christina carefully walked to Ian’s jacket and grabbed the check from her pocket and placed it slowly into his Ian’s jacket pocket. After Christina placed the check into Ian’s jacket pocket Christina quickly and quietly ran to her room. When Christina got to her room Christina murmured to herself “ plan has been set” with a smirk on her face. “ So sad but it’s time to call the police” Christina said with a sarcastic tone. Christina dialed and a police officer said “ 911, what’s your emergency.” “ Someone has robbed one of my checks from my house,” Christina replied. Then the police officer said “ I’ll have to go to your house to investigate further, I’ll see you ma’am in about an hour.” Thank you appreciate it see you soon said Christina.
One Hour Later….
The police officer arrived to Christina’s enormous mansion “ Sorry to keep you waiting,” the officer said. “Its okay,” Christina said replied. While Christina was looking at the officer she thought to herself why are police officers so attractive. The officer was tall with light blue eyes and short blonde hair.
“Lets get down to business,” the police officer said. He started asking millions of questions. One of the questions that the attractive officer asked was who do you think might of stolen your money. Christina responded back well officer I don’t trust my daughter’s boyfriend so I think it might be him. Then the officer said “ I’ll have go and check his property, to see if I find anything unordinary.” Afterwards I said “thank you,” for your help and the officer left with such a rush.
One Day Later….
The officer arrived to Ian’s house and knocked the door with a loud knock that the neighbor could hear. When Ian opened the door his eyes widen and his cheeks started to get red, he was nervous because he has never seen a officer on his property. After a moment of Ian staring at the officer, “May I help you officer,” Ian said. Then officer said “Yes, I have the authority to check your property because Mrs. Christina has suspected that you may have stolen her check of one million dollars and has also faked her signature.” Then Ian’s jaw tightened of how angry he was. “Go right ahead, I have nothing to hide,” Ian said with a confident tone. Then the officer entered into Ian’s apartment he started moving everything from one place to another . The officer looked at everything with a precise precaution to see if he saw any clues of where the check might be. The officer went upstairs to Ian’s bedroom and looked at the things in his drawers and when the officer took a careful glanced at every item the officer harshly slapped Ian’s items on the floor. When the officer was done looking through Ian’s drawers it looked like a tornado had suddenly came and destroyed Ian’s bedroom.
The officer quickly ran to Ian’s closet to see if he was hiding something there and the officer was correct. The officer carefully slipped his hand in Ian’s jacket and when the officer took his hand out the check slowly slided on to the his hand.
With a steady expression the officer quickly walked downstairs to talk to Ian about the check and asked him a few questions. When the officer was walking downstairs while hiding the check on one hand behind him, Ian met the officer’s eyes. “I told you officer that you wouldn’t find the check here,” Ian said with an assured manner. Then the officer said “ Well actually your wrong, I found the check hidden in one of your jacket pocket.” While the officer flipping the check back and forth.” Ian’s jaw dropped to the floor of how surprised he was. Ian couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Then Ian’s faced turned pale and responded “this is impossible I would never steal a check from Khloe’s mother, I’m is not that kind of person.” Ian also said “ I will find the person that put the check in my jacket pocket and prove I’m innocent.” “Well this check is stating the opposite of what you’re saying, Ian,” the officer stated. “Now I have the sufficient evidence to arrest you for stealing one million dollars from Christina,” the officer also said. Then Ian sat down slowly to get this through his head. After a moment of silent he said “ Can I call someone to tell them what’s going on.” After a few moments the officer made a thinking face and said “Okay but don’t take too long.” Ian got up and quickly walked to the kitchen to get his phone thats was on top of the countertop. Ian immediately dialed Khloe. A few moments of Ian waiting for Khloe to answer him, she finally picked up. “ Hey baby is something wrong, you usually don’t call me around this time,” Khloe said. “ Yes something is wrong, an officer is going to arrest me because I supposedly sold a check of one million dollars from your mother,” Ian responded. After Ian said that there was a moment of silent. “ But I didn’t I swear maybe this was just a sick plan that Christina made, so that we are apart from each other forever, but I wouldn’t never do that because I don’t wanna lose you,” Ian continued saying. Then couple of minutes later passed “ I believe you because Christina has done terrible things in the past to get people far away from me, and I’m not going to let her get away with it,” Khloe said. Also Khloe said “ I’m not going to let her pull you away from me because I truly love you.” Then a tear rolled down slowly on Ian’s face because of how happy he was to hear Khloe say that and because she believed him that he was innocent. Moments later Ian tried to break his calm, but his grip held true. “Honey, I have to go but later you can come and see me at the precinct,” Ian said. “ I will also I will try to find evidence in Christina’s office to prove your inocentes and don’t forget that I love you,” Khloe responded.
One Hour Later….
Khloe arrived at the precinct and directly ran through the security officer and pushed them harshly just to see Ian. When Khloe met Ian’s eyes there was a glow on Khloe’s eyes and tears started to swell up in her eyes. “ What happened?” Ian said after he saw her. Khloe responded “ It’s just so heartbreaking seeing you locked up like this and knowing that my mom did this to you makes it even more disappointing.” Then Ian said “ Don’t worry honey they will find the necessary evidence to prove that I’m innocent.” After Khloe said “ The security guards went on a break for lunch, and the only officer that is here is the one that arrested you so my plan is to hit him with the head with something so that he can get knocked out and then I’ll grab his keys from his packets and then we can escape.” Then Ian said “ Baby, I don’t want you to get involved in this situation.” Khloe afterwards said “ I don’t care if I do, I’m going to help escape this.
10 Minutes Later….
“Caawcaaw, Caawcaaw” Khloe shouted loudly , while looking at Ian straight in the eyes. Ian said to himself that means she’s ready to start. Thump, thump jungle, jingle Ian heard. Ian from a distanced saw Khloe rapidly run towards him with the keys on Khloe’s hand. “ Baby all this mess will be done in a couple of moments,” Khloe said. Ughhhh while Khloe shoved in the wrong key in the whole, Khloe started to shake crazily. “ Hurry up baby before the other security guard come,” Ian said. “ I’m trying all I can to find the right key,”Khloe replied. Then Khloe tried a key that was shiny and gold and then she turned it. Then she happily yelled “Scoreeee.” Opps sorry to be loud,” she said. Ian waited patiently with a smirk on his face and said “It’s okay. When Khloe finally opened the door Ian immediately gave a really long and tight hug to Khloe and whispered on Khloe’s ear “ I love you, honey.” Khloe told Ian let’s go before the officer wakes up. Ian grabbed Khloe’s hand tightly and ran together quickly.
30 Minutes Later….
Ian had a genuine face and said “ I have to tell you something important.” “What is it” Khloe responded. Ian told Khloe that he has decided that they should move far away, where no one knows who they are. “ I would understand if you don’t want to move because you don’t want to be far away from your mother, but I am and you can start a new life and find someone better,” Ian said softly. Khloe had a thoughtful look “ You’re crazy I’m not staying here, my mother doesn’t seem like she cares about me, and I’m not willing to lose another important person only because of my mom,” she said.
Ding, Dong Ding Dong
Khloe walked to the door. Hi honey Khloe said. Come in Christina just left to go see her best friend Khloe told Ian. While Ian enter the door Ian was looking around to make sure no one was looking at them. They went upstair to her room. “ Are you almost done packing, Ian said. “ Yes almost,” Khloe responded . “Reminder pack all of your necessary items, don’t forget anything,” said Ian
Minutes Later….
“I’m done packing,” Khloe shouted from her bedroom. “ Okay let’s get all of our suitcases in the car,” Ian said with a cheerful voice. While Ian lifted the suitcases on the trunk he said “Damn these suitcases are so heavy,” with a complaining tone. When Ian had finish putting all the suitcases on the trunk he said “ Lets go baby, before your mother comes and finds out that you have left home forever.” Okay I’m going Ian, Khloe pleaded. Khloe locked the door and when she was done she muttered to herself goodbye house and goodbye memories. She walked to the car with a grin on her face and said to Ian
“let’s get the hell out of here!” Then they saw a car roll up to where they were standing and when they saw Christina coming out of the car they both said “ Oh shizzle” Then Christina walked towards them with a grave look and said “ Khloe, why do you have your suitcases in the trunk?” Afterwards Khloe said “ I’m leaving this house, I don’t want to live with a person like you that doesn’t let me be with the person I love and that makes me happy.” Tears swallowed up on Christina’s eyes and then slowly a tear was coming down her eyes, then she said “ Sweetie, you’re the only important thing I have in life, I’ll let you be happy with Ian but please just stay here with me.” Khloe turned to face Ian and when she did Ian gave Khloe a small grin. Then Khloe faced her mother and said “ Okay I’ll stay if you cancel the charges that you put against Ian and you admit that you put the check in Ian’s jacket so you can get him far away from me.” Christina put her head down and said “ Okay I’ll call the police station to tell them that I planned all this out so I can get Ian far away from you.” Then Khloe had a smirk on her face and said “ One last thing, can you let Ian live with us.” Christina lifted her head up slowly and said “ Yes, I want you guys to be happy and if that makes you happy then yes.” After the talk they had, Christina smiled at Ian and gave him a tight hug and said “ Welcome to the family and sorry for judging you so quickly, not even knowing your personality.” Ian hugged Christina back and said “ It’s okay, I know every parent wants to protect their own kids.”
Days Later …
“ Dinner is ready,” Christina yelled from the dining room Christina heard loud and fast footsteps coming down the stairs. Then Khloe and Ian arrived in the room and Ian said “ It smells like heaven.” Afterwards when they were all seated, ready to eat Christina said “ I’m so delighted to have Ian in my family.”

The author's comments:
Everyone has a person that is over protected. They look after you, and they also can get in your way of your happiness or relationships.

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