Full Heart | Teen Ink

Full Heart

February 13, 2014
By DarkCities6 SILVER, Andover, Massachusetts
DarkCities6 SILVER, Andover, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." -Luna Lovegood

I walked out of the building towards my car. The sun beat down on my covered body. It was the hottest day of the summer so far and I had on a black long sleeved s*** with full length jeans on. They covered the secrets my skin revealed. I dug into my bag looking for my sunglasses, to shield my blinded eyes. This proved to be difficult because of the books I was carrying in my hands. Being as uncoordinated as I am I tripped down the stone steps in front of the library. My books scattered in all different directions, along with my bag. As I looked around to see if anyone witnessed my disastrous fall, I saw him. He was standing at the top of the steps looking down at me. His piercing blue eyes seeming to shield the heat around me and cool me off. His bushy black curly hair crowded his angular face. His stare paralyzed me. I was frozen on the ground with my things scattered around me. My heart beat quickened as he walked towards me. Each step he took it seemed as tho the space between us increased, although soon enough he was standing in front of me. He didn't say a word, he just looked down at me. Eventually he offered his hand for me to take it. Hesitantly I reached up to grab hold of his hand. As he helped me I hadn't noticed the one of my sleeves had rolled up revealing my forearm covered in red lines and words of hate. He shifted his focus to my arm, reaching out to touch it with his free hand. I ripped my hand from his and rapidly pulled my sleeve down. When I looked back into his eyes he had an expression of shock and hurt. “Sorry” I whispered. I grabbed my things off the ground and was about to walk away when he held up his hand to stop me. I waited as he rolled up the sleeve of his gray long sleeve shirt, revealing similar red lines and words mine had. He grabbed my arm again and rolled up the sleeve. He pressed up his arm against mine. Then he pointed to a spot on the edge of my arm where I had carved half of a heart into the skin. I looked at his arm and how he had done the same to his arm and when our arms where placed next to each other they created a full heart.

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gothgeorgie said...
on Jul. 4 2015 at 5:26 pm
I know im getting grounded tomorrow I am staying up on my phone and a few hours ago I decided to watch a youtube video on mute of course but I didnt realise my video sound was up really loud so I clicked on the start button and there was a blast of noise Im either going to have my phone taken away forever, get grounded for 100000000 years or both pls help I hate getting grounded so bad I dont know what to do to back myself up!!!