Forbidden love | Teen Ink

Forbidden love

March 20, 2014
By SeanWk12 BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
SeanWk12 BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Forbidden love
There she sat before me, as I became lost in her eyes the love I felt for her became extremely clear to me. Flashbacks of the time we spent together began to flow through my mind. I felt a new appreciation for her radiant personality; she possessed a happiness and love for life that most people could only dream of. As a disturbed person she brought a level of comfort and security into my life I could not imagine living without. A bad day was easily turned around by the mere thought of being in her presence. She had a heart of gold, her touch was intoxicating and her voice was Angelique. Recently I had noticed that when she was around she seemed reserved and lost in thought, day after day she became more and more distant from her friends and family I decided it was my obligation to question her. I asked her “Is everything okay? You seem a little distant from everybody lately.” She responded with “oh I’m fine, just a little overworked lately.” The tone in which she said this to me made it clear that something was eating her alive inside but she just was not able to tell me yet. It hurt me deeply to see her in pain. All I could do was sit and wonder what it was that was really bothering her. That night I planned to let her know just how much I loved her, I could not begin to put the words together to describe how I felt so I decided to keep it simple. I said “I know how I can seem a little emotionally detached but just give me some time and I will show you who I really am.” Before I could finish telling her how I felt she interrupted me she said “I love you but we just cannot be together anymore.” Instantly I felt my heart drop into my stomach, after a few seconds of hesitation the only word to come out of my mouth was “why?” my voice cracked horribly. As a tear rolled down her cheek she said “my mother has cancer. I need to my time with her; I just cannot give you the time you deserve right now.” As she explained the finer details of the cancer I could not help but feel I was in a nightmare and any second I would wake up.

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