Ship In | Teen Ink

Ship In

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

I listened for the arriving ship, and gave up on containing my excitement.
“Are you ready, Ms. Reiker?” Anthony, my young (okay he’s my age, but shut up, okay?) Navy escort asked.
“Oh yeah I am.” I said, imagining what my best friend (ahem…and boyfriend) looked like in person after four years.
“Could you remind me again how you two met and everything?” He asked, and I linked arms with him to steady my (still!) growing nerves. My dress blew slightly in the wind, and I sighed internally. Stupid dress.
“Freshman year for me, senior year for him, I screwed up, lost him, long story, don’t wanna elaborate, then two years later get back in contact for a week, then two years later the Navy gets in touch with me saying Kyle still loves me, and it’s killing him so they need to establish contact between him and I again, and bam here we are so that I can surprise him.” I answered in one breath, and a grin. Anthony smiled next to me, I had told him the story at least fifty times in the last two days, but I knew he loved hearing it, and quite frankly, I love telling it. Sorta.
“Ms. Reiker, it’s time to move.” Lieutenant O’Neill, an old (I guess you could call it old, but he’s 28 and I’m 18) friend of mine, also in on the secret, said, and we (Anthony, O’Neill, and me) walked to park of the dock where we were hidden from the ship. The wives and girlfriends met their seafaring loved ones, and I had to contain my jealousy. Have you ever tried waiting to see someone for four years, and now you have to wait even longer? It’s very trying, let me tell you.
“Ma’am, I’m gonna pick you up now.” Anthony said, and scooped me up—hey, gotta hide the footsteps’ sounds! Complete surprise here. There he was.
Kyle Bradshaw. My best friend, and boyfriend. My link to happiness. The love of my life. Of course he was being distracted by his buddies, all going to plan. Anthony gently set me down, and I tried to compose myself. Noooope. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned around.
His brown eyes lit up, and he didn’t hesitate in picking me up and swinging me around (A+ adventure, 11/10 recommend, dooooo it it’s amazing), and there was applause from the guys (and gals) around us. I looked at him, and there was a huge smile on his face, and let me tell you, there was never a more amazing kiss. Our first. Yepp. In front of all those people. Do I care? Nope!
“I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, Vallerie.” He whispered in my ear, and I remembered how much I loved his voice.
“What’s that?” I asked, four years of wishing, tears, screams, never said words, kept in emotions, everything began to bubble up to the surface with an intense speed.
“I love you.” He whispered back, and let me tell you, I have never ever been so happy.
“I love you, too.” I answered, and kissed him.

The author's comments:
This is...something close to my heart. I made a mistake three years ago, and lost the man I was/is really in love with, and this is kinda a story I kept myself thinking of while I was/am heartbroken. I hope people realize that not matter what happens, love that is real will come back.

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