The Promise | Teen Ink

The Promise

April 9, 2014
By MakiMusic BRONZE, Cerritos, California
MakiMusic BRONZE, Cerritos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He’s kind, sweet, and gentle. He treats her like his queen, and he loves like no one she has ever met. He has dreams about their future, and intends to see them through. He promises he’ll never leave.
But she still thinks of him. Their love was made of passion, lust, and jealousy, for he was a jealous man. If she didn’t pay attention to him when he was near her, he’s sit in a quiet but deadly rage, letting an overwhelming aura of anger consume him, tearing away at both their hearts. She wished he could’ve understood that she would always come back to him, but his heart was easily hurt. He was insecure and scared that he’d lose her, because he knew deep down in his heart that he didn’t deserve her. Despite his anger and need for control, she stayed.
His lust was uncontrollable. Don’t get me wrong, he never cheated on her as far as she knew, but he had a burning desire for her body, and what it could give to him. He’d make love to her as if each time was the first. She moaned and whimpered, wrapping her body in constant ecstasy and pleasure. Despite all that, she worried that that was all he wanted of her.
He left her out of the blue. After all, their love was only a ticking time bomb waiting to blow up at any given moment. Regardless of him leaving, he still loved her. She was his first, and had left an imprint on his heart as she walked away in tears. She didn’t beg for him to change his mind, because she felt she didn’t have the right to. After all, he had bluntly stated that he wanted to leave. But maybe in the back of her mind, she knew that she deserved better.
She found someone else and moved on, while he was drowning in the tears he brought upon himself. He would still have the audacity to ask for her love once again, as if it would be the same as before. But he had broken her. There was no way that she could go back to him.
They don’t talk anymore. She yearns to be friends with him still, but he still cannot accept that he let such a woman go. He wishes for her love, how she would accept all the flaws that others would leave him for. She desires his companionship, for he’s the only one who knows her as well as he does. But they walk away. He tries not to turn back, but he’s enraptured by the way she moves. She walks to her lover, leaving behind the life she knew she never deserved… He promised he’d never leave.

The author's comments:
I wrote this while I was daydreaming, gathering inspiration from previous books I had read that day.

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