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April 17, 2014
By lleppert BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
lleppert BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

“Aaron, Aaron!” The crowd roars as he scores the game winning touchdown. His name burns my ears knowing he’ll never be mine. I watch as his skinny-cheerleader girlfriend throws her arms around his neck and whips her perfect blonde hair in the wind. My eyes start to water, so I walk home alone.
As I lay in bed, I hope that college is as far away from everyone as possible. That night I dreamt of when we were kids and he would come over every weekend. He would teach me how to hold the ball, and I would show him what clothes matched. I missed the days when we didn’t have a care in the world. Together we were unstoppable.
On graduation day, he stopped me and congratulated me. I tensed as he opened his arms, he pulled me close and I didn’t want it to end. This hug is a small gesture, maybe even nothing, but to me this hug is everything. All those late nights I thought about forgetting him, were finally all worth it. And deep down it sparks a hope that someday he’ll be mine.

~~ 4 years later ~~
I decided to attend Indiana University, which is 30 minutes from home. It was a lot cheaper on travel expenses. On the downside Aaron got a scholarship to Nebraska. I was heartbroken, but I realized that was High school, this is college. I’m grown up now; I don’t have time for high school crushes anymore. Besides there was no chance he was even thinking about me.
I woke up next to my new boyfriend James of a year, and for the first time it didn’t feel right. I look at his still face and quickly pull off the covers. As I shower I think of Aaron and can’t help but feel a sting of pain. I pack my suitcase for spring break, and tell James goodbye. When I return home, my mother informs me that the neighborhood is having a cook out that I should appear at, Great.
I get dressed, put on some nice jeans and a t-shirt and head out the door. I see Aarons family and my heart drops. This is so much harder than I thought. Someone hands me a burger and I walk to the coolers for a soda. Before I can arrive there a man steps in front of me and opens it first. I look up to a tall dark haired man. It’s Aaron. My heart starts beating like a runaway train as I hold my breath. He looks at me with his dark green eyes, and something about this moment is amazing.
He finally opens his mouth to say, “Jessica! You look great! How’s college?”
I blush as I respond, “Its Great! And so do you! How is football going?”
“Pretty good,” he answers smoothly. “Would you like to sit by the fire with me and catch up?”
I agree and we talked all night. Under the open sky and bright stars. We laugh and connect like never before! Nothing could be more perfect then this. He walks me to my house, but I invite him to stay the night.
I wake up in his warm embrace and have never felt so safe. I look over at him and he’s already watching me. Before I can say anything he blurts out, “I’m sorry; you just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.”
At this moment his smile fades. “Is there something wrong?” I ask worriedly.
He sighs and explains how the NFL saw his last game, loving the talents he possessed, and gave him a full time job with the Seattle Seahawks. He would leave for Washington in 3 days. I can’t help but think this isn’t meant to be. Every time we’re together something bad happens and we’re forced apart.

~~4 months later~~
I call Aaron on weekends and enjoy watching him play on the TV. I miss him dearly and this time apart is killing me. Even though we’re apart I fall more in love every day. He told me I should come up soon to see him play and taking his advice, I am.
I walk into a huge stadium and can smell the dirt. As the tunnel gets lighter, I can see men in navy blue jerseys. I glance around and step on the field.
“Aaron!” I scream. His eyes open wide as he strides over to me. He picks me up and twirls me around. We kiss and smile and can’t take ours eyes off each other! All of the sudden his head lowers and his grin subsides. He stares at the bright green grass
“Jessica…Are, Are you pregnant?” he asks shyly.
I glance down at my already showing belly.
“Yea, yea I am!” I say confidently.
“That’s uh.. great,” he replies quietly. He wipes the sweat line off his brow. I can tell how much muscle he’s gained recently. He seems even more handsome with his wet hair, slicked back.
Confused I add,” Aaron, it’s ours! It’s our baby!”
A sigh of relief sweeps across his face. “Wh-what??” he stammers. “I can’t believe this! Oh my gosh Jes!” he adds as he squeezes me tightly to his hard chest pads. We are in another moment I won’t forget when his coach yells for him to come back.
“Game starts in an hour!” he hollers.
I sit with his team on the bench as he lines up for the first play. He lifts his helmet and he knows, he knows his two biggest supporters are here to stay and love him unconditionally, forever.

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