Starters of a Dream Job and a Side of Falling in Love | Teen Ink

Starters of a Dream Job and a Side of Falling in Love

May 6, 2014
By ValleyWriter BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
ValleyWriter BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me. No hope, no harm, just another false alarm."

~The Smiths

As I make my way through the crowds gathered all around the busy street, I hear my phone. Ring. Ring. Ring. I suspiciously take it out of the back pocket of my newly ironed sleek black pants. I look at the phone to see that it is Erin Canto calling me. I answer the phone with a warm “hello darling”.

“Oh my gosh, hey! How was the move? Are you safe? Have you unpacked yet? Any cute guys? ...” she continues to ramble on with questions of my new life.

“Slow down,” I shout at her, “I have to call you back after work, okay?” I say to her with excitement planted on my face as I look up to see a tall building, J.J. Webb’s Medical and Forensic Teams.

“Okay, be safe, and I love you!” she says in a sad way knowing that she has to wait all day to hear all the updates.

“I’m a 28-year-old woman who that just graduated from medical school and decided to move to New York and is about to walk into the new office of her dream job!! What could go wrong?” I say with such confidence in my voice, as if I am invincible.

I walk into the large office building and go down each hall until I finally find the newly designed office with the shinning gold plaque, Ali Vancoon M.D. Medical Examiner-Homicide Forensics. As I walk into my new office, the dream I had dreamt since freshman year of high school has finally come true. As I glorify this proud milestone, “Oh! Hello,” I surprisingly say, “what are you doing in my office? Do I know you?” I ask as I realize there is some standing in my office waiting for me.

“Hello” says this man who is seemingly trying to stay cool as I give him this look that unintentionally makes him feel desirably unwanted. This man, the structure of his rugged face makes me tense up as his bright blue eyes look straight into mine. He is well-built and, his hair and suit perfectly placed and centered. He was young, maybe my age, but somehow wise as if he’s been to hell and back. He looks at me as if he is trying to figure me out and then says, “No, we haven’t met.”

As if he is expecting me to introduce myself first, I say, “Well, who are you?”

“Oh, I’m your new partner. See that door right across from yours, that’s my office,” he says still looking at me as if I was something unusually peculiar.

“Well, hi. I’m Allison Vacoon but everyone calls me Ali. I’m new here, so do you mind giving me a tour and helping me find whoever runs this place?” I ask him hoping he tells me his name and will take me up on my offer.

Just as he says, “Sure, let’s go”, we realize that there has been an older woman in a suit standing at the door just watching us talk as if tension was flying through the room. He says to her, “Hello boss,” and then walks out with a mysterious smile.

“Hello, I’m J.J. I’m your boss. It’s great to finally have a young woman on our forensics team to help out. We need some young blood besides Mr. Gloomy over there”, she says happy to see me.

“Thank you, I’m Ali. I’m so glad to be here. I’ve been dreaming for this day to come longer than you can imagine,” I say to her so happily, “but who is that? Why is he so mysteriously gorgeous and annoying at the same time?”

She laughs and says, “He’s been through a lot. He’s hasn’t had a partner in years. He’s ex-FBI and now he’s homicide forensics, so if you gain his trust and give him yours you guys will be the perfect match. Maybe even out of the office too. I saw how he looked at you when you walked in.” She looks at me and we both smile. “Well enough of that! Hey, you! Get in here!” she yells to my new partner across the hall. He walks in, and J.J. says, “You guys have your first case, here’s the file.” She hand me the file and walks out of my office.

Mr. Gloomy and I sit down to discuss what our case is. “Here, I’ll find the location and print out a map and we can drive there to recreate the scene, while you figure out the how aspect of it all.” He says as he takes out one or two papers from the file and hands me the rest. He gets up and starts to walk to his office and I say, “Hey, I didn’t get your name!” He turns around and says, “That’s because I never gave you one.” He’s says and turns back around to go to his office and closes his door as he looks at me as if satisfied with our new “partnership”.

The author's comments:
I really like writing romantic pieces and this is sort of based of my life except that I'm still in high school! but the names are changed for my safety! I hope to continue this story with some juicier details and more about Ali and Mr. Gloomy.

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