Let Life Be | Teen Ink

Let Life Be

May 2, 2014
By Claudia Estrada BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
Claudia Estrada BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let Life Be

Beep... Beep... Beep. I opened my eyes to an annoying sound, unfamiliar with where I was. I was surrounded by cream colored walls filled with designs for a child. A strong awful smell of medicine hit me like a strong ocean wave, which was when I realized I was at the hospital.

I began to wonder why I was here, I did everything I could. I shouldn't be here; no one knew what I was doing, as I had no one in my life. So how did I end up at the hospital? I went over everything in my head and I still couldn't figure it out. My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. A lady appeared; she had on what I assumed a nurse would wear.

"Nice to see you’re finally awake, my name is Stella and I'll be your nurse for today," she talked with a grin plastered to her face. `I awkwardly said "Uhh, hello," I didn't know what to say, she took my breath away, not like I could say much anyways, my throat was too dry.

She was a beautiful woman, not like anyone else. Her skin had a beautiful tone to it, her eyes were great big and green, they held a sparkle to them. She was tall and thin with curves in all the right places, she also had long brown curled hair, she was completely perfect to me.

I felt a slight shove on my shoulder.
"Would you like something to drink Noah?" Stella looked at me with concern, I couldn't help but blush.

"Y-yes please," I felt embarrassed from spacing out and stuttering.

"Ok, I'll be back, let me go get you some water," I nodded my head at her, not knowing how to reply.

While she was gone all I could think about was how she made me feel so comfortable, cared for, and important, she gave me meaning. She reminded me of my mother.

"Momma, I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help you out, I wish I would have stayed home with you, I could have gotten you the help you needed maybe then you would still be around. I miss you so much," I couldn't help but let a couple tears fall. She was all I had, losing her made me feel so alone.

"Bye Momma, I love you," I set the flowers down on her grave, got up, wiped the tears off and left knowing I couldn't stay any longer without bursting out a waterfall of tears.

Stella came back with my water; all I could think about were all her great features. I wanted to start a conversation with her but I couldn’t get myself to do it, what if a sounded like my old self, the lonely loser that no one wanted to be around. She was looking at me with the same grin plastered on her face.

“Noah would you like to talk about what happened?” her smile vanished as she became serious. I wanted to tell her everything but I wasn’t too sure how if I didn’t even know who brought me here.
I softly spoke, “I’m not supposed to be alive, and I don’t want to be here. I have no family, so please just tell me, why am I still alive?” she didn’t look too surprised, or hurt; she must have read my file.
“I know it’s hard Noah, but you obviously have a purpose in being here if you are still alive.” I still didn’t understand, maybe she knew why I was here. “Stella, how did I get here?” she became worried, but answered me in a soft but strong tone “After you tried overdosing on the pills you had a women called, she said you needed help, and to make it fast, she sounded far as if she wasn’t really around, when the ambulance arrived at your house no one was there,” I couldn’t think of anyone being in my house, no one lives with me, so how could some women possibly know what I did?” I looked at Stella, she looked horrified, and I knew she knew something else but was holding back. “Stella, what else happened?” she grabbed a hold of my hand and gently caressed, “she said she was your mother,”

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a creative wringing class of mine, the project was to write what you want, but be as creative as you possibly can.

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