The Curse | Teen Ink

The Curse

May 4, 2014
By snowtreat10 BRONZE, Hillsdale, Michigan
snowtreat10 BRONZE, Hillsdale, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Curse

It was a dark and gloomy night. The scene starts at a small building outside of town. Dustin was walking down the street by himself, wandering. An older women then pulled him aside into a small building. He didn't know what to do, so he just followed the older lady to a room. “You have been always a handsome guy who always gets to girls, but you need to realize how it is when you are hideous and nobody likes you.” said the older lady. “I place you under a spell that makes you a hideous beast!.” said the old lady. Dustin then transforms into a hideous beast. His veins in his face pop out and a emblem appears on the back of his head. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew that he had turned into someone he didn't want to be, a hideous beast.

“Dustin. It's time to go to school.” said Dustin's mom, knocking at his door. “My mom can't see me like this. She'll freak out!” he thought, wondering what to do. He thought and thought, but nothing came through his head about what to do about his mom. An idea finally popped into Dustin's head. He opened the bathroom door quietly and made a dash to the window and jumped out of his window. He felt a sigh of relief coming through his body, relieved that his mom didn't hear him dash to the window and jump out into their yard.

Dustin finally arrived at school after running 3 miles around the blocks in town. He still looked hideous. People started laughing at him from afar, but then everybody started crowding around him, laughing at how hideous he looked. He didn't know what to do, so he ran through the crowd of people towards a wall and hid behind it. He felt like a coward.

Then he spotted a girl named Amelia. She was the most beautiful girl in the school. She had brown hair and green eyes. She was with her friends, giggling about something. He didn't know what it was. Dustin looked dreamily at her and couldn't take his eyes off of her. He wondered if she liked him as much as he liked her. He didn't know what to do. He thought: “I don't want her to see me like this. I look hideous! They would probably all laugh at me once they noticed how hideous I look.” He dashed to the bathroom so he wouldn't be seen by the girl of his dreams and her friends around her. . He saw he still looked hideous. He started to pace and throw his hands in the air. He also was very frustrated. “How am I supposed to live like this?” said Dustin.

As people walked in and out of the bathroom, he hid in a stall. He was so scared to reveal himself to people because they would laugh at him. Dustin could hear all of the conversations that went on by the other guys in the bathroom.

After he heard the bell ring for students to be in the classrooms, he decided to come out of the stall and look at himself in the mirror once again. He still looked the same way he did this morning. He didn't know why the old lady put a spell on him. Yes, he realized that he has always been handsome before, but why did she want him to experience being hideous. Dustin just didn't understand.

When he arrived home that night, he walked secretly in the front door of his house and ran upstairs not to be seen. He shut his door quiet as a mouse and sat on his bed. He didn't know what else to do about how he looked. “I don't want to live my life devoted to this. I don't know what to do!” Dustin said. He screamed into his fluffy white pillow, frustrated. He was about ready to give up, until he thought of an idea that might work so he doesn't have to look hideous anymore. He would have to kiss a girl to break the hideous curse and go back to normal.

Dustin went to the old lady's building in town. He walked in and saw her just sitting there. “What brings you here?” said the lady. “I want to reverse the curse.” said Dustin. “Well, the only way you can do that is to kiss another girl and the curse will be lifted.” “Ok seems easy.” said Dustin, happy to hear. “But you have to do it before tomorrow at midnight, or the curse will become permanent.” said the lady. “How am I supposed to find a girl that quickly?” exclaimed Dustin. “Find a girl that doesn't care about how you look and can look deep inside you and see beauty.” said the lady. “Ok. I'll try.” said Dustin.

The next day, Dustin appeared at school in a sweatshirt and jeans with his hood over his head. He hid behind a wall, trying to find the perfect girl that would see beauty inside him. Dustin watched many girls go by, but they just weren't the girl he was looking for.

In the midst of an hour, he saw Amelia walk down the hallway. He stared at her with a dreamily gaze and couldn't take his eyes off of her. He thought her smile was very bright. She was laughing with her friends and didn't see him as she went by. He finally thought that Amelia might be the girl that he has been looking for all along. She was the one that might look deep into him and see beauty, even though he was a hideous beast.

He wanted to approach her, but didn't want to in front of her friends. Not looking how he was. “I could scare them.” thought Dustin as he reconsidered his thoughts. He had to find some other way to approach Amelia, but he couldn't think straight while staring at her. “Maybe i'll just run into her some day and she will notice, but I need to get a kiss before tonight at midnight.” Dustin thought. He had to find a way to see her.

He thought and thought in his room that night. He couldn't figure out what to do. He had to get a kiss before midnight or he would be hideous forever and never go out in public again. He paced back and forth in his room. “Dustin. Are you in there? I haven't seen you in days.” said his mom, knocking annoyingly at his door. Dustin had to run away. There was no other choice. Dustin the climbed out his window and ran into the night.

He then disappeared off to a dark alley where nobody could see him. He ran to a street over by his house. He then spotted Amelia. She saw him and walked over to him as he didn't see her. “Hi Dustin!” said Amelia. “Don't look at me. I'm hideous.” said Dustin. “No, your not. Your a handsome beast!” said Amelia. “Really?” said Dustin. “Yes. When I look at you, I look deep and I see beauty.” said Amelia. “ No matter how hideous you are, you will always have beauty on the inside.”. She then leaned in and kissed him. It was like happy ever after for Dustin. They parted and smiled at each other, happier than ever. Dustin transformed back into a guy. The veins disappeared into his face and the emblem on the back of his head. “I'm normal again!” screamed Dustin. He disappeared into the night, happy to feel himself again.

He finally ran home to his mom and dad, happy to finally get to see him. Even his sister was happy to see him. The curse was finally lifted and he could live a normal life like he wanted to.

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