First Kiss | Teen Ink

First Kiss

May 16, 2014
By marf28 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
marf28 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The car ride home is forever as your palms are sweating and you’re heart is a jackhammer. You take a deep breath and try to calm down so he doesn’t think you’re weird.
He slows to a stop at a yellow light turning red, just like your face when he looked at you this whole night. You look out the window to hide the blush on your face.

He chuckles quietly and pulls your shoulder around to face him and suddenly, he is right there. His delicious minty fresh breath washing over your face. You breath in deeply and get light-headed. He smiles at you and you hope that he had as much fun as you did on this lovely night. You look up at his face through your eyelashes, hoping for a smoldering look, but probably failing. You stop and look up normally. Praying that wasn't as embarrassing as it felt. It wasn't. You’re fine.

“How about some music?” you ask, to break the silence, reaching over to turn the dial up and switch the station. Of course, a love song is on the radio. Could this night be any better? You gather up a smile while the song goes through the chorus.

Humming along to the music, he leaves the stop-light and looks at the time. It’s already eleven. “Where did the night go,” you think.
“What time do you have to be home tonight?” He asks.

“Twelve-fifteen,” you say with a small smile. Still about an hour to go.

“How about stopping at the park for a little bit?”

“That would be nice,” you reply, coyly.

He pulls in the driveway of the park and you take a deep breath, waiting for him to stop the car. “Hold on a second,” he says, gets out and walks around the car to your door to open it up for you. Such a gentleman. You smile.

“Why thank you, kind sir” you say in a faux southern accent, laughing a bit as you remember the joke from the date earlier.

“Anything for you, ma’am,” he replies in an accent that seems so real, you really start to swoon like the girls in those movies. He takes your hand and helps you out of the car, not letting go as you walk toward the swing-set across the field. The windows of red-bricked school on the right of you reflect the bright light of the full moon.

He pulls you close to him, walking hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. He kisses the top of your head and you giggle. You have been waiting for this moment forever. You’ve known this guy for so long. Hoped that this would happen much, much earlier, but still glad that it is here, nonetheless.

He stops at the swings and pulls you close for a hug. Finally, you think. You decide to pull the first move--sort of. You pull your head away from his shoulder and look at him, a hidden plea in your eyes.

He starts to lean down towards you, and your eyes flutter shut. Your lips form a small circle waiting for his to meet yours. He does.

You kiss him as if your life depended on it, his lips molding to yours for a short moment before you sigh and deepen the kiss.

You pull away and gasp for air feeling light headed from the wonderful magic that was this kiss. Laughing through your deep breaths, you blush.

“Wow,” you say. “I think that was the best moment of my life.” Blushing even harder as you tell him the truth.

“I’d have to agree with you there,” he laughs. “Maybe we should do that ag--” You cut him off with a kiss knowing that was exactly what he wanted. It’s quite possible that this kiss is better than the first as you break the kiss and look up to the stars.

The author's comments:
I was thinking about my first kiss and how painfully awkward it was and how when I was younger I thought it would happen like a scene from a movie. That's what this is pretty much based off of.

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