You Are My Sunshine | Teen Ink

You Are My Sunshine

May 16, 2014
By ekemmerer BRONZE, Wooster, Ohio
ekemmerer BRONZE, Wooster, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things."

The thief shakily pulled out a gun and aimed it directly at Clara’s head. No one noticed, too focused on his fleeing assistant, but I did. It can't end this way for her; she’s too full of life to die from a thief with a shaky hand. I have played out ever scenario in my head, from criminal masterminds to serial killers, I had never thought for once the one to pull the trigger would be a scared teen.

I leapt forward and thrust my weight onto Clara sending her flying unto the ground with a thud, her hands scraping against the concrete. I had just enough time to lift my eyes from where she landed to see the thief pull the trigger. I instantly felt the fiery veins crawling up my chest. Everyone at the scene stopped, an eerie silence falling upon the crime scene that was booming with noise mere seconds ago. Clara lifted her head from the ground and jumped forward to catch my body, just before I hit the ground. The other cops quickly grabbed the thief, cuffed him, and threw him into the cop car with little to no gentleness. Clara gently set my head down on her lap while she slowly stroked my arm just like when we first met all those years ago.

I had just allowed Clara to live with me as a new roommate when I fell ill; it was the type of ill where you slip between awakeness and sleep all day. Clara, this kind women who barely had known me for a month, dealt with my inability to sleep on a normal schuele, to eat regularly, and be sociable with people was resting her hand on my forehead to check for a fever.

“Must you check my temperature?” I slurred grumpily and tried to swat her hand away, but all she did was give me that look that meant she wasn’t going to compromise, so I let her carry on.

“And yes I must for your information Miss I Don’t Need Anyone.” Clara said and scurried into the kitchen in her huge sweater and made two cups of raspberry tea that radiated their smell through the apartment in fruity waves.

“Drink.” She said thrusting the warm beverage into my hands, the beverage nearly slipping over the edge. I took the drink without complaint and drank the surprisingly satisfying tea, basking in the feeling of warm spreading down my sore throat.

Clara sat down on the couch next to me, curled up in the blanket and she turned on the television while I drifted off into sleep. The next thing I was aware of was I awoke in the night feeling terribly ill and ran into the bathroom throwing the door open. After an hour or so Clara knocked on the door before she entered and held my hair for me while cooing reassuring nothings. After a few moments she gave me a pat on the back and a glass of water. She rested her hand on my side and led me into the bedroom where she wrapped me up in a wool blanket and stroked my arm gently. “Would you like to hear a song my mom always sang to me when I was sick?” Clara whispered warmly. I nodded silently and cuddled the blanket closer to myself while she began in a hushed tone. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” Clara said quietly as I fell asleep listening to her quiet song against my ear.

When I awoke the next morning, the rising sun cast its striped rays on the bed and I found Clara asleep with her hand still resting on my arm. For once I felt as though I didn’t have to be alone, and hide everything. I felt as though I could accept her help. Instead of getting up I simply moved closer to her, letting out a content sigh, and rested my head on her shoulder.

The second time I awoke I was alone in the bed, with a second blanket wrapped around me. She must have just left since I could feel the warmth radiating from where she was. I threw off the blankets wrapped around me and slipped into the living room to see her in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

“You are still ill.” Clara said pointing her spatula at me intimidatingly. “So I expect you to eat everything without fuss.” She said with a heavy tone but a smile on her lips.

I walked over to the table in almost a march and sat down at the table while she juggled the dishes out of the kitchen and set them down in front of me. Clara handed me a fork and sat across from me, watching me with her arms on the table. I took a cautious bite but quickly discovered it was good, contrary to my previous belief. I ate it all and when she gave me another piece of bacon from the skillet I ate it down quickly, if not for myself for the smile on Clara’s face. I realized then that I had indeed fallen in love with my roommate, and I discovered this all over a piece of bacon.

There was another time Clara sang that song to me. After our wedding my mother, and Clara’s mother and father gave us their congratulations and a quick crushing hug. They left for home, leaving just Clara and me in our new house. “Care to have one more dance?” Clara called holding out her hand.

“But there’s no music.” I said giggling looking around fidgeting with my hands.

‘So?” She said taking my hand leading me to the opening of the room. We swayed in silence back and fourth until I heard that song I had heard from the very beginning; Sang in only a hushed tone next to my ear making my heart leap with the nostalgia from the memory. That moment was the only time I can truly say I felt like I was the most important person to someone, not second best, not third, but first. I know I seem distant and cold, when in actuality I have just been hurt so many times I learned to hide my emotions, but it doesn’t mean I have any less of a heart. For some reason Clara, this person who seemingly has nothing extraordinary about her was able to weave her way into my heart and see that I did indeed have feelings. I finally belonged somewhere.

“Clara,” I said trying not to focus on the pain that shot through my chest when I spoke. “Will you sing our song? One last time.” I stuttered out looking into those bright blue eyes, tears prickling along the edges. Please don’t cry, don’t cry for me. Don’t let those warm brilliant eyes cloud over with sadness for me. Don’t let me destroy you, anyone but you.

The cops slowly lowered their hats and held them over their hearts as they watched. Some watched respectfully, while others stifled back cries. No person there dared to speak a word though and break the last moment between us.

“I could never deny you anything.” She said with a smile for a brief moment before starting barely above a whisper stroking my arm. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you.” She sang quietly against my ear, the world starting to turn gray, and with one last breath I squeaked out that I loved her too. Clara let a tear roll down her cheek as my grip loosened. “Please don’t take my sunshine away.” Clara sobbed and rocked back and fourth holding my body to her chest. The problem was her sunshine was taken away.

The author's comments:
I loved this song since i was little and no matter how many times i hear it, it makes me sad and happy at the same time. It inspired this!

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