Happily Ever After | Teen Ink

Happily Ever After

May 20, 2014
By Andrew Richardson BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
Andrew Richardson BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there were two Kingdoms at war. The Kingdoms were called Aros and Patos. Blood was pooled on every battlefield and limbs in every town. There was a way to stop the destructive conflict, however. The two Kingdoms would have to unite not on a battlefield, but through a marriage. Prince Jacob of Aros was arranged to be married to the lovely Princess Elizabeth of Patos. The idea between the two Kings seemed perfect on the surface… but there was a problem that the Kings could not foresee: Jacob did not love Elizabeth. He had dreamed of true love and happy endings, ever since he was a child. Sadly, it seemed that he would not have that dream any longer.

To Jacob, his father, King Charles, thought differently. He imagined ruling the two Kingdoms and bathing in their new riches. Before becoming King, he was called “Charles the Cheater” by most of the Kingdom (though he was not aware of such names). To become King, he had cut down anyone in his way, including his own brother. People that went against him would somehow…disappear.

It was hard for Jacob to find love. He searched high and low, near and far. But he did not love anyone, and when he found out about the arranged marriage, he almost threw himself off of the tallest tower in Aros. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t die without experiencing love – true love. But finding that experience, to Jacob, would mean not only disappointing the King, but also the entire Kingdom.

The wedding was fast-approaching, and with unification near, the King wanted extra security around the Prince at all times. Jacob rushed down the hallways as the servants threw open the doors and windows. He had not seen his friend, Sir Cyrus, in over six months, and he had come to be a part of the security detail. To Jacob, his father couldn’t have picked a better personal Guard for the occasion. During their last meeting, they rode into the fields together for one last hurrah before both of their lives had changed. They had a conversation – a long conversation – and as dawn fell, Jacob looked out over the Kingdom for the first time and felt happy.

Just as Jacob reached the end of the final hallway, a dove flew up into the window. He jumped in fear, as the dove had given him quite a surprise. As he looked closer, he saw a scroll of paper wrapped around the dove’s leg. Jacob took it off and unwrapped it.

Dearest Prince:
I cannot tell you enough how much our last meeting meant to me. It warms my heart to know someone shares the same interests as me – I have to see you again. Tonight after dusk?
Your friend Cyrus

A smile broke across Jacob’s face, but it was already dusk. Jacob ran as fast as he possibly could to get into the courtyard. He wasn’t given a location in the note, but he had a feeling that he was to meet Cyrus there. He reached the center of the courtyard and saw Cyrus standing by the fountain with a crimson rose in his hand.

“Your Majesty,” greeted Cyrus, trying to hide his joy. “I wasn’t sure if you would come.”

“Sir Cyrus, I could not wait to see you again,” replied Jacob.

Cyrus tried to stop a smirk, but let out a sigh of relief. “That makes this easier, then. I called you down to tell you that I have found my true love.”

A sad Jacob looked down toward his feet. “Who?” he timidly asked, knowing that he did not want to hear the answer.


Cyrus and Jacob continued to meet regularly, finding any excuse they could to be away from the other guards. They would have long talks about love and their lives. They truly loved each other, and would have secret picnics and dinners. The only thing that stood in their way was the upcoming wedding. They spoke of running away and being together, but both knew that wasn’t an option for the Kingdom.

One day, however, their talks and dreams came to a screeching halt – Cyrus had been called into battle. But it wasn’t quite the coincidence it would seem.

Without Jacob’s knowledge, the King had been intercepting the love notes between the Prince and Sir Cyrus. His fury was immeasurable as he came up with a plan to end the affair.

Jacob was dragged to his prison by the guards that were supposed to be on his side. By the King’s orders, Jacob was beaten within an inch of his life until he would agree to the marriage to the Princess Elizabeth. Jacob remained locked up until the day of the wedding, but he never let go of Cyrus in his heart. In fact, it was the thought of his true love that helped him survive those long weeks bruised and bloodied.

On the day of the wedding, Jacob was being dressed by his servants. There was a single tear that ran down his face as he thought of the lonely future ahead of him. As he saw his new bride walk down the aisle, Sir Cyrus suddenly barged through the gates. He had his sword drawn, and his full armor on. Guards screamed at him to halt, but Cyrus did not listen. King Charles ordered everyone inside the castle as he exclaimed that he would take care of Sir Cyrus himself.

Jacob grabbed Elizabeth’s arm and warned her to get inside for her safety. She explained that she was not going anywhere until she knew Jacob would be safe. She suddenly escaped his grip, and screamed toward the bandit that had crashed her wedding.

“CYRUS!” she yelled. “You will stop that horse immediately, and end this nonsense!”

Jacob was confused – how did she know who he was? His confusion turned to worry as he had more questions than answers in his head. What was about to happen would shock the entire Kingdom.

Cyrus stopped his horse, and walked toward Jacob and Elizabeth.

“Do…do you two know each other?” Jacob asked.

“Yes, Jacob. Sir Cyrus had been an honored war hero for our Kingdom for years, until my father found out some… information … that led to him being banished forever,” Elizabeth said. “I have always admired Sir Cyrus for the man he is – for every part of who he is. After my father died, I have tried to send messengers to find him ever since.”

Jacob looked at Cyrus with no expression. He had so many emotions running through his head that he didn’t know exactly which to use.

“Jacob,” Elizabeth said as she grabbed his hand, “I have known of you and Sir Cyrus for weeks. I had hoped that you would tell me before it came to this, but I understand why you felt you could not.”

Jacob squeezed her hand tighter and didn’t know what to say. “But… our Kingdoms. The peace. We cannot abandon our people for..”

“Love?” Elizabeth interrupted. “Nonsense. If true love cannot bring peace to a Kingdom, nothing ever will.” She smiled, and gave Jacob’s hands to Cyrus. “You two have found each other, and deserve to be happy. I am the Queen now, and these wars will end – not from a loveless marriage, but because of the power of true love and happiness.”

Jacob and Cyrus didn’t know what to say. They were both crying, and embraced as they finally both realized they could be happy…together. Elizabeth looked at King Charles and saw him storming towards the happy couple.

“King Charles, you will STOP!” she shouted, with a gasp from the crowd. “If you have any hope of getting the riches from my father’s Kingdom, you will congratulate your son and embrace your new family. I am now the Queen, and the sole heir to our fortune… and you will obey.”

King Charles looked confused, but also angry.

“You may be as angry as you like, Your Majesty,” the Queen replied. “But the fact remains – if you are good enough to accept our Gold, you will be good enough to accept your son for the man he is.” She paused. “That includes the one he loves.”

The crowd sat silent, not knowing what the King would do. Although Charles felt defeated, he obliged and turned and walked back into the castle.

“Your journey with your father will be long, Prince Jacob. But you now have another half to help you through your way. Be kind to each other, and let our Kingdoms be kind to each other as well,” Elizabeth said as she embraced them both.

As the summer turned to winter, the wars ended and both Kingdoms united behind a royal wedding. Not between Elizabeth and Jacob…but between Jacob and Cyrus. And though the Queen continued to search for her own true love, she knew that the man she wanted to find would make her feel the same way that Cyrus made Jacob feel… because they truly lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:
it is cool

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