Together We Go | Teen Ink

Together We Go

May 20, 2014
By kristen Mason BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
kristen Mason BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Together We Go
When my husband told me that he was leaving, it brought tears to my eyes. When I saw him get into the plane, I got a gut feeling that something bad was bound to happen. He was leaving for a month on a business trip. I love him with all my heart; it’s going to be rough not hearing his voice and seeing his smile every day. I had to do it though; I had to say goodbye to him.

After he left, I started getting into my normal schedule again. Every day got harder and harder, but I learned to fight the pain. I didn’t know what he was doing or if anything bad was happening to him. Every day I worry, but pray that he is ok. Knowing I can’t see my husband every day is tough. After about a week I started to not think about it and to just continue on.

Days go by; I’m lonely and have nothing to do. I go to work, go home, eat, and watch movies/TV. That is basically all I do. When I was watching the news on the television one day, it showed an airplane that got crashed. My heart immediately dropped. All I could think about is my husband on that plane. Everything went dizzy; I couldn’t see anything around me. I’m on the floor, I feel around and there is nothing. There is only the floor that I’m lying on. I’m so confused and don’t know what is happening! After a little bit of being completely clueless, I can finally see. The television is still on the news showing what had happened to the plane. It crashed into an island off the coast of the Bahamas’s. It ended up being the plane my husband was on because the plane had the same flight number as him. My life suddenly dropped to pieces. I can’t go on. The love of my life is now gone, into the heavens and I’m here left alone. What am I going to do?

The next day I called my husband’s boss to see if he knew about the plane crash, since he was not on it. I explained everything that happened from what I heard on the news and he was marveled in disbelief. He said, “Really? How could that have happened? I had no idea!” The reason I asked him if he knew about the crash was because I wanted to see if my husband had died for real. The News Reporters said everyone on the plane had died, but you never know, that might not have been true.

Everything being gone, and drifting away from me, two months went by and I’ve heard nothing else about the crash. My husband’s death is still a soft subject for me. Something inside of me is telling me that he is alive though, I can just feel it. I have been praying day after day about it and I finally feel that God is speaking to me and telling me that my husband is still alive.

Days, weeks, months, now years have gone by he still isn’t here and I’m giving up. Maybe I was wrong and he isn’t alive and he is dead. I could find a new soul mate, but I know that wouldn’t be right for me. I married a guy that I loved; I can’t just find someone new just so I can get over the one I married. I’m losing all my hope, dignity, and pride. When I walk down the streets, I see couples holding hands, laughing. Then there is me. I have no one. Is my life really over or am I just saying this? My actions show that it is over, but my heart is telling me not to give up.

I decided not to give up on this, I’m going to go to the island where the plane crashed and see if the island looks deserted or looks like someone has been there. I plan my trip and get everything together and take off on a Wednesday. It takes quite a while to get down to the Bahamas from where I live. I didn’t get down there until late Thursday afternoon. I really hope that this is the right choice that I’m making.
Thursday afternoon is when my plane arrives in the Bahamas. What I’m going to do first is to ask people around to see exactly where the plane had crashed; it didn’t say on the news. I go up to one lady and ask and she says in a confused tone “yeah the crash happened on the Tango Island.” Then I asked where that was and it was only the next island over.

The next day I decide to take a boat over to the Tango Island to check if there is anyone there, or looks like anyone has been there. I see a person in the distance not quite sure what the person looks like though. My boat gets a closer to the shore and the person I can see is a guy, with brown hair, I think it’s my husband! I get off the boat and start running closer to the person and it turns out it was my husband! I’m overly joyful with my tears in my eyes. The first thing he says is “I love you” and I say the same back. He then told me everything that happened. He said that the plane did crash, but he was the only one to survive. He jumped out of the plane into the water and swam to shore. He didn’t have a phone or anything and had to survive by himself. He faced many struggles. I told him how I thought my life was over and didn’t know if he survived or was dead. These two months have been very chaotic and depressing not having my husband and not knowing where he is. However, I’m extremely happy to know that I found my husband and that he is alive.

After telling each other everything that happened to us, we headed back to the U.S and basically started our life all over. I’m so proud of my husband; he is truly a survivor, and my hero. I love him so very much and I hope the years to come are memorable. I also hope that I will never lose him again!

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