ME and HIM | Teen Ink

ME and HIM

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

That night the conversation went something like this:

HIM: You ok?

ME: I’m not ok… I mean I try to be. I try really hard, but I’m just not.

HIM: What happened

ME: I can take a lot of s*** and criticism and insults and whatever, but sometimes it just builds up and I break down. This morning I was getting yelled at by my dad about how terrible I am at softball and how I have stopped trying in school and how I’m just a big let down. That was just fantastic and then all my teachers like to give me crap about my work in school. Like my English teacher always belittles me and treats me like I’m five. She told me her seven year old daughter could have written a better essay. And my math teacher got all butt hurt about how my freaking circle wasn’t totally round. My life is just a bunch of bullshit I mean why should I have to come to school, get yelled at by my teachers, get judged by everyone, come home, get yelled at by my parents when I can light myself on fire and feel the same way?

HIM: Ok first of all you’re amazing so screw everyone who doesn’t think so. Those people are losers. As for your dad, he is trying to live himself through you and that’s not right either but he cares about you and I’m sure he wants the very best fro you. Your English teacher honestly sounds like the biggest bi*** in the entire world so why do you give a crap if she is saying things about you like that. Your math teacher is a dwarf that hasn’t gotten laid in a while. Stop talking bad about yourself! You’re great at softball and you’re really freaking smart. Who cares about the people who don’t like you? Forget them! I think you’re great. <3 <3 <3 <3

ME: You don’t understand. I have no one who cares about me. People act like they care. I have two friends. One of them is you, but the other one is so infatuated with her boyfriend to even care about me. This year has been an awful one for me. I know that this is one of those bad days and I know I will have good ones, but when everyday is a repeat of the one before it then what do you do? I really appreciate all the things you say about me and I don’t want you to think I am blowing them off because I’m not. I just want a really good day. A day where I can laugh and smile and be happy without faking it. Talking to you makes me happy. You are the only one who can make me smile in this crazy mixed up world and that means the world to me.

HIM: You have more than two friends common. And I know this year has been a bust. Who cares? Its only sophomore year. It’s all BS anyway. I’m sorry. I should have gone to homecoming with you because you would have been happy and you really wanted you, but I’m an ass for that and I’m sorry.

ME: You’re not an ass so stop. You’re a great guy and an amazing friend. You didn’t wanna go to homecoming with me and that is perfectly ok. No big deal.
HIM: It is a big deal to you that’s the thing. I let you down.

ME: No you didn’t. You could never let me down.

HIM: I feel like I did. And I plan on making it up to you.

ME: You don’t need to.

HIM: But I want to.

ME: How?

HIM: This is me telling you that I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Your existence is so important. Please don’t kill yourself tonight. Today you told me that you would kill yourself even though nobody thinks you would. I know you’re broken and I know you would do it if you were pushed over the edge. I love you and if you decided to off yourself my heart would break. You are so important to me. Please don’t leave me.

ME: I could never and would never leave you <3 <3 <3 <3 I’m in love with you.

HIM: And I’m in love with you.

Me: This is crazy.

HIM: Why?

ME: Because I always thought that you thought of me as being broken.

HIM: You’re not broken. You’re strong. You are every hope and wish I have ever had. I need you.

This conversation saved my life. Everybody needs someone like HIM in their life.

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