The Unexpected Trip | Teen Ink

The Unexpected Trip

May 29, 2014
By klambirdy BRONZE, Coronado, California
klambirdy BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting down I set my iPad in the pocket attached to the chair in front of me and place my purse on my lap, I close my eyes shutting out the world. 10... I say as I breathe out opening my eyes to check my surroundings. I am sitting in a very comfy, very expensive first class seat waiting as more and more passengers try to find their seats among the plane. I glance nervously out the window and it begins to sprinkle. Blocking the view of the setting sun, the light drizzle begins to pick up to what will be a heavy rain. Oh how I hate rain. What a perfect way to ruin my flight!

I glance across the cabin. First class is made up of four rows, two seats on each side of the plane making a total of sixteen blue comfy chairs. Looking down at my ticket the bold print shows 3C, I know I’m in the wrong seat but I just can’t help it! I just NEED the window seat. Hopefully no one sits next to me.

Unzipping my black purse I reach in and pull out a small mirror. I stare blankly at the women in the mirror. Something’s different, it looks like me but... doesn’t feel like me. Maybe it’s from the lack of makeup. I glare at the reflection of a pale, young women. Bright glowing brown eyes judge the reflection. Bringing the mirror closer to see faint freckles, disgusted I quickly shut the mirror and place it back in my purse.

I am wearing dark denim skinny jeans, classic black and white high top converse, a navy blue spaghetti strap tank top, a black leather jacket, with my hair tied up in a ponytail.

As we almost finish boarding my stomach is in knots. Yay! Finally something is going my way! I get the window seat. Not to mention finally being alone.

I note as the flight attendants start their inspections, hope gleaming in my eyes. Finally the last person boards the plane. He passes my row and relief leaves my body as I sink down into my seat. The stranger eyes his ticket and looks around. C’MON SIR! WE DON’T HAVE ALL DAY! He backs up and places a bag in the overhead compartment. No, no, no, no, no! He takes a seat next to me giving me a smile. I narrow my eyes at him seething with irritation.

To my surprise he doesn’t mention swapping to our rightful seats. Maybe he isn’t bad after all. But still... he is disruption my ME time. I look out the window and watch as the sun finally gives up, letting the darkness over run. Rain, rain; go away, come again another day.

Fiddling with his buckle he glances nervously at me. I ignore his look as I continue the nursery song in my head.

“Have you flown before?” He says, breaking my concentration. I neglect to pay any attention to him. A low voice continues, “Planes always make me anxious.” Does this man not understand I do not want to be bothered?

I slowly turn my head to glare at him. I stop glaring and just... stare, this man is gorgeous; I flush. He has sparkling blue eyes that complement his dark navy blue-almost black- suit, no tie, and the top buttons of his white shirt undone. His suit fits him well... maybe too well. Matching his outfit with, what look like very expensive brown leather dress shoes. His tousled brown hair sits perfectly on the top of his head, like the icing on a cake. I realize I’m staring with my mouth open, I quickly close it and look at the floor.

“I’m Tom by the way.” A long fingered hand extends into my peripheral vision. I look at his hand, and then up at his face. He retracts his hand seeing as I wasn’t grasping it for a shake. I look out my window again not knowing what to make of this situation.

“So, what’s your opinion on planes?” WHYYY DOES HE KEEP TALKING TO ME! My body fills with annoyance as the doors close and we prepare for take off. I decide to amuse this handsome stranger. Without looking at him I whisper, “I enjoy flying.” Hoping that the conversation is over I suddenly hear a snarky remark, “Why?” Finally I break my gaze from the window and whip my head around to face him. I stare at him coldly, “Do I need to have a reason?” Tom lifts his hands in defense, “No, not at all.” He smirks. The audacity of this man! I turn to the window as we lift off the ground. CLOUDS! Oh yes, the soothing sight of clouds. The sky, my only safe haven.

“Business or pleasure?” Tom says trying to continue the conversation. “Pleasure, I suppose.” I say amusing him, it’s not like I’ll ever see this man again. Tom smiles at my response flashing a perfect smile, of course he would have perfect teeth too, “Where are you from?” Tom questions. Stranger danger Olive, STRANGER DANGER! Thoughts whirl in my head as I tend to over think things, “Don’t you think that questions a little personal?” I snap. He leans on his left armrest with his head in his hand. I notice he has a little stubble as he rubs his chin looking off in the opposite direction for the first time. I feel like I wounded him, but why? It’s his fault for poking his nose in places it doesn’t belong. “San Diego” I murmur feeling guilty. Tom perks up instantly, “Oh so returning home I see. I’m from New York; I’m here on business looking for new land to possibly purchase for my company. San Diego is a beautiful place.” What are you going to tell me your life story? Tom’s perkiness slowly shifts into nervousness, what does he have to be nervous about? “So what were you doing in Seattle?” Tom stutters out. He straightens and stiffens, “Visiting your boyfriend? Family? Friends? Husband?” Whoa mood swings much? What is with this guy? He is on a thin line from creepy to stalker. I don’t answer and he flashes my that perfect grin, “pets?” he mocks as he loosens up. I stare at him quizzical, how can someone change moods so quickly? It’s like I’m talking to five different people all at once. “Family” I say as I put in my ear buds to listen to the planes cheesy music, anything to distract me from this game of 21 questions.

I stare out side the window for what seems like eternity. I’m in my own little bubble when a flight attendant comes by with a refreshment cart. “Hi sir, would you like anything to drink?” she said politely blushing while she melts away from Toms smoldering stare. “Coffee, please, black.” he smirks. Man why can’t this complete stranger be straightforward and to the point with me? Ugh! This man is so confusing. “Miss?” The flight attendant pulls me back into reality. I take out my earphones, “sorry” I murmur as my face turns crimson from embarrassment. “I’ll have 2
"Miss?" The flight attendant asks me as I take out my ear buds. "2 Gin & Tonics, 2 Jack Daniels, and 1 Vodka" the blonde hair women looks surprised but reluctantly hands me my order. I hand her my credit card to pay for the alcohol as Tom is watching us, I wish I knew what he was thinking. Once the lady wheels the cart away I start chugging my drinks. “Are you sure you should be drinking all that?” Tom butts in. I mock him “Are you sure you should be drinking that” I say in a child voice. He gives me a serious look. “Calm down, I can hold my licker.” I say putting in my earphones as I begin to drift off into a lovely dream.

I wake and immediately look out my window; it's dark with a bunch of lights, we are descending. I look to my left and he is staring at me... At least I think he is. I take out my earphones "What are you looking at?" He points out the window "The gorgeous view" he says "Oh, okay" I whisper. A small ping of disappointment fills my body, why do I feel like this? It’s not like I wanted him to be watching me. That’d be creepy.

The doors are finally open and we are free to go. I don't know why but I'm in a rush to get away from this man. I squeeze past Tom and grab my overhead luggage rushing to the door leaving Tom far behind me in the exiting traffic. I wheel my small carry on through the airport as I pull my cell phone out of my black purse. I head for the airports exit as I scroll through my messages. "HEY, HEY!!!!" I ignore the calls assuming it's for someone else. I feel a hand on my shoulder causing my body to fill with fear. "Hey fly girl, didn’t you hear me calling!?" It was Tom; I have a scowl on my face. Why is he touching me? I quickly brush his hand off my shoulder, "Hey! Can I help you with something, sir!" He rolls his eyes and gives me a smirk "Miss, you forgot your iPad on the plane." He says with the politest tone I’ve ever heard. Great he’s mocking me. All the color in my face leaves, holy s*** I totally forgot I left it in the pouch in front of my seat. I guess I was to busy trying to get away from... Him. I take it from him "Thank you" I whisper.

As I turn to leave he blurts out "So I was wondering if you'd want to grab a quick drink with me?" Hope gleams in his eyes, and they shine. Catching me off guard I give him a confused look, "I don't think so." A shocked frown plasters on his face questioning. "Have I said something to offend you?" he asks. Confused I respond, "No."

"Do you just hate people?"

"No.... It's just..."

"What? I'm not cool enough for you?" He mocks me.

"YOU ARE JUST TOO PERFECT!" I shout at him. He seems shocked. "W-w-what do you mean?" he stutters. "Oh come on Tom! Isn't it obvious? Your perfect brown hair, with your perfect blue shining eyes, with your perfect smile and clothes." He gives me a shy smile. “You think I have shining eyes” I shove him, “shut up, this is what I mean!” He furrows his brow, "Hmm well if you come have a drink with me I promise to show you how imperfect I really am." I blush feeling embarrassed for some reason. He flashes a hopeful smile at me; mouthing the words please his expression changes into a pouty puppy dog look. Oh my gosh he is just like a giant child. I purse my lips trying to fight a smile, but fail. "Fine. Just one drink." I say as he holds up his index finger "One." He smiles as his eyes gleam with victory.

As we walk over to the airports bar I purposely bump into him ", ah, fly girl??” I scrunch my nose, “How cheesy." He places one hand on his heart as if my words were a knife and I’ve just stabbed him in the heart. I giggle looking up at him. He gives me a shy smile, this is the first time I’ve seen this smile, it seems foreign to his face, but I like it. "Well are you going too tell me your real name?" he mumbles feeling embarrassed. "Olivia." I say as we reach the entrance to the bar. “Olivia” he says, testing my name. “Olivia” he repeats as my name rolls off his tongue, "what a lovely name.” he says, smiling his perfect smile.

The author's comments:
This is the first part to a short story I wrote. Based off a dream I had on a plane ride from Seattle, Washington to San Diego, California.

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