Ice Cold Minnesota | Teen Ink

Ice Cold Minnesota

September 9, 2014
By FabulousInk BRONZE, Hull, Texas
FabulousInk BRONZE, Hull, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Seven, large steps past the rose bush and to the left, Emily thought to herself as she anxiously sought out her friends. She turned her head to find a massive boulder, which was way larger than she had originally anticipated. She didn't see any of her new friends who had pressured her into leaving home after curfew. 

  Emily started to panic as the worst case scenarios began to play out in her mind. They're playing a prank on me! They don't really like me, how could I be so naive? Just as Emily decided to race home and never trust anyone again, a familiar face appeared in her path. 

  "Emily, we didn't think you would really come!" exclaimed Dawson, the pretty boy in school. 

  "Yeah, we were sure you would chicken out", spatted Cathleen. 

  "Well, you just don't know the real Emily yet" boasted Emily. Her new friends laughed at her comment, just as they had continuously at school that day. Emily had just moved to Minnesota from California, and her new classmates were absolutely thrilled about conversing with a real Californian. Emily had answered countless questions about her hometown, and the many details of her fascinating life. 

  "Are you ready?" questioned Dawson.

  "Ready for what?" replied Emily. Dawson didn't answer her, instead he graasped her wrist and jetted off towards the beach. Emily was very fearful, but not because of the possible trouble she might get into. No, Emily was frightened due to her secret.

  The cold wind was burning her nose as they fought the elements to reach the dark sea. Emily was not used to the freezing cold weather that inhabits Minnesota. I just want to go back home, to the warm beautiful weather and the big, bright sun, Emily complained to herself. 

  "Here", whispered Dawson as he shrugged off his coat and held it out for Emily to take. "I'm used to it. You're obviously not", explained Dawson with a light chuckle. At this point, Emily turned back to realize that Cathleen had retreated from the dangerous adventure. 

  "Where's Cathleen?" asked Emily.

  "I guess she quit on us. C'mon, we don't have much time." replied Dawson in a hurried voice.

  Emily was becoming worried, but Dawson's warm coat surrounding her, and his delicate hand on her back was enough to keep her moving forward. The truth was, Emily honestly didn't care that Cathleen had abandoned them, and she didn't care that she was breaking the rules. She was just wondering what Dawson thought of her. 

  "We're here, finallly!" yelled Dawson. They had arrived at the end of a short, old pier. They just stood and admired the cold, dark body of water for a moment. They were just happy to have arrived at their destination, and perhaps just to be together.

  "What now?" whispered Emily in her smoothest voice possible. Dawson slowly turned to face her, and gently transitioned her hat to reveal her eyebrows more so. 

  Terrified of what might happpen next, Emily blurted out "I'm not from California!" 

  "Wh...What?" asked Dawson with confusion.

  "I lied, so everyone would think I was cool and different. I'm from Kansas", Emily's voice was sad.

  Dawson looked down at Emily, giggled and proposed a thought, "Well, maybe I just don't know the real Emily yet". He then placed his hands on her face and lightly kissed her lips as softly as the wind navigates the satin clouds over ice cold Minnesota.

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