The Girls Vision...Part One | Teen Ink

The Girls Vision...Part One

September 9, 2014
By matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are the strongest creatures, yet we are damaged beyond repair."

"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment."- Sarah Dessen, "The Truth About Forever"


She was intensely sweating, she knew she had entered another vision. But it couldn’t happen, not here. Not in the girls bathroom of her high school. The last thing Amiya wanted was for someone to see her very, clear white eyes and her seizure like movements. The girls there already had reason enough to bully her. She recently moved in with her uncle, Izeel Ibner, the most hated guy in town. The people of Blue Ridge Mountain hated Uncle Ib because he was named after one of Lucifers demons and most of the townspeople were extremely catholic. They believed that Uncle was a demon himself and was waiting to take over their souls and punish them to eternal doom in hell. Of course that wasn’t true. Uncle Ib was a writer who spent all of his time in his offices writing or reading other books for inspiration to write something better. That was the main reason Uncle Ibner never came outside of the house. Of course that and the rumors and lies the people spreaded about him. When i came, they assumed the same of me.

I was extremely grateful he took me in, Aunt Respucia couldn’t stand the sight of me after the incident at the school. There, they all considered me crazy. About a year ago, my father and I got into a really bad car accident. It might’ve been about 5 hours before anyone noticed our vehicle wrapped around the tree and the subtle smell of death roaming the area. My father died and I survived. I never truly gotten over it, after all it was the passenger side that hit the tree. After i had gotten out of the hospital, Aunt Respucia took me in. I went to school there for about three months and the visions started to occur. I had one in class and the teacher thought i was having a seizure but i wasn’t. She tried to calm me down by putting my arms to my side but obviously it had no effect but it did make things worse. I started to chant in Latin so they told me. I was rising from the ground, blank eyes staring at her. I guess i frightened them so badly, they all wanted me out of that school. I never believed that happened though, it was too extreme. I tried to tell my Aunt that they were probably making it up because they didn’t like me but she didn’t believe me. Of course, that was expected. Everyone thought i lost my mind seeing my father sitting next to me dead. Truth is, I didn’t see him. I had my first vision when i tried to look over to my father to see if he was alive. I don’t remember the vision at all.

A piece of me died with my father though. After the accident i started to have these awful dreams. They would affect my body in a way where i automatically went into shock after. I saw things i never thought a human would ever see, i saw death. I looked into the eyes of it, i watched as it took the life of the innocent and there was absolutely nothing i could do about it. I was there but it was like i wasn’t. Sometimes, i never knew if it was the past or the future. But i was seeing it. This vision i was having now, wasn’t like the others. It was different. It wasn’t death anymore. I convinced myself it was love, it had to be.

“He lifted my face in his hands as he quoted the sweetest love quote i was sure i’ve ever heard. ‘Romance, who loves to nod and sing,

With drowsy head and folded wing,

Among the green leaves as they shake

Far down within some shadowy lake,

To me a painted paroquet

Hath been - a most familiar bird -

Taught me my alphabet to say -

To lisp my very earliest word

While in the wild wood I did lie,

A child - with a most knowing eye.


Of late, eternal Condor years,

So shake the very Heaven on high

With tumult as they thunder by,

I have no time for idle cares

Through gazing on the unquiet sky,

And when an hour with calmer wings

Its down upon my spirit flings -

That little time with lyre and rhyme

To while away - forbidden thing!

My heart would feel to be a crime

Unless it trembled with the strings.’ He had such an accent. I couldn’t tell where it was from. He looked me in my eyes.

I saw the love he had for me yet i was so scared he’d hurt me.

It was hard to ignore the scariness and darkness of his wings.”

Just when she thought that things couldn’t get worse, things did. Her body was numb, she couldn’t move. She was blacking out just as the school bell rung. All she could think as everything was going black, was his touch.

The author's comments:

I got the poem from inside the vision online. I don't know who it belongs too but it was a very beautiful poem so i just want to make sure whoever owns it knows that i am not trying to steal it. I believe that there's an there is such as things as soul mates, i don't believe that every soul mate meets on earth so thats where i got the idea to write this fictional short story that takes place first, on earth then travels up to heaven but it doesn't go on here. It stops at a certain part. Its basically meant to catch the readers (you) attention.

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