Fish Out Of Water | Teen Ink

Fish Out Of Water

October 3, 2014
By hannahbittrolff BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
hannahbittrolff BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fish Out of Water

People say, "I definitely felt like a fish out of water." A common saying, yes. But how many of us actually know how it feels? To feel so out of place, you're that fish struggling up above?
* * *
The air crisp and cool, the kind that gives you goose bumps. The sky masked in clouds, hiding where the sun would normally shine. Birds chirping, the shoreline of the lake crashing, and the persistent beep of a moving truck echoed. So many people move, all the time actually. Some can't wait to leave. But not Bethany. This little lake town in the depths of Oregon was her home, and had been since day one. Her trek of 3,000 miles would unleash in the morning. 3,000 miles to her soon to be home along the Florida coast. The clouds, gloomy and gray, looked as if they were going to cry at the sight of the family leaving. She was going to miss the crunch of the fall leaves, the rain--the way it smelled here-- the way it falls, and most of all swimming across the lake, her body gliding over every white cap. The lake was a safe place, accepting outcasts like her with open arms. Still cloudy the sun started to set, the last one she would ever see here. Bethany watched from her bedroom window, her nose resting on the windowsill.
"Isn't it beautiful?" her mom whispered. She didn't respond because if she let out a word, a tear would come along with it.
"You'll love it down there," she said, "I promise." Bethany ignored her and crawled into her makeshift bed once she saw her mom's shadow leave the threshold of her bedroom door. Her eyelids fell, and she laid there repeating "You'll love it, I promise." It was a sentence stuck on replay. Bethany's mom promised, and she would hold her to that.
* * *
The sun rose and the morning was foggy. Bethany stayed in her pajamas, watching the last of their memories getting packed away in boxes and thrown in the trunk. If only the house could fit too, she thought. Her memory was as foggy as the morning sky, because before she knew it she was leaving home. Her home that would now be a faded little map dot in her life's journey. Bethany refused to hold conversation with her parents while driving, and being an only child she had nobody else to talk to. So she put in her headphones and they stayed in for the rest if the trip. Whether they were playing music or not.
                              * * *
Bethany awoke from the jolt of the car avoiding a bump. She sat up abruptly and rubbed her eyes. Once her vision cleared she saw a sign welcoming her to the sunny state of Florida. She looked at her mom in a bittersweet kind of way, knowing they would arrive at home soon. Bethany was right, because soon enough they had turned onto a outlying road, separated from the hustle and bustle but hugging the coast. Everything seemed to be coming at her at a 100 mile pace. Boxes, blankets, luggage, bags, and more boxes. Her world had been turned completely upside down and now it was spinning too. Stressed, she left a mound of boxes on the ground and ran as fast as she could to the beach. Her heart racing, she could hear the water calling her name. Hot tears welling up in her eyes she dove into the bitter salt water. This was not her setting, the lake was, but she had to make this her new one. Fearlessly, she swam further and further forgetting that the ocean doesn’t have another side. The further she swam the more the waves grew, arching with power. Bethanys skin foreign to these waters, didn’t sense the danger. She came up to take a breath, maybe too early, maybe too late, but the timing was off. She looked up at the massive wave about to crash before her eyes. Within seconds, it all went black.
* * *
Soft sand beneath her toes, and with sand between her fingers she clenched the ground and started to cough without control. “Woah easy,” shouted an unfamiliar voice, “sit up and just breathe.” Startled she looked at her surroundings. She was laying in the sand of what seemed to be the beach to a secret cove. Jungle walls climbed at different heights, all attempting to touch the sky. Crystal clear water casually cascaded around the small section of beach. She felt like she was in a magical fortress. And a boy. A sun kissed, blonde haired, green eyed boy. He had such a defined face, but it was so innocent and soft at the same time. Bethany dazed into his eyes, got lost, and found her way back, remembering she was in the presence of a total stranger. “Who are you?” she said confusingly. “Why am I here, How did I even get here?” Bethany rambled on.
He cut her off and simply said, “My name is Declan. You were out swimming when I saw you get swept under by that wave, I jumped in to save you, and you are alright. I didn’t know what to do, so lucky you I brought you to my safe place.” He said with a smile. Still in shock she sat in silence, then under her breath she threw out a thank you. He wouldn’t stop looking at her, even when she didn’t look at him. He had his eyes locked on her with a soft smile, he may not have known he was smiling so much, but Bethany did.     Declan finally spoke up, “Well I did just save your life, so lets hear it. What is your name?”
She glanced up, “My name is Bethany.” His smile was contagious, for she started to smile too.
“Well Bethany, lets hear it, where do you come from? What’s your story?” Declan asked. She hesitated and then began to tell him how she had just moved from Oregon. She went on explaining how she would be the new girl, but didn’t know how to be. She had never been one before. And Declan just kept listening, so she went on about how she had always been the outcast, never one to really fit in. She told him how much she loves to swim and the rush and adrenaline it feeds her soul. The conversation flowed like the ocean that was just now creeping up on their toes. In return she learned that Declan was a native to this town, born and raised. He loved to fish and adventure in his perfectly small boat. He knew so much about the town, and the people. He came off so kind, like an open book with a deeper mystery hidden within. He was interesting, and Bethany was definitely intrigued. They ended up talking for a while, before they decided to split paths.
“How about I see you again tomorrow? Sunrise?”Declan said. It was more demanding than a question really. Bethany agreed, smiled, and made her way towards home. She emerged from the budded trees, with her house already within view. It was utterly bizarre, Bethany was smiling. A genuine smile, which nobody had seen in a long time. RIght then she knew that it was because of Declan. She couldn’t help but grin and giggle. He was the kind of guy any girl could fall for, gracious, but edgy. Dangerous like a wave.
     * * *
The last thing Bethany remembered was watching the sun sink into the depths of the sea. The next thing she knew she was waking up to the warm glow of the sunrise on her face. Immediately she thought of Declan and dashed to get ready. Her parents still asleep she tried to tip-toe, to avoid the creak in the unknown floor.She escaped easier than she thought, and ran to the outskirts of the secret cove, knowing who would be waiting inside. Sure enough Declan was already there, waiting for Bethany, and he lit up at the sight of her.He planned to take her out on his boat, through the crevices and canals just short of the Florida coast. They motored down the waterway, and with each mile they learned more about the other. They were becoming great friends, and meeting up happened as often as every other day, School would be starting soon and although she was still terrified, she felt that she had a friend. The boat rides in the early morning became somewhat of a tradition, and the cooler the weather got the closer Declan would sit to Bethany. The more Bethany teasingly pushed him away, the more he got reeled in. The more time they spent together, the more they became familiar with the other, personality and all. The two went boating together, Declan taught Bethany how to fish, they built fires to roast s’mores, and made time for the one another because they didn’t want to spend it any other way. Within the last few weeks of summer Declan knew more about Bethany, than anyone, ever. And she was okay with that. Bethany felt safe with Declan, she felt safe sharing all her secrets and all her stories, in their own safe little cove.
     * * *
The late nights, the early mornings, and thrilling adventures continued. But school was fastly approaching, and that was something she did not want to have to attempt to survive. Not alone at least. She wanted to continue living inside the secret bubble of her and Declan’s secret cove. Continue to live in a world she enjoyed. It’s all because of him that she loves it here, that she is happy she moved, the entire reasoning for her smiling right before she went to bed and the moment she wakes up every morning. Five days until school, which is really much more like a zoo full of untameables. Bethany and Declan were walking the shoreline just before sunset. Bethany being so dull and colorless.
“What is wrong Bethany?” Declan said concerned. She replied with a simple “Nothing.” But Declan knew better, he knew her better. He asked once more. Bethany sighed, “ I am so beyond afraid to walk into those doors, the doors that are supposed to lead to the best years of your life, the doors that lead into a building full of people that aren’t you.” Declan smiled and chuckled beneath his breath, “Bethany, I may not be walking into those doors with you but I will always be by your side. You can see me everyday, we won’t get lost, and if we do you always know where to find me. Don’t be afraid, walk in there fearless. Fearless to be you. To laugh, to learn, to love, to inspire, and to dream. You’re good at it, don’t hide that. You inspire me everyday, to be kinder, to laugh more, to be a better person. And I find that person when I’m with you. So walk through those doors and shine your light, because it has definitely shined down on me.” It was then Bethany knew that he was more than just a friend, and she knew that he would be there for her everyday, just like she knew the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Bethany was still holding her mom to her promise, and she had found it within a sun-kissed, blonde haired, green eyed boy. He was her mom’s promise, in the most incredible way. He was bold, but innocent. Gracious but edgy. Dangerous like a wave, but this time Bethany was ready to jump in.

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