The Cute Boy | Teen Ink

The Cute Boy

October 3, 2014
By Courtney28086 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Courtney28086 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, while I was walking around at smart lunch, my friend Kalee told me that we should stop being introverts, and start speaking to people. I agreed with her and said “well let’s go around and say ‘hi’ to random people.” She said “ok, let’s go.”
The first person we decided to talk to was tall with blonde-ish hair. He was walking with his friend, so we went over to them and said hi. We asked him what his name was and he said his name was Nemo.
I knew Nemo’s friend. Nemo’s friends name was Sallad. Me and Sallad were having a poke war that day, and I had told Kalee about it. She had told me to poke Sallad and run, so he couldn’t get me back. I did, but i wasn’t fast enough. He poked me back and ran.
The next day at smart lunch, Me and Kalee decided to find Nemo and Sallad again, because we wanted to walk with them again. I had told kalee the previous day that I thought that Nemo was cute, so she thought that it would be funny to yell out and Nemo that I liked him. I blushed and ran when she told him.
Later that day, Sallad told me that Nemo had told Sallad that I liked him. Sallad told me that Nemo said something else, but Sallad wouldn’t tell me what Nemo said. I continued to bug Sallad about it until he finally told me.
“Nemo said that you look like a plate with a face.” I got upset and left.
The next day, at smart lunch, Sallad was walking with Nemo and Nemo and Sallad hollered for me to come over to them. I was walking with Kalee and Kalee told me, if I wanted to, we could keep stop and wait for them or run. I chose to run. I didn’t really catch everything they said when I ran, but i heard Nemo say, “she is mad at me because you told her that i said that.” I went upstairs to go to the outside commons area, and they followed me. Sallad said that Nemo never really said that, that he was kidding about Nemo saying it.
“I need to fix this, because I lied to you about Nemo,” Sallad said.
I said, “NO! You need to go and leave me alone.”
Nemo finally caught up with us and he kept asking me if I would talk to him. I just ignored him. One time, I was about to talk to him, but he was walking backwards and he ran into a drink machine, so i just kept walking. Another time that I almost talked to him, my friends kept talking to me so I just gave up on talking to him.
When I went home that day, I felt bad for ignoring Nemo, so I decided that I would talk to him the next day. When that day came, I waited to see if Nemo would walk up to me and try to talk to me again when he saw me, but he didnt. he had just ignored me like I had ignored him. That same day, I wrote a note to him telling him that I really liked him and that i wasnt mad at him, and that I believed that he didn’t mean to call me a plate with a face. After I told one of my friends to give it to him, EVERYONE came to me telling me that Nemo liked me back.
The next day, at smart lunch again, Nemo saw me walking way behind him in a crowd. He turned around and waited for me, but I freaked out, and walked the other way. Little did i know, Nemo knew a way to meet up with me by going around the building where I was walking. I was walking backwards and when I turned around, he was standing in front of me.
We kept walking and he decided to walk with us. I let him walk with us this time. We talked about what had happened, and we were friends again. For the next two days, Nemo walked with me at lunch. The third day, he didn’t, because there was another girl that he liked, and he had decided to pick to date her. Ever since that time, we didn’t talk because he thought I was mad at him. Little did he know, I wasn’t. A few days later, someone helped me explain to him that I didn’t care. Ever since then, we have been just friends.

The author's comments:

This story is basicaly about a relationship between to people. There is some drama and funny things in it.

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