About My Life | Teen Ink

About My Life

October 3, 2014
By Sharetta BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Sharetta BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Three years ago…..
        I walked in the house and seen my mom crying. I wondered what was wrong; but i wasn’t in the mood to talk! Later that afternoon i found out my father had past. I knew his time was coming but i was hoping it wasn’t going to be this soon.
         The next day my friend taylor came over, she’s like my moms second child. We were getting packed for college , which was all the way in Miami . I had decided to go because i would be free from a lot of things. Josh, who was my boyfriend attended Johnson and Wales like me. We moved in together and things were going good.
         Later into the year, Josh started acting different. He was more aggressive, and one time he had hit me. I thought it was because of the new start of things and that he was very stressed out, so i let it go. Towards the end of the month i found out that Josh had cheated. So i called Taylor up and we went to get the girl! Since me and Taylor haven’t hung in awhile we decided to go sit and chat about things. She told me about her and West and how they started dating . I’m not even gone lie, West is tall, light-skinned, and has curly hair. Woah, yeah , he’s a guy and girl would die for.
          Three months later Josh and Brittany received the biggest news of their life! Wow, i couldn’t believe what i had just found out. ‘Your Pregnant’, those words kept replaying in my head. Meanwhile Josh left and i haven’t heard from him in days.
           Later that night, i was awoken by a terrifying phone call . ‘Josh is dead’ , those words took all control over me. Still to this day no one knows how he died ! Eight months had past and finally LJ has arrived. I quit school and found a part - time job so that i could take care of LJ.
Three years later……
             I’m now Twenty-Two and LJ is 3 . He is very smart, and loves playing like any other normal three year old kid. He has a smile just like his dad, and everyday i tell how good of an father he had. Josh will always be with me not physically but spiritually .

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