The Love Dare | Teen Ink

The Love Dare

October 6, 2014
By Kara Cates BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Kara Cates BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One Friday morning before school, Ben Higgins was sitting by his best friend Cole. They were waiting in the gym for the bell to ring and their day to begin. As usual their topic of conversations was girls. Cole considered himself a lady’s man, Ben was shy. Whenever a good looking girl was around, his tongue became tied and he felt like a goofball.
“C’mon Ben! I dare you to ask the next girl that walks through the door out on a date!” He slapped Ben on the back.
“What do I get if I do?”
“I’ll give ya a hundred bucks, but ya got to get her to go on a date with you.”
Ben knew that Cole had the money to honor the bet, so he took the bet.
The next girl to walk through the door was a girl named Miranda Brooks. When Ben saw her, he said, “ehh.”
“She looks all sporty, and she’s not that pretty.”
“People say, “You can’t judge a book by the cover.” So don’t judge someone by their outside appearance.”
“Alright man, I’ll do it.”
Monday morning, Ben walked up to Miranda and asked her, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Yes I would, but why would you want to go on a date with a girl like me?”
“Because you’re beautiful, and you seem really sweet.”
“You’re welcome.”
Ben drove home that afternoon, and told Cole that he had asked Miranda out on a date.
“What did she say?”
“She said yes.”
The next day Ben got to school and started planning his date with Miranda. He found Miranda walking down the hallway, so he walked up to her and asked her about their date.
“How about tonight?”
“That sounds great, what time?”
“What about 7:30 or 8:00?”
“7:30 sounds great.”
Ben looked at his clock and it was 7:00p.m. He got dressed and fixed his hair. Miranda texted him saying, “I’m ready, so when you’re ready, come over.”
“Okay, I’m on my way.”
Ben pulled up into Miranda’s driveway. While Ben got out of the truck to go open the door and let Miranda get in, her dog Lucky started chasing Ben around the yard. When Ben turned the corner around the house he stepped in dog poop. On his way back to the truck, Lucky had tackled Ben and Ben fell in mud. Since he had fallen in mud they decided to go back to his house where he could clean up and change.
While Ben was getting dressed, Miranda was sitting on the couch. When he got done they watched a movie called, “The Conjuring.” The movie they had watched was scary. After they watched “The Conjuring,” they went and got ice cream. While they were eating ice cream he had left to take her home. When Ben dropped Miranda off, he asked her, “Could we go on another date sometime?”
“Yes we can.”
“When’s a good day for you?”
“How about Friday?”
“That’s fine with me.”
When he walked her to the door he had kissed her and told her, “See you tomorrow at school beautiful.”
Ben was sitting at the lunch table, when Cole came to sit by him.
“When are yall going on another date?” Cole asked.
Throughout the day Ben was thinking about where they should go for their date. He thought it would be a good idea to go to the State Park, where they can get to know each other better, and play a little bit of basketball. Although Ben didn’t like basketball, he thought it would be sweet to do something that Miranda likes.
That night, Ben went home and texted Miranda saying, “ So I was thinking, how about we go to the State Park for our date Friday around 5:00?”
“Yes sounds great.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Alright, bye Ben.”
It’s Friday morning, the boys were sitting down waiting for the bell to ring. Cole turned and starred at Ben for a minute. Cole said, “After yalls date tonight yall have to come by my house and you have to ask her out.”
“But what do I get?”
“You get your one hundred bucks.”
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
“Okay, thanks for everything.”
“You’re welcome Miranda.”
“I’ll talk to you in a little bit.”
“Okay, bye.”
After ninth period, Ben went home to get dressed. After he got dressed, he texted her.
“I’m on my way.”
“Okay, come on by I’m ready.”
Ben picked Miranda up, and they headed off to the State Park. When they went to the park, they walked around and asked each other questions, and got to know each other. Miranda turns out to be really sweet and funny. When they were done asking questions and getting to know each other better, they walked over to the basketball court and played a little bit of basketball. Ben wasn’t really into sports, but it turned out that he was really good at basketball.
When they left the park, they went over to Cole’s house. Cole made dinner for all of them. They ate dinner. When they was done eating, Ben stood up and asked, “Miranda Brooks, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, Ben I would love to be your girlfriend!”
They then hugged, and he went to the back room where Cole was.
“Here’s your one hundred bucks.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Because, I truly like her.”
“What do you like about her?”
“How is she?”
“She’s sweet, funny, and now that I’ve got to know her from inside out, she’s beautiful in my eyes.”
“Aww, I knew you could do it Ben.”
“Thanks for the help.”
“You’re welcome.”
Ben went back to the living room.
“I had an amazing night.” Ben said.
“Me to.” Miranda replied.
“Well we should get going.”
They got to her house, and Ben walked her to the door, and kissed her.
“I’ll send what I’m doing tomorrow and we can hang out.” Ben said.
“Okay night.”
Ben was so tired, that when he got home, he had taken a shower, and went to bed.”

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