The Mystical Chapter Two: Win or Lose There's Still a Bruise | Teen Ink

The Mystical Chapter Two: Win or Lose There's Still a Bruise

October 15, 2014
By Anonymous

The next morning, smiles of yellow darted across the fresh sky. Natalie did an every day girl routine, but dressed for a soccer game instead. Both Perry and Marine had left her "good luck" messages. Almost out the door, her dad stopped her. "Good luck sweetie. I'm really sorry i can't make your game. Love you," as he kissed her cheek and headed for his car. "Love you too. Smoothie Saturday, ok?" "You betcha!" starting the car. Saturday games were the worst! Natalie missed out on her beach hours with Blake and Midnight Mornings: a game she and her friends sleep all Saturday and party from midnight till the BIG 6:00.

Marine was already there and i was on time, but Perry is always fashionably late. That's just our personalities. Marine always too early, Perry too late, and i stick it straight in the middle; right on point as my dad would call it. "Hey, did you run into Blake this morning?" "No. Why?" "Oh he just said that he would have a surprise for you sometime today." "Oh. Look there's Perry!" i point with an index finger. "Sorry guys." "Stop saying that! Atleast you can pull off being late and still walk in like a superstar," Marine talks hyped up for the game.

We won, but i hit in the face and no, i wasn't trying to head-it. The fox's eyes came into sight with it's dutch-brown coat. I raced to him and picking me up, i jumped down realizing i was sweaty and gross. "I'm all sweaty right now." "And you think i care?" tearing my feet away from their platform to keep steady around his ripped body. Kisses were all mine. The girls headed to their cars as we stood in the middle of the field. "Come on, it's Smoothie Saturday." "I'll drive you. Andrew will get your car home." He pulled me to his car, but we weren't going anywhere fast. He was already in the back seat. "No. I have to go meet my dad. Come on i never get to spend time with you." "You will tonight." "Oh really?" "Yeah, at Perry's party. Its not like she can be late for her own party," he climbed to the driver's seat and stepped on the gas.

The author's comments:

I will keep updating this. I'm not like those writers who say they will and they don't. Look for a new chapter atleast every week. The chapters will get longer as i go.

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