Living in the past just leads you to tragedy. | Teen Ink

Living in the past just leads you to tragedy.

October 23, 2014
By Brittanytaylor BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
Brittanytaylor BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mississippi Great lake Greenstone 1976.


I was madly in love with a young man . I was insanely in love . We were inceptable we couldn't be apart and no one could separate us , we spends seconds and minutes and hours and days together we were lovers and best friends . We made a promise to never leave each other and vowed that we will be together for ever no matter what , But that was 30 long lonely Years ago , without each other we were history that was the past .


During that long 30 years me And Kamou obviously fell apart and I went my own way . Kamou was in the Air Force and bieleved that I was going to keep our promise that we both made  ,but instead I had a life to live infact i began My own family . I was married 4 years before Kamau moved away . I just couldn't wait anymore longer besides my  family  imposed me to. During the wedding I heard thru the great vines that KamAu call trying to convince me that I was  making a poor conclusion. He implore for me to wait for him just a little longer but I never received the phone call , my mother refused to give me the phone . I begin to be very unhappily married to a man that I never loved he went by the name of   Luther Nicks . I was forced to carry a mans last name that I never loved, i was no long Shayla Love i became Shayla Nicks . I was forced to marry him because of his wealth and My mother refused for me to wait any longer. My opinion on things involving my life and my  life decisions  was pointless. Everyone was making decisions for me . I didn't have any control over my life . I found out I was pregnant right after the wedding with twins, make the gameMissy are you busySam and Tom Nicks . I had everything that I wanted . My  life couldn't be any better ,all that was missing was happiness I wasn't  happy in my marriage nor being a mother , I wasnt ready to be involved in any of that . I was only 21 for god sake. I felt like I was a slave being owned by everyone . Everything that I have was not because I wanted it , but because I was forced to have it . I began to be in a great depression that I couldn't escape.

Even though I didn't keep my promise that didn't mean Kamu did not . He promised me he would never give up and he didnt . Five years later Kamu is released and sent home from the air force to live life as he planned before he left,  not knowing that I have moved on with my life . He was on a mission to get me back no matter what it took ,he couldn't let the past interfere with our future he made a promise to me and he was going to fulfill it . He bought a house right next door to mine just to be closer to me. He would look outside just to see if any light are on in my house and there were none .
‘I wonder if she’s home  ‘ Kamu said with Caution ,
He was eager to see me again . He done everything that he could to capture my attention to make me recognize his presence  but even though he was reaching out to me he just couldn't catch me no matter what he done. One odd night I was outside cleaning my front step until I felt a presence of someone looking at me staring at me. My senses were right , there he was my  neighbor staring at me as if I was not welcomed in the neighborhood so I wave to show my kindness not knowing that it was Kamau . He does not wave back , I got an uneasy mood from him as if I done something wrong .
Kamau hid behind the curtain and thought to himself
‘should I have waved ‘?

his heart dropped as if he was on a hotel elevator . He knew he couldn't let this chance past him so he ran down stairs if he was running from a fire on the first floor and he walked out side so classy as if he wasn't just running like a maniac . He sees that I was still outside cleaning my step . Each foot step he took closer to me his heart pounds and he begins to have flashbacks of how we used to be .
‘Ím so sorry for my rudeness ‘ Kamau Stuttered . ‘ Not looking up at Kamue I said
‘ Oh dont mind it , its alright !
‘ I looks up to give him a pleasant smile and realizes that I know that face . I'm amazed I can't explain how surprised I was to meet Kamau again I began to immediately have flashbacks and memories of me and Kamue years ago . I slowly stood up and stretch my arms out for his body to fall into my arms I begin to slowly cry . We stood there giving a long romantic hug .He ask me ‘nicely would you like to come to my house for  a drink ….To catch up ? ‘ His heart racing really fast waiting for my response he felt like it was 5 hours waiting but it was only 5 seconds .  I giggles I said ‘yes i would love to ,’ I could tell on his face that he was relieved.

As we are sitting in his house I couldn't help but notice his battles scars on his face I hesitated to ask and it finally came out ‘Kamou did you kill anyone ‘ ? As he giggled i couldn't believe his response ‘of course’ says fluently and grinned ‘i was in the army fighting for the country , us , you ‘ after he said that I knew that the love we once shared was still there. To him I wasn't a mother of two children and I certainly wasn't a wife of a man for 5 years . I was that sixteen year old girl that he fell in love with years ago I knew he still lived in the past and I felt the same way . ‘Just apologize ‘ he hissed . ‘you lied and said that you'll never break our promise and I believed you . I still believe you. ‘’My heart fell and I felt so small compared to him I could not believe that he finally breaks his silence and says such words but indeed I agreed to apologize I knew in My heart that she loved me and that my husband had no comparison I'm a married women on the outside but Kamous wife on the inside . ‘im sorry my love ‘ i  hissed . ‘ Ever since you left my life  has been planned out for me I didn't want to marry him it was my family decision ‘ They believed that it was my destiny . I begin to tell my life after he left as if it was a movie . I couldn't hold anything back from him even if I wanted to .

We begin to stop talking and just hang out we weren't 22 and 21 at that moment we begin to act  childish and do childish things and playful things I never had so much fun ever since my love left . I forgot all about my family and stayed the night at Kamous house I  hissed to him
‘I  wish my life could be like this everyday my love ‘ He eagerly said to me
‘ it can be .. we can move somewhere far away where no one can find us and start our own family ‘
I begin to imagine what it could be like  and it all seem like a fantasy . He promised me everything under the sun he even would have tolerated me and my children . He loved me so much that he would take me and my children in . I knew at that moment I was in love after he said those words to me . My  husband didn't even exist to me anymore i wanted to go home and pack my things and pack up  my children and move far away to be with my love Kamou . Thats exactly what I did .
After  I helped Kamou pack up his things in put them in the u haul truck . He then drove me to my house  to pack up me and my children things to move far away . As i'm walking to the door to my house i can hear my children crying . I rushed in the house and Kamou follows after me to see what's wrong and what caused me  to rush inside the house the way I did . I open up the door and I see my children laying on the floor without any parental vision . I pick up Tom , and Kamou picks up Sam , and I shouts
With so much anger because of the sight of my children lying on the floor , ‘ I can hear a rush and a lot of movement in my bedroom . So much suspicion is running thru my mind I knew exactly what was going on .  I didn't hesitate to open the door and I knew the marriage was over anyway . I say
‘Luther we have to talk ‘.
He glances at Kamou then looks back at him and says
‘ London you can come out of the closet .
no response so he walks up to the closet and opens it and there she was a women .
‘Ím leaving you Luther I says out loud .
I felt a huge relief the most biggest weight taken off of my shoulders
‘ I can not be married to you anymore I never loved you .
They connect eyes and Luther said angrily
No your not ‘  ,
Kamou smirks and ?uther asked
what's so funny sir ? ‘
Honey lets go Kamau says  .‘

I couldn't help but realize that the women in the closet is a known women from the hillbilly shop down the street married to a man Jay taylor , they own that business and i'm  really close with her and her family . I still was in bielef to see miss london in my closet having an affair with my soon to be ex husband I didn't even care though because I was having an affair too ., I wanted out on the marriage I was taking charge of my life again . I take Kamou hand and kisses it and says
Hunny can you put the kids in the car please ?
He says Of cource darling
as he turns around to go to the car Luther Screams out
over my dead body ! give me my kids !
I stepp in front of Kamau and the kids protecting them from Luther and says
or rather you just want me to take you to court and still take the kids ?
He looks at me with with a surprised look on his face and says
‘go to hell ‘
and I respond back quickly and says
ýou and your w**** go first !
‘ He smirks and begs me to stay married to him and be a family trying to show me that he is still the man i loved . i look at Kamou and says continue .

Kamou turns around once again to go to the car to take the kids there . He gets Knocked in the head with a huge vase that London hit him with .His body collapsed to the ground very quickly and the kids fell as well . Me and London begin to fight over the vase and while fighting Luther doesn't step in to fight or to come to his wife rescue , instead he glances at the window having flashbacks of his marriage with his wife and the birth of his children as if it was being played on recording out of the window . He walks slowly to the window opens it gently and looks out and sees that their on the 8th floor and its along way down ,his children crying and the women streaming fighting each other aggravate him he snapps ! He picks up his two twins and kisses them on the forehead painting the image as if he was the perfect father coming to their rescue stopping the crying . He walks slowly to the window and manages to hang both of the twins out the window to hang from an 8 story house the highest floor , MY babies are crying even more his hand holding tight to theirs to let them suffer . I knocked London out and realized that my kids are not where I last seen them .I walk inside my old bedroom and seen Luther hanging Our two children out the window, I drops with disbelief and immediately start to scream and panic , My  screaming wakes up Kamou and I run over there to come to my children rescue and i'm trying to reach my childrens hand but Luther Screams out and says

‘ Get away from me now women !! These children are not yours anymore these are jesus children ! ‘
Kamou runs to where he hears the screaming and yelling and baby crying and says
‘Luther are you an insane man .
Shayla looks at Luther while she looks at his scary mean face and says to him
‘is this the man i really married’ she says softly
yes  it is with a smirk ‘ Luther Said
surprisingly he gently lets the kids go  . I watched my children disconnect from my hands and falls floors down to the hard gray concrete ground .  My children laid there so far away from me .I didn't know if the affair was worth it . My heart sank I fell  to the ground I thought that i would be next out the window and I didn't care . Luther stands up and looks at Kamou catering to me and picks up the gun and stood in front of me and Kamou and shot himself in the head . I didn't even look up at him . His body collapsed to the ground and in seconds I pass outs .


I wake up and all I sees is red and white and blue lights Kamou is answering all the police questions . The nurses are taking care of me and i look out the window to see my babys and they were no longer there it really got real for me , my kids are dead and so is my husband I said to Kamou
this is real isn't it Kamou ‘
he replies back to me and says

get some sleep deer i?l handle all of this ‘s . He calls the nurses in to come put me inside the emergency truck and they came rather quickly and lift my body on to the stretcher . As i being to be put into the truck I  couldn't help but notice three covered bodies . I couldn't believe I was looking at my family that once lived and that came from me it was a tragic and I blamed myself for everything . If I didn't have this affair they all would be here their lives wouldn't have been spared . My heart sunk into my chest as if it was liquid coming out of my body I begin to heartless my heart went out the window when my children did . The truck begins to take off and out the truck window i gets farther and farther from my childrens dead bodied once again . Kamou the man I onced love I have no love anymore for him. I  lost everything for someone that lived in the pass . I lost my  future to live only one night in the past . I lost it all .  Living in the past just leads you to tragedy.  As  i close my eyes my whole body begin to shut down and the sorrow and sadness dropped on me like an 50000 weight of an man . I knew that this was the last minutes of my life.   I knew that i was slowly and surly dying from the deviation of seeing my children get tossed out the window by their own father . Im surprised i didnt die from the sight of all this and i  honestly and truly blame myself. I Couldn't live a life like this  , I couldnt dare be with Kamou hes from the passed and thats where he is going to stay . As my life slowly ended i could see the Life support line go straight i seen it coming and i looked out the truck window to see Kamou one more last time and i couldnt wait to be with my children again .

The author's comments:

Let the past be the past

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