trains | Teen Ink


October 13, 2014
By Isabella Wilson SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
Isabella Wilson SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They loved in a funny sort of way. It began with a schoolgirl crush and quickly transformed into a first love that fell apart easily because it survived like it was constantly hyperventilating, moving far too fast and burning like a gasoline fire, fighting water and refusing to fade away; everything was far too strong and they were not strong enough, but they believed love would prevail over all even though he was a pessimist and she merely believed in ideas.
But maybe their love was merely an idea and it wasn’t a good one and they both believed that from the start and maybe that’s why a start was allowed, and maybe that’s why they fell in love, merely because they looked at everything like it was a train that would carry them onward or because they looked at life as if they were sitting on the tracks and they’d missed the bell for an approaching train and she was there to pull him off the tracks and he was there to stand in front of the train, to stop the wheels before they crashed upon her and pulled her under.
The way they loved was like oncoming trains, him more nervous than if he’d been standing in front of the southbound train and her heart beating faster than the speed of the northbound train.
But it was love, a first love that was undeniable and unforgettable.

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