Hello There | Teen Ink

Hello There

October 29, 2014
By Anonymous

It’s a fantastic day in a small town in Texas. The town is so small; you can see it through a microscope. In the small town, there’s a coffee shop who serves outstanding coffee. When you smell the fresh batch of coffee you fall in heaven. It smells like pumpkin pie with the fresh cinnamon smell. There are two people who go to the coffee shop every day. A guy named John and a teenage girl named Gabby. John is a personable college graduate. He is six foot exact, and twenty four years old. Gabby is a High school Junior; with long brown hair, and hazel colored eyes. She is also five foot and eight inches tall, and seventeen years old.

The coffee doors open. John walks in and looks around; finding the last seat available. The seat was at a table of two, and the other seat was taken by a skinny girl reading her book. He dashes to the seat, and asks the girl at the table if the seat was taken. When he gets her attention he instantly froze. He couldn’t say anything. His face was purple and pink like a dark depressing sucker. The girl he was looking at was gabby.

“Can I help you sir?” Gabby asked. John was still silent. The complication with John was that he instantly liked her. He wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. Gabby was still there confused. She was looking at him as if he was a statue. Before Gabby could say anything else John darts for the front door, and walks outside and sits on a bench.

Gabby still awestruck about what just happened; she gets up slowly, and quietly walks outside. John who was still sitting on the bench; questioning his self why he couldn’t say anything. He sees Gabby exit the coffee shop, and strolls towards him. “Hello there”, Gabby comforted with a smile. John cries, “Sorry about that I don’t know what came over me. I just saw one look at your amazing beautiful face and I just froze.” Gabby just stunned at what John just said; she looks at him and says while blushing, “Nice to meet you too.”

The author's comments:

This short story is about how people can fall in love instantly by just looking at the other person.

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