Temporary Heart | Teen Ink

Temporary Heart

November 21, 2014
By Mr.McFly BRONZE, Longmont, Colorado
Mr.McFly BRONZE, Longmont, Colorado
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Love, demise, and jealousy. Three words you never want to hear together it’s what our story revolves around.It was a bright day, the beginning of the fall you could say. The students from Oswald high school were enjoying their lunch break on a bright tuesday afternoon, Clark one of the students at Oswald high was sitting on a hill eating his lunch in solitude staring at the girl of his dreams Amanda. She had beautiful brunette hair,big brown eyes, and a smile that could brighten anyone's day, with her was her boyfriend Stewart. Clark couldn’t stand him and wanted nothing but for him and Amanda to break up; but he knew there wasn’t any chance he could be with Amanda. That’s until one day Amanda and Stewart got in a fight and Clark was the one to confront Stewart.
“Back off the girl man, especially one like her.” said Clark.
“Don’t tell me what to do. She’s my girlfriend” replied Stewart
Clark got into Stewart’s face.
“Not like this you’re not. She deserves better then you.”
  “Who’s better then me!?” said Stewart. Clark walked away fist clenched frustrated at what Stewart had said. He thought to himself.
“I’m way better then that jackass.” Later that night at around 9:00 pm Clark got a text message it was Amanda. The text read:
“Thanks for standing up for me today… I left Stewart.”  Clark smiled at the text and thought finally he maybe now had a chance with her. Thats when he dropped a bomb he poured his heart out and told Amanda his feelings for her. The reply was so unexpected but made Clark’s life. Amanda admitted to feeling the same way. The next day at school all Clark could think about was Amanda.
Clark wrote on his hand “I love yo” before the teacher took away his pen and threatened to send him to the office. Clark took Amanda out to lunch that day discussing life and school, she pointed out the writing on his hand.
“Why does it say I love yo?” With Clark’s quick wits he thought of the cheesiest and cutest thing he could say. 
He looked her right in the eyes and said, “All I’m missing is you.” Amanda gave a cute little giggle and smiled at Clark and that’s when you could tell there was something special between the two. They next few weeks were the happiest weeks of Clark and Amanda's life with them both having outside problems they made life better for each other. Amanda realized that she should have been with Clark this entire time, that he made her happy,and he could be the one. With three weeks until homecoming Clark had to come up with a perfect plan of how to ask Amanda to Homecoming.
He knew when he was going to do it, in the middle of history class. they had that class together along with Stewart and all he wanted to do was show him how much of a better boyfriend he was then Stewart. The day he decided to ask her to Homecoming he did it to most unique way he could he wore a shirt over a shirt and when he ripped the first shirt it said “it would be SUPER if you went to homecoming with me” like superman ripping his shirt open. Of course she said yes and thats what set Stewart off he had finally snapped.
Stewart charged at Clark and landed a punch on Clark you heard a snap, it was a broken nose Clark got up and threw a punch into Stewarts gut before the teacher broke them apart. Later that day Amanda came to visit Clark at home where he was just laying in bed with ice on his nose. Amanda layed next to him.
Clark asked, “Have you ever loved someone so much you feel it driving you insane not being with them?”
“I don’t think I have”, replied Amanda
“That’s how i felt everyday we weren’t together” Clark said with a smile on his face. Amanda grabbed his hand,Clark took the ice off and looked at her hand
“This is the smallest hand i’ve ever seen haha” Clark said with a laugh
“It is pretty small” Amanda said giggling. Clark looked into her beautiful brown eyes and thats when it happened their first kiss. It seemed like forever in a fantasy world of some sort it was like it lasted forever that’s when he knew that he loved her. Come the night of homecoming Clark was excited as all hell he wore a suit his father had left him before he had a divorce with his mom. It was a Red suit and black pants and a lucky blue tie. He went to pick up Amanda who came downstairs in a magnificent blue dress. Her parents took the pictures and they were off to the school. The night was young and enticing until the slow music came on, Clark grabbed Amanda by the waist and they begun to dance.
He looked at her and he couldn't believe that her he was with his dream girl in a perfect situation. She rested her head on his shoulder and said
“Tell the world you love me.”
Clark whispered into her ear, “I love you.”
“Why did you whisper?” Amanda said as she lifted her head, Clark stared at her for a minute before saying
“because you’re my world”
She looked at him and told him she loved him he said he loved her too. He went in to kiss her until he heard a bullet fired it went through his head it was Stewart.His jealousy got the best of him there was screams and cries for help but all Clark could hear was a familiar ringing, the ringing of an alarm clock.
Clark sat up in his bed and looked as his wall as he released a slight sigh he got up and got a cup of coffee and left for school to see Amanda with Stewart once again.  

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