All I Ever Need | Teen Ink

All I Ever Need

January 11, 2015
By carolinarodriguez103 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
carolinarodriguez103 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Autumn was broken.


Broken into a million pieces.


Luke was lost.


Lost in the middle of nowhere.


Both trying to find a solution, a way to feel happy again.


But both unaware that their only way to happiness is each other.


It was ten and a quarter. Luke walked the icy cold streets of New York, the cold air hitting the part of his face that wasn't covered by his signature black sunglasses. He kept walking, but never found his destination. This happened quite often. The bitter cold air made his body frigid. He walked into the nearest coffee shop to his right. Removing his sunglasses as soon as he walked in, he realized where he was, looking around at the very familiar scenery and sniffing the strong scent of coffee. Luke’s feet naturally made their way over to the special booth, their booth to be exact. He slid down the cold faux leather seat, looked at his feet, and then glanced back up. He almost had a heart attack as he saw Autumn in her black framed glasses, reading her novel while sipping her mocha. She looked up at him and smiled. Luke stared in awe, but the second he blinked. She was gone. “It’s only my imagination,”he said to himself. Sighing, he called a waiter over and ordered something warm to drink.


When the waiter brought his hot chocolate, Luke carefully grabbed it and took a sip. The lid wasn't fully screwed on right, and some of the drink poured over his black jacket. The piping hot liquid scorched his skin, so he quickly grabbed a napkin from the dispenser, knocking it over, and dabbed the shirt. Luke then looked up to fix the little mess he made on the table. His heart shattered instantly as he read the table tent.


“Fall in love with autumn! Order our new fall drinks!”


He practically stopped breathing as he read the tiny ad.


“I did fall in love with Autumn. I fell in love with her at this exact place,” he told himself.


Luke had never felt so grief-stricken before, as he recalled the events that unfolded at this exact spot almost two years ago.


I walked into the nearest coffee shop I could find. My body was quickly becoming numb, and I knew that if I didn't get into a warm place, I would freeze to death. As soon as I opened the door, the strong scent of coffee filled my nostrils. I waited in the long line, just to order a hot chocolate. I paid the teenage boy for my drink, and tried to find a place to sit and maybe call mom since I hadn’t talk to her in a while. I looked around, but most of the tables were already taken. I was about to leave the shop, but I saw what I thought was an empty booth. I walked over to it, but there she was, a petite girl sitting across the seat that had been out of view. She wore her hair up in a messy bun, had a pair of black framed glasses, and her face buried in a novel. I did something I never thought I would have the courage to do.


“Hey, is this seat taken?” I asked. She looked up and revealed her flawless face. She shook her head and replied with a no. I sat down across from her. She looked so sweet and pleasant reading her book. I noticed it was “An Abundance of Katherine’s” sounded familiar.


“Is the book good?” I asked her, but instantly regretted it as my question took her by surprise.


“Yeah, so far it’s been really entertaining, probably one of the best novels I’ve read in a while,” she answered. I nodded my head, taking a sip from my hot chocolate.


“What’s your name?” I asked.


“Autumn,” she answered, shyly smiling.


“Autumn,” I repeated, “that’s a pretty name,” I said and grinned. Autumn smiled, and I could see the blush starting to creep up her cheeks.


“I’m Luke,” I said. She grabbed her drink and took a sip, then returned to me.


“Nice to meet you, Luke,” she said. I grinned again, which caused her to smile.


Luke tried hard not to cry right then and there, but he couldn't help it. A tear slipped out of the corner of his eye and slipped down his cheek. He looked down and realized what a total mess he was without her.





Autumn was laid down on her bed. It was eleven and a half and she couldn’t sleep. She got out of bed and grabbed the mixtape on her nightstand; she placed it in her cassette player, and listened to Luke’s awkward introduction for the one millionth time. Soon, the first track started playing, and she let the tune of the song carry her out to the alternate universe she and Luke shared when they listened to it.

She carefully listened to each song. They felt different without him here. Everything felt different without him.


She missed his affection. How he made her feel complete.


But it was all her fault he wasn’t here with her anymore. She hurt Luke in the worst possible way.


We were so caught up in the moment we didn't hear the door open.


“What the hell?” someone yelled. I immediately pushed myself off Ashton. I turned around to find Luke with a shocked expression.


I was frozen in place. Luke walked over to Ashton and hit him directly on the face.


“Who do you think you are fooling around with my girlfriend?!” Luke yelled. Ashton stumbled back and groaned in pain. Luke became a monster and kept attacking him.


“Luke, please stop!” I yelled. I kept trying to get Luke off Ashton, but it was no use. I swear he wanted to kill him right there and then, but he didn’t. Luke stopped what he was doing and came back to his senses. He was hurting his best friend.


He stood up and looked at me and Ashton. His face was full of hurt, and there were tears streaming down his cheeks. He turned around and cried against the wall, screaming curse words.


“Luke … please let me explain” I tried to say, walking over to him.

“No... Don’t even bother,” Luke turned around and looked at me, his eyes and face a shade of red. “I think I know what was clearly going on.”


“Please... Hear me out” I tried saying but was interrupted by Luke’s outburst.


“Autumn, do you think I’m stupid? I could hear you and Ashton outside the hallway. After two years of being together, this is what you decide to do?”


“I’m sorry” I say in between sobs.


“Was I not good enough for you?” he asks. In a much calmer voice, but I could hear the hurt loud and clear.


Words were trapped in my mouth, and all I was capable of doing was cry.


“Out of all people, you decide to do this to me?”


“I’m so sorry” I tried to say, there was no use of trying to sugar coat things. He clearly knew what went down.


“We’re through” Luke says.


“No, Luke please! Please” I yelled grabbing his shirt and tugging him towards me.


“Autumn please, get away from me” Luke said.


I dropped to my knees and sobbed. Luke began to walk towards the door, and I began to crawl towards him mumbling apologies.


Right before he exited the door, Luke digs into his pocket of his jacket and pulls out a box. He looks at it and throws it on the bed.


“And to think I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, but looks like that would never happen”


My breathing hitched, and my whole body went numb.


“I thought you loved me” he whispered, tears evident in his eyes, and left the room.


Autumn began to weep as she remembers the incident. She had messed up big time; how she wished she could take everything back.


She loved him more than anything, but she let him go.


Autumn hadn’t just ruined the best thing that’s ever happened to her, she knew she ruined him too.




Autumn ordered her usual, a vanilla mocha. She bought a new book and couldn’t wait to read it. She looked for a place to sit, but most of the tables were taken. She has no choice but to take it to-go and maybe find a quiet place in a nearby park. She made her way out the door but clashed into someone, spilling her drink all over him.


“I’m so sorry,” she said and quickly grabbed a napkin from the nearest table to hand him, clearly embarrassed.


“It’s ok, no worries,” the stranger said as he began to dab his shirt. Autumn recognized that voice; he was no stranger.


“Luke?” she whispered. He removed his sunglasses, speechless.




They stared at each other for a long moment.


And all of the feelings they thought were gone, came back again.


Luke and Autumn thought all love does is break and burn the heart.


But finds out that it repairs and heals.

The author's comments:

"Sometimes, finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness."

-The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 17 2015 at 5:29 pm
Olaf.lover GOLD, Fairfax, Virginia
12 articles 2 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain."

WoW... I love your writing... it is so good!