Don't talk about it | Teen Ink

Don't talk about it

January 22, 2015
By WritingIsWeird BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
WritingIsWeird BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Setting: Middle class-ish bedroom.

Annie *asside* : When did i get so old. You know i’ve been doing the same thing for 15 years and nothing has changed. The extravagant house of my dreams never reached reality. (sitting with hands in her face) The family full of kids i hoped for never came through. (standing) I’m stuck with a man i’m not sure i even love and a dog who, like me, refuses to learn any new tricks. We’ve been trying to change things you kn-
Casey: (from off scene) You in here Annie? (walking through the bedroom door)
Annie: I thought you left for work, forget something?
Casey: I forgot to say i love you (with an almost suspicious smile)
Annie: Pretty sure you didn’t, and after this long i know you’re not actually that sweet to come back just for that.
Casey: Yeah i forgot my lunch.
Annie: I need to start taping it to your hands, i already put it in your bag.
Casey: Really? (ruffling through his satchel) Alright i’ll get some tape on my way home.
Annie: (grinning slightly) You’re going to be late you know.
Casey: I’ll rush don’t worry. (kisses Annie)
Annie: I’m serious, you know how anxious i get about this kind of thing
Casey: Don’t worry, more talking will just make me late. (casey leaves, leaving the door open) (off scene) Aw i wish i could take you with me Rosco!
Annie *asside*: Where was i again? Something about changes? We’re running behind on our mortgage payments and Rosco keeps getting more sick. Now what kind of changes are those. (proceeds to lay down on bed) At least Casey is in a good mood before work. After sleeping all day I don’t blame him. Does make the nights pretty lonely. Soon we’ll have a little one other than Rosco running around the hou-(yawn) (enter Rosco) Time for bed little guy. (Rosco jumps onto the bed) See you in the morning.

*9 hours later*

Setting: Bedroom with dull sunlight shining through the windows, and Rosco licking Annie’s face.
Annie: Ugghh im sure you want to go outside don’t you. (begins to sit up) At least your bladder is still working right. (scratching dog behind ears) Alright lets go.
(Rosco runs off out of the room, Annie follows)

Setting: Enter kitchen where Rosco is sitting by a glass sliding door

Annie: See something out there? Squirrel?! (Rosco begins to scratch at the door)
Go get ‘em!  (Rosco trots outside, more interested in doing his business than the intrusive squirrels.)
Annie *asside*: Ugh what did i eat last night. (Annie walks off into bathroom)

>>1 Hour Later

Setting: Back into Bedroom

Casey: Annie you in here? How long was Rosco outside, i found him sitting by the kitchen door.
Annie: Ohhhh i’m so sorry i must’ve forgotten i let him out. I feel so bad, what time is it? 7? Oh he mustve been out there for almost an hour.
Casey: I don’t think he cared really, he came inside and got a drink of water and laid in his usual spot.
Annie: Oh Rosco (grinning slightly)
Casey: I talked to your mom on the way back, she heard about the news and said we should have breakfast together before I fall asleep.
Annie: Oh sure i’d love to.
Casey: Are you sure? You don’t look like you’re feeling too well.
Annie: I’m fine i just need something to eat is all.
Casey: Alright well, i guess we should go then.
Annie: I’ll meet you in the car, okay honey?
Casey: Alright (Kiss) (Casey exits room)
Annie *asside*: Be careful what you ask for (dissapointed look)
(Annie exits)
Setting: Restaurant; diner theme. Post eating.
Janet: So. Have you guys put any thought into names?
Annie: Mom, we don’t even know if it’s a boy or girl yet.
Janet: Well if it’s a girl, i’ve personally always thought janet was a lovely name.
Annie: We’re not naming, well, ”it”,  after you mom.
Janet: Why not?
Annie: I was thinking Alex would be a lovely name for a girl.
Casey: Or a boy really. I mean not lovely, but.. you know what i mean.
Annie: Are you sure you really want to do this Casey?
Casey: You aren’t changing your mind after 8 years of nagging me about getting old are you.
Annie: I’m just worried Rosco won’t like the company. He’s been an only child to us since we got married.
Janet: You know honey (Janet clasps both hands around Annie’s) Rosco is getting pretty old, and you can’t keep running him to the vet every time something goes wr- (Annie pulls her hand away from Janet’s)
Annie: He’s still doing well for his age mom. I wanted to at least wait until all of this business was through before we even think about putting Rosco down. I just can’t handle the stress, I can’t picture our home without him. (Annie looks down)
Casey: What about Rosco?
Annie & Janet: What about him?
Casey: I mean the name.
Janet: It suites a dog but i don’t think..
Annie (interrupting Janet): I love it (smiling brightly) (Smile fades and Annie looks down again)
Casey: Are you sure you’re alright?
Annie: Yeah i’m fine, just a little sick to stomach is all. (Eyes tearing up, now holding stomach)
Casey: It was nice seeing you Janet, but we should probably go. Rosco is probably getting antsy and i dont want him using our couch as a toilet again.
(Annie takes her hand off her stomach)
Janet: If you’re not going to name it Janet, can i at least be the godmother?
Casey: Of course (Slightly shaking his head)
Annie: (standing up) Bye mom, love you.
Janet: Love you too, make sure to call me. You don’t do that anymore.
Annie: Alright mom (smiling slightly)
(Casey and Annie leave after paying)

Setting: Back in the bedroom, orange light passes through the windows as the sun sets

Casey: Is there something you’re not telling me?
Annie: The godmother, really? You just kind of agreed. You know i never liked my mother.
Casey: So she’s the godmother, what’s the big deal.
Annie: (in tears) I don’t know anymore Casey.
Casey: I’m pretty sure she already hates me, i can call her now and say we already promised someone else could be the godmother.
Annie: It’s not that..
Casey: Annie, i’m serious, are you okay? Is something wrong with the-
Annie: I think i heard Rosco scratching at the door.. (Annie gets up to leave the room, nearly in tears)

>>2 days later, same setting

Annie: Hey Casey.. About the-
Casey: I think i already know.. You lost it didn’t you..
Annie: *Pause* (Tears well up) *Pause* (Grabs Casey and begins sobbing into his shoulder)
Casey: It’s okay, you’ve been acting so weird, i just kind of figured. Why couldn’t you tell me.
Annie: (Still sobbing) You were so excited, all the talk about names and godmothers just got me worked up. I couldn’t tell you then..
Casey: I was excited for you, honey. When we first found out you were just so happy.. You’re still as beautiful as ever, we can always try again..
Annie: I dont know Casey..
Casey: How about we go visit my work tomorrow honey..
Annie: Wh- (sniffle) What do you mean..?
Casey: Rosco isn’t getting any younger, and there’s plenty of sweet dogs i’m sure you’d love. Hell that job is probably what kept me sane all these years. (still hugging Annie) Who wants to rob a animal rescue home, i just get to sit there and take care of dogs the entire night. There was one cockerspaniel that already loves me, he reminds me a lot of Rosco really. (Rubbing her back now)
Annie: Is it a boy or girl?
Casey: It’s a boy, they think he’s only 2 years old.. He could be our baby, honey..
Annie: Okay if i pick the name? (sniffle)
Casey: Of course honey
Annie: I think Alex is a lovely name (sniffle)
Casey: Alright honey (Smiling) Alex it is.


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