All is Fair in Love and War | Teen Ink

All is Fair in Love and War

February 11, 2015
By TheRealProkun BRONZE, Clay, New York
TheRealProkun BRONZE, Clay, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1-Monday

Its summer time in Syracuse I got up there is four days before school ends I got up and put on my clothes and walked to the bus I see my friends Mari, Anthony, Mark, and Juana. Mari said “Hi Carter how’s it going.” I held her hand and I looked at her and said “Good”she blushed I know she likes me but she’s my Best  friend and I really like Natalia. As we got on the bus we all talked about Mari’s birthday coming up and us excited to go to UCLA for Civil engineering so we can work at our dream jobs at Walt Disney World I looked out the window looking at the sky thinking about life then I felt something warm on my waist it was Mari's arms she looked at me and said “cheer up it’s Summer time” she smiled and I perked up she knows I have a soft spot for her. After we got off the bus I saw Natalia “Hi how are you?” she said. We went to first block and the announcements came on about the Prom this was my chance to ask her but… if I do I risk the chance to break Mari’s heart. So I got up and started to walk to Mari I look back at Natalia she  is watching and I ask Mari “Will you go to the Prom with me?” she just stared at me and she grabbed my hands and blushed saying “Yes I will Carter” and kissed me there was a cheer in the air I felt like I did something right because she looked happy.

Chapter 2- Tuesday-Lunch

I was walking to lunch when Natalia asked me to eat lunch with her so I did I usually I would eat with my friends so today I decided not to. We talked about our families and music then she asked me about my relationship “Are you dating someone?” I answer confidently “Yes. I just started to going out with Mari” she started laughing “Don’t lie to me who are you really going out with?” I snapped at her “Mari!” she looked at me “Really the anime girl Mari Takahashi” everyone of the words stung it hit me with deadly accuracy and she started to talk smoothly and sly “She’s a geek and unpopular.” She slid closer “do you want a real girl who’s popular and beautiful” her words were poison and it was consuming me  “Or an anime freak” before I could say anything she grabbed me and pulled me forward and kissed me everything went in slowed down I looked over to my friends they were shocked but Mari… Mari looked broken and lifeless… I...I broke her heart I stopped her and looked away when I looked at Natalia she had a smirk on her face as if she planned it now she looks like a King cobra who just killed it’s dinner as the bell rang I ran to Mari but she looked at me and walked away she was giving me the cold shoulder and I didn't deserved it I didn't mean hurt her and I should 't have to pay the price.
Chapter-3 Thursday/Last Day of School
After Tuesday’s drama I tried to call Mari I only got voice mail she didn’t thank me during dodgeball for saving her from getting hit in the head I tried everything to talk to her nothing worked… but I had this sliver of hope the only way to talk to her was through Juana Mari’s best friend because she trust that Juana is telling the truth because Juana will never lie so during P.E. I asked her to send a message about what happened. During lunch Juana gave me a message she said “Go talk to Mari she want’s to speak with you” so I got up and sat next to her and she said “you need take make a promise: you must never be near Natalia only if I’m next to you and you get me the best birthday present ever.” I looked at her and said yes she looked at me and I stared into her eyes they were the color amber it looked like a fireplace and my body felt warm then she started crying saying “I...I love you Carter I don’t want to let you go” I look at her and said “Mari I will never leave you and never let go because I will love you forever” and I kissed her with passion it felt like we fell in love again and...we loved it.

Chapter 4- Friday- Prom

Today is the last day of the year after graduation we got our gifts and we got scholarships to UCLA and our parents are letting us go to Disney World by ourselves for a week so is Natalia but we were very cautious about it we all said yes only if she stays away from me or if Mari is next to me.
                   Later on…
As I drove to the dance I picked up all of my friend and they showed me their dates Mark was going out with foreign exchange student Tina Feliz and one surprise was Anthony going with Juana they don’t usually show affection for each other but today they did. Finally we got to Mari’s house when she walked out she was wearing a beautiful blue dress when she came into the car I couldn’t stop looking at her and she blushed I leaned in and kissed her when I look in the back they looked happy but Tina was shocked she asked something in Spanish to me “¿Está usted de dos novias?” and I answered “Sí” so I drove to the dance as the final hour came they started the slow dances as I lead Mari to the dance as we sang  together we started talking then I remember we didn’t have our first date so I ask if we will go on a date she said yes at EPCOT on vacation I look at her and kissed her and said “I love you Mari” she replied “I love you to Carter.”

Chapter 5-July-Sunday-Airport

After packing and looking for my ticket my sister Sophia had it I picked up my friends and drove to Hancock International Airport we all checked in and went through security and waited for our plane me and Mari were watching  some anime on Netflix Anthony and Juana were playing cards and Mark and Tina were… let’s say kissing but they weren’t they were making out for 30 minutes straight we all looked freaked out how can they do it without coming up for a breath then my cousin Isaac was giving autographs for being the best quarterback in the NFL he was very popular next to him was Natalia half asleep then our plane was called so we got on and sat down Me and Mari watched Cars 2 for awhile and Mari asked me a crazy question “If we get married how many kids will we have” I thought the high altitude got to her but she looked serious so I answered truthfully and said “Two to four but let’s talk about it later” she looked satisfied with that answer. After watching SpongeBob for 2 hour don't ask why we landed in Orlando International Airport as I got out I felt the rush of hot air on my face and I loved it. When we entered the main lobby it was huge we all were amazed but Isaac. Then I saw my uncle and aunt with my cousins I said “Hi aunt Teresa and uncle Ramon” I gave them a hug and introduced them to Mari “This is my girlfriend Mari Takahashi” she said hi then María came up and looked at her then grabbed a picture out of her bag and looked at it Mari did the same thing with her picture and it looked like María they started crying and said “How’s it been penpal” Mari said “You know UCLA and dating your cousin” I remember now Mari had a penpal in fifth grade she lost contacted with her thinking she died but she didn’t she was alive and my cousin when we went to the limo they talked about engineering and other stuff. once we got in we unpacked and I walked to the deck and looked out I saw the whole park and as it got dark everyone joined me Mari stand next to me and I looked at her and saw the moon and the stars she said "I love the view" I said “Me too you know I’ve always wanted to see the park at night but… I also want to see the fireworks with my girlfriend” she blushed and started to stare in the stars and then the fireworks started and I moved closer to her and kissed her and held her close and enjoyed the night together after we all went to our beds and slept but I couldn’t I can shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen to me and Mari during our date on Thursday but I fell a sleep.                        

Chapter 6-Magic Kingdom

As I woke up this morning I was surprised to see everyone awake but Natalia so I took a shower and walked out to the deck where Mari was and she looked at me and said “How’s it goin honey what’s up” I told her about my insomnia and she told me not to worry but I still was. After we ate and packed up we went to the park when we got in me and Mari took pictures with Disney characters then we looked around and thought of new ideas and wrote them down but I stopped and said "we have time to do this later after we get our jobs" after we went by ourselves and me and Mari went to see the parade I told Mari to stay outside and I went inside the store and got her a birthday present a vinylmation I went and gave it to her she covered her mouth and started crying and I said “Happy Birthday sweetie” then she gave me a hug it was her best birthday ever.   
Chapter 7-Animal Kingdom-Tuesday

When I woke up this morning I felt something when I looked over it was Mari I woke her up and asked what happened. She told me that she had a nightmare about losing me to Natalia then she woke up and started to get scared so she went to my bed and slept with me to feel protected. When we all woke up we did our usual things and went to the park but today when we were in the park she was a bit more cautious when near Natalia so when I looked at Natalia she looked mad but I didn’t like seeing Mari like this so to calm her down I took her on Kilimanjaro Safari and we had fun I showed her that I will never leave her and let her go after the ride I went to go get her ice cream then I saw her with Natalia. I looked at Mari… she looked small and afraid when I looked at Natalia she looked on a mission to hurt Mari when I ran closer I heard he yell “Go home you anime loving communist freak’ I just stopped and looked at them Mari started to cry I ran over and held Mari and said to Natalia “Really communist you know she’s from Japan so she isn’t one” she looked at me then said “Whatever see you later 'sweetie' ” after I helped her calm down I took her to our friends and told her what happened then Juana said “that evil little...” Anthony interrupted her saying “that won’t help our self esteem let’s just forget about it and enjoy the rest of the day. okay?” me and Mari agreed Tina started to say “why don’t we go and see a show” then Juana yelled saying “are we just going to take this sitting down? come on we can take her it’s four to one!” I spoked back to her “We can’t if her parents find out we ganged up on her we would get in a big mess” after I said that she reluctantly agreed so we went to the show and had a blast. But she still was conflicted.

Chapter 8- Hollywood Studio

After yesterday we all stayed together so we didn’t get Mari hurt but that left a big gap in our system but we didn’t know until I found out the hard way. when I was walking back to the group from the bathroom I was grabbed by the neck and was kissed when I looked up I couldn’t see who it was it happened so fast then I hurried back to the group they looked confused the Tina pointed out something “ where did you get the kiss mark I saw it and wiped it off then it hit me “where’s Mari?” they told me that she is at Tower of Terror so I ran over there but I was too late Mari was on the ground bleeding when Natalia went for the kick I ran and took it for Mari after Natalia saw me she made a run for it. I was too much in a daze to catch her so when I got up I just looked at Mari she looked lifeless I picked her up and felt her pulse it was still going but… she couldn’t wake up she was knocked out so we got the ambulance and went to the hospital. after they checked her over the doctor said “She will recover from her injuries in 3 hours she needs to get some rest.”

Chapter 9-EPCOT/Downtown
Mari was fully healthy and happy when we met up at the park then she asked me about the bump on my head I told her I fell of the bed when she was gone she looked confused at my answer she knows i’m no clutz. The guys made sure that me and Mari were safe for our first date so to lighten the mood we rode Test Track over and over again it was so fun we looked around and took pictures when we got to the Japan part of the World Showcase. When I looked at Mari she looked like she was in a trance she looked at me and said “It reminds me about my family in Japan” when I held her hand then she looked happy then homesick I promised her that we will visit Japan and meet her cousins when I said that she lit up with joy. After walking around we went to the China pavilion for some food. Mari said she never tried it before because she was not interested in it she ate every kind of food but not chinese. When she first tried it she loved it she kept eating it then I got a headache so Mari looked at me and saw the bump on my head “I knew you got that from Natalia it’s fine okay you saved me… but you also lied to me.” as we left the park to go on our date we didn’t talk much on the bus she seemed more distant and was looking at me like she was analyzing me like she was asking do I know you?. Once we got there we shopped and saw a movie.
After The Movie…
When we walked out of the bus we seemed way more connected because we cleared out all of our relationship's problems now we we are more happy… but it didn’t last long when we got to our room we heard two gun shots we got inside and saw Natalia pointing a gun at Juana and Anthony she turned and pointed the gun at Mari “Ah look who joined the party Carter and his girlfriend Ms. Anime Freak too bad you won’t be with each other anymore” she pulled the trigger I ran in front of Mari and I was shot. “Carter!” I hit the ground everything was in a daze my body was burning I looked down and saw a hole in the right side of my chest and I heard Mari say “Carter don’t die on me… NO please don’t die” I looked at her and gave her a kiss and drifted away only I didn’t die I passed out. . . when I woke up I was in a hospital bed when I looked over saw Mari, Juana, and Anthony but not Mark and Tina when I finally looked to my right I saw them pale and lifeless I got up and looked at them then I felt their pulse… they were dead.Then I saw one more cover I looked over and grabbed a trash can because I felt uneasy then uncover the sheets then I threw up it was Natalia only with a hole where her head should be then I pass out. I heard Mari wake up and look at me and yell “nurse!”

Chapter 10 - 3 months later -UCLA

After my recovery we all went to UCLA to start our first day of college I still remember what happened Natalia killing Mark and Tina then going to kill Mari but instead shot me. I found out what happened after I passed out  Natalia said something before killing herself “I killed your boyfriend instead of you well … ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR!” she started to laugh like a psychopath Mari started crying and asked “Why? Why would you do this?” “Why?! because freak if I can’t have Carter nobody can!” then she shot herself. I didn’t know the feelings Mari had when she was in the situation but she told me love, hate, sadness, bitterness, and loneliness she was shocked…. no she was scarred.
5 years later ….
We Graduated UCLA with flying colors and we all got our dream jobs and with Mari a second child was coming to bless our lives more everything seemed normal we lived next to Juana and Anthony so we were okay but I still remembered what Natalia said “All is fair in love and war” did she let me get  front of Mari or was it bigger then killing me? I don’t know just thinking about it gives me a burning sensation in my chest we decided to keep it off our minds and think about the future but sooner or later our children will find out Ray, Sania, Rudy,Clarissa and my brother's son Joseph.                          






1- Mari’s Death

when we got to our room we heard two gun shots we got inside and saw Natalia pointing a gun at Juana and Anthony she turned and pointed the gun at Mari “Ah look who joined the party Carter and his girlfriend Ms. Anime Freak too bad you won’t be with each other any more” she pulled the trigger I ran in front of Mari but was too late she was shot dead center of her chest “Mari! no please don’t die I love you too much to lose you please to don’t die she looked at me warily and said “I love you but I can’t hold on any more she kissed me and coughed up blood and went limp… she was dead.

Chapter 2- The Bad End

when we got to our room we heard two gun shots we got inside and saw Natalia pointing a gun at Juana and Anthony she turned and pointed the gun at Mari “Ah look who joined the party Carter and his girlfriend Ms. Anime Freak too bad you won’t be with each other any more” she pulled the trigger I ran in front of Mari... and Mari was shot in the chest and I hit the ground then I saw Mari with a gunshot in her chest and she fell then I moved over and hugged her and said “I love you and I will die with you any day of my life as long as you’re with me.” then Mari smiled and then kissed me and died and then Natalia shot Juana and Anthony in the face then walked over to me and said “aww too bad you lost your girlfriend and friends now your life” she pointed the gun at me then I said “you… cold hearted b…”    


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