Timing | Teen Ink


February 23, 2015
By Anonymous

Hello, I am Emmie Marie Miers, but most people call me Emm. I am a senior at Cardinal Spellman High School, located in New York City, New York. I'd say that I love my life in high school, but that would be an absolute lie. However, on my entrance to school one day, my life changed--for the better or for the worse?


Monday at school, what more can I say?
The week started like any other week: I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, got in the car helplessly, drove to school, parked, got out of the car, picked up my bags–yes call me a pack mule--and walked to the opening doors of my school, Cardinal Spellman High School. When I stepped in the door, my world began to spin. Literally. I got hit in the head by some jock's football, which caused me to fall on the floor, and my head began to spin. After hitting my head, the football bounced off and hit the glass display case, which held trophies, awards, and pictures from when Cardinal Spellman High School was founded in 1959.  Everything shattered and fell on the floor beside me. And you may ask if somebody came up to me and asked how I was and helped me up? Well, the answer is NO.
Anyway, I put all of my books together and put my bags on my back and noticed one of the pictures beside me. This picture looked different than all of the other ones, but what made it look different, I couldn't figure it out. It contained a group of girls and boys in uniforms standing in front of the main school building. They looked happy--I guess school was better back then. I continued to examine the picture and instantly, something amazing happened. The picture began to let off some light. Before I was able to throw the picture down, I noticed that something had changed. I was still me and I was still at school, but the people around me were different. There skirts were bigger and longer, and their hair was neater, cuter, and bigger. I was in love with the clothes, but I began to panic and didn't understand what had happened until I saw him. My heart slowed to a rhythmic soothing beat and I froze; I hoped that I didn't have a bump on my head. I didn't know what to do next--do I stand here or do I walk somewhere? I had no idea.
This "him" that I am talking about is the boy in the center of the picture. He looked different than all of the other boys in the picture. He looked happy, but I could tell that there was something different about him. I just stood there thinking, not moving at all, until someone ran into me. Once again, all of my books fell out of my hand. I guess life isn't that different here. But something was different this time. There was someone there, beside me, noticing my existence. My eyes slowly moved up to see the face that appeared before me. It was him. He knelt beside me helping me pick up all of my books. He was sweet looking and gentle. He was olive complected with short dark hair jelled smoothly to the side, his eyes sparkled blue like the stars in the sky. I noticed once again I was staring--snap out of it Emm. So, I tried to speed myself up, but our hands touched. At that touch, I felt something, there was something different about him, but what?
Synchronized, we stood up. He handed my books to me with a slight smile on his face--man he is cute when he smiles. I didn't know what to do; I froze. So, I just decided to grab my books from his hand and tried to think of something to say. This is what I came up with:
"Thank you." I thought I would be brave and talk to this boy. I'm not to good in the boy department, so here it goes. "My name is Emmie, but most people call me Emm. What is your name?"
"Oh, you're welcome. My...name...is...Kenneth." He responded with such reluctance.
There was something peculiar about him. He hesitated when he spoke to me. Why? What made him react to me in that way? I looked down to straighten my books and just at the moment I looked up and started to respond, he was gone. There I was--just me--talking to myself. I didn't know what to think of this or what to do. So, I decided to go to my first period class. I remember thinking that maybe this is a dream, maybe I am still lying on the floor from being hit by the football. I tried pinching myself, but nothing happened. This means that I am either in a deep sleep or this is real. I guess I'll figure this thing out eventually.
At the end of this thought, I arrived to my first period class, English V Honors. The moment I stepped through that door, I saw him. He was sitting in the second to last seat in the second row from the teacher's desk. No one was in the classroom yet, but the teacher noticed me. His eyes found mine like a dart finds a target. His glare was frightening and sent shivers down my spine. My eyes pulled away, but I felt his piercing through me.
The bell suddenly rang, causing me to jump as high as the ceiling. Everyone was now in the classroom and I was still standing in the front.
The teacher, Mr. Krad, told the class, "Good morning students. I would like all of you to give a great big welcome to our new student Miss Emmie Miers. I want all of you to take care of her...even though she shouldn't have a hard time finding her way around here."
At the moment he made that last remark, he glanced over his shoulder at me with a slight smirk forming on the right side of his face. I didn't know what he meant by that–did he know what was going on?
Mr. Krad directed me to my seat, the same one I sit in everyday. The class dragged on as usual. Finally the bell rang, and it was time for the 10 minute break; however, I didn't jump out of my seat. I purposefully took my time picking up my materials to give the rest of the class time to leave the room. When the last person left the room, I went up to Mr. Krad.
"Hello Mr. Krad. Um, I wanted to ask you a few questions."
"I don't have a lot of time. What do you need to ask me, this is only your first day."
"That's the thing, you introduced me to the class like I was new. Why is that?"
He replied in such a way as though he did not want to answer, "I really don't have time for this right now Emmie."
I replied as politely I could, "I'm sorry Mr. Krad. Thank you."
I left the room and upon my exiting, I ran into Kenneth once again. I thought this might be fate saying something, but I figured that was too good to be true. He seemed distracted, so I continued to walk right passed him. As soon as I passed him, I stopped and glanced back. At that moment, I saw Kenneth walk into the classroom. With that action, I decided to turn around and  silently remain standing outside of the doorway. At first, I couldn't hear anything because the voices were muffled, but then I could hear their voices.
"Uncle, what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm keeping my oath to your father. I promised him at the time of his death that I would watch over you and make sure you would grow up healthy and strong. That's not all I did. I promised that I would keep you safe and that you would not get trapped in the struggles of traveling."
"I understand that Uncle, but let fate take over. There's a reason why she appeared."
"Forget about her. She isn't good for you and she will only cause problems."
What are they talking about? They must be talking about me? But how does he know me? What threat do I possess to them?
Kenneth hastily responded, "She doesn't hold a threat to me, she only does to you. It was the moment we met that you became the man you are today. Our family has possessed the ability to travel through the moments in time, but for some unknown reason, you want to destroy this ability. I don't know if it is your pride or stubbornness of not wanting anybody else to know about this unexplainable ability, but I believe in letting this ability remain for goodness, not evil."
"Forget about all of this. Now leave me. I have a lot of work that demands my attention."
"Fine, I'll leave, but let me say this. I love her and you will not separate us again. We'll find a way to stay together and you can't stop us. There's a reason why she showed up here again. This is fate."
After he said that, I noticed that he started walking out of the door. When he turned his head, his crystal eyes met mine. I didn't want to look away, but I had to; I had no choice. I turned my back to him and hurried away. It couldn't have been ten steps until a hand touched my shoulder. I stopped. I didn't move. I didn't breathe. I just froze and took in his touch. But it ended with a sudden release. I turned around with the expectation of seeing his face, but it wasn't him. It was a taller boy with lighter hair, lighter skin, and dark, dark, dark, brown eyes. Before anything could come out of my mouth, he pulled me to a classroom that only contained an oversized desk and a chalkboard. He rushed in and closed the door. I had no time to ask questions or to comprehend anything that was happening. After he locked the door, he pushed the desk to the left and something appeared. It was a door in the floor. WHAT IS HAPPENING? AM I BEING KIDNAPPED? I stopped and just stared at him. When he looked up at me, he finally spoke.
"I know you don't know me, but just trust me. My name is Andrew. I know this seems weird, strange, and confusing, but I promise that I"lol explain everything to you. You will remember everything, I just need to explain everything to you. Don't worry, you can trust me, but you can't trust Mr. Krad. Just take my hand."
"Why should I trust you? I don't know you and I don't know what is going on. Where does that even go?"
"I will explain everything, but we have to go. Ken is down there waiting for us to arrive. He will make all of this make sense."
His name brought peace to me. My heart instantly stopped racing and calmed to a rhythmic beat. What should I do? Do I follow him? Do I trust him? I resulted in following him. Nothing was making sense, so I figured if I followed him that I would understand what was happening. So, I took his hand and together we went down a winding set of stairs. Darkness filled my surroundings, except for the dim light in the distance. It was taking forever; I found myself starting to count the steps--Forty-six, forty-seven, forth-eight, forty-nine, fifty. Finally, after descending fifty steps, we arrived to a tunnel. Andrew rushed in front of me, and we came to a room. In that room, there he stood. Kenneth was standing by a table examining something that lays in front of him. When he heard our steps, he looked up, his eyes met mine, and a slight smile appeared on his face. I felt like time froze for the first time in my life. Time was standing still.
"Hello? Ken? Emm? I know you both are happy to see each other, but let's get on with this."
"Oh, sorry Andrew. Thank you for coming here Emm. I know this is all confusing and doesn't make sense, but it will. Everything will come back to you, just have faith."
"Ok. I'm ready to understand everything that is happening and know where I am."
After I said that, he lit up. He looked happy again. He was shuffling things around and taking out stacks of books. Andrew went across the room and opened a door that I didn't realize was there.
When Andrew came out, Ken said, "I want you to put this outfit on. You can go in the other room and change. This way you will blend in with everybody. After you change, we'll explain everything. So go hurry and change."
I grabbed the clothes and walked through the door. I was wondering if these clothes would fit, but that fear vanished when I put on the dress. It fit perfectly. It was as if it was made for me or it was mine. Wait a second. I examined the fabric more closely and thoughts came back to me. The fabric was grayish blue and very soft and delicate. It buttoned half way with a little tie around the waist. The neck of the dress was outlined with white. I stepped in front of the mirror and I remembered. I have worn this dress before. I wore this dress on the day I left. The day I said goodbye to Ken. The day I was sent away and stripped of these memories. I slipped my hands in my pockets and I felt something. It was very soft and wrinkly. I pulled it out and it was a piece of folded paper. I unwrapped it. It was a letter from Ken, but I didn't read it when it was given to me. So, I began to read it now.

Dear Emm,
My heart was stolen at the sight of you. It promised to love you forever, from the past to the present. It loved you dearly and would do anything to protect you. My heart will sob at the moment you leave, but it will beat for the moment of your arrival. I hate to see you go, but I will welcome you again in my arms as I have done for you before. I will love you forever.

The second I finished reading the letter, I rushed out of the room and darted straight to Ken. The second he heard me, he turned around and when I got to him, I leaped into his arms. He held me tight and I did the same. I didn't want to let go, this feeling was extravagant. He then pushed my head back and put one hand to the side of my face. His eyes met mine and he leaned forward. Sparks began to fly high in the sky. Everything went quiet and everything was good in the world. No evil prevailed in the world. I tilted my head back and smiled at him. I remembered who I was and what my purpose was in this world.

To be continued . . . .

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