The Window | Teen Ink

The Window

March 7, 2015
By Maumau BRONZE, Fullerton, California
Maumau BRONZE, Fullerton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I became insane with long periods of horrible sanity" Edgar Allen Poe

I stood there looking out at the pouring rain that hadn’t stopped for three days, our street was now a river flowing through the jungle. I watched how the water cleansed the street and made it appear as if it had been taken care of. I could see children jumping in the puddles with their mom’s behind them making sure they didn’t fall or get hurt. I left the blue drapes lonely and went to the comfort of my bedroom. In my bedroom I surrounded myself with books of novelists like Edward Allan Poe and Sylvia Plath and surrounded myself with countless poems from Emily Dickinson and sonnets from Shakespeare. These were my teenage years where I entered my island and couldn’t find the mainland. I stay up countless nights reading with my cup of coffee next to me. I loved books, I loved the way authors could bend these words to a baseball bat and hit a homerun. I stayed up that night doing something I didn’t do often, listen to music. I was trying to get on a ship away from my island as I noticed that there weren’t enough resources in the island to maintain myself. I became obsessed with Bach’s cello suite and the countless symphonies of Mozart and Beethoven. I didn’t noticed how it hurt other people when I did enter this island. I departeded myself from my family, friends, and loved ones. They searched and searched for me but I was unwilling to look for them as they had caused me to enter isolation. But this isolation couldn’t and wouldn’t last forever is what my mother would always say. She’d tell me how back in her day when people became isolated people found them odd and often didn’t trust them. Suddenly my train of thought went back to the window. Where I saw an amazing stunning girl who was walking by getting drenched by the rain. She then turned and looked back through my window and smiled. She turned around and became out of sight for a little bit. Then I heard a knock on the door and opened it to find her beautiful eyes that seemed to be so bright even on such a grey day. I welcomed her in and told her that my parents weren’t home.
She responded, “ It’s fine, I didn’t come to see your parents. I just needed to get out of the rain for a while is all.”
“ Would you like anything to drink,” I asked nervously to the girl.
“Yes, do you happen to have tea?”
“Cinnamon yeah but it’s not all that good.”
“I’ll have some anyway.”
She smiled at me and I rushed to the kitchen trying to impress my long waiting visitor. Just as I was serving her tea, she appeared at the door of my bedroom.
“You must read lots!”
I didn’t respond because my heart began pounding harder nervous that she would try to walk into my island.
“Yeah” I finally said after what seemed like forever. She stepped away from my room and walked towards the kitchen where her tea was finally prepared. I poured her tea then poured myself some coffee. She began talking about herself telling me that her name was Violet. We talked for what seemed hours.
“I should leave now since your parents aren’t home and i need to get to mine” she said with a smile.
“Do you need an umbrella? Maybe I can walk you to your house?” I questioned.
“No I’ll be okay either way it seems like the rain has stopped.”
I walked her to the front door and looked out the window as she walked along the river. She simply looked back, smiled at me, waved, and walked. Once I couldn’t see her anymore I decided to head back to my room where I could once again read. I stared a good while at the blue bedroom where little light shined through as my bedroom faced the south rather than west or east. I sat down on my bed and just sat there thinking about that beautiful girl. How her black hair flowed down her shoulder, how her eyes dark eyes seemed to sparkle and how her skinned had a beautiful glow and seemed so smooth. I rapidly looked through my collections of poems and skimmed through Emily Dickinson. There was a poem that I never quite understood ‘till now. The poems was simply entitled VI in the love section of her poems. Some years later I crossed paths with a little boy who asked me why are you never alone. I simply answered when you truely love something you'll try and keep it forever, and i grabbed my fiance's hand, Violet's hand. 

The author's comments:

What I hope people will get form the article is that as much as you isolate yourself, whether it's to not get hurt or other reasons, your still capable of love and you are still able to be happy. Everybody deserves to be happy and you just have to find what makes you happy. 

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