The Mistake Is Just The Beginning | Teen Ink

The Mistake Is Just The Beginning

March 16, 2015
By Spree BRONZE, West Bend, Wisconsin
Spree BRONZE, West Bend, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing is out of your reach, poor or rich. Anyone can succeed with hard work.

So what would or could you do in my situation to make up for being fooled and acting stupid? Your best friend Brad has known for about 4 years that you like a girl, the thing is you've never needed to ask her out till now. She wears the same uniform as everyone else, has blonde hair as most of the girls and has it up in the same hair style. The thing is you can't tell them apart...

Brad just told you that the girl at locker 246 is her's and you should ask her out there. You listen making the obvious choice, knowing that this dance means a lot, it means a chance. You believe the girl you love is right in front of you, so you just shout out,“Will you go to prom with me”.

The girl turns around and you find out it isn't her. She replies and says, “ Sure” with a smile on her face. She walks away and as you turn your head, the girl your madly in love with is staring at you with tears in her eyes, you reach out a hand but she runs away. You look at your friend laughing at you as he starts to walk away.
It's time for the dance, you have a date and the girl you like doesn't. She's standing on the side line and your dancing with this other girl. The other girl stops you and says, “Do you wanna dance with me or that girl over there”.

You gotta think about this, the girl you love is by herself. She's upset because she wanted you to ask her out, but then you accidentally asked out this girl and your over here barely dancing with her and hardly ever looking at her but another girl. 

The girl you love hears your conversation and looks at you and the girl your with looks at you, you have to decide whether or not you can hurt this girl your here with or the girl you love. Just as you are about to say something the girl you came here with says something, “I think I'm just going to go dance with my friends, I can tell this was a mistake. The way you look at the girl clearly shows you like her, don't try and mess it up again”, she giggles as she walks away.

He smiles and runs up to the girl he loves and kisses her as he pulls her onto the dance floor and they dance to a slow song.

The author's comments:

Practical relationships and social complications are what inspired me to do this piece. 

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