The Damn Sentences | Teen Ink

The Damn Sentences

April 1, 2015
By jpoole97 BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
jpoole97 BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The damn sentences were boring as always. The instructor’s monotonous voice did not assist my boredom in any way. Why should I care why the sentence is incorrect?
My feet were constrained to the metal basket under the desk in front of me and my right elbow was propped up on the metal bar that ran along the right side of my desk. My left arm was across my stomach and in my left hand was a pen that was beating against my hip. My right hand was what propped my head up. The thumb ran along my jaw while my index finger lay vertically against my cheek. My middle and ring fingers covered my lips by forming semi circles.
My eyes started to wander the classroom hoping to find something less boring than the sentences. They meandered until they found her.
She was four desks ahead of me and one column to the right. Her head was propped up like mine, but her left hand was on the desk as her red fingernails tapped an inaudible melody. Her right leg was over her left revealing a tennis shoe that matched her nails, and she wore a jean jacket that had its sleeves end just past the elbow. Her brown hair was straight and the majority of it hung down her back while only a fraction of it was over her shoulder.
Not caring about anything in this world other than her, I stepped out of my desk slowly. I walked toward her desk while everyone’s eyes followed me.
Curious as to what everyone was looking at, she turned to see me approaching her.
Once I reached her desk, I grabbed her left hand with my own and helped her rise out of her desk. Her brown eyes stared into my blue and we were both lost. My left hand went behind her head while my right ventured to the small of her back. Her arms found their way around my broad shoulders and we pulled each other closer.
Our lips met and our eyes closed. Silence lurked until we opened our eyes and departed our lips. Our classmates applauded us, and we blushed in unison. I smiled while she giggled and we stood embracing each other with our eyes still locked. My lips started to drift back to hers and we drew our bodies even closer. Her eyes commenced to close and mine soon followed. The cheers of my classmates increased until our lips brushed one another.
“John!” the teachers voice roared, collapsing my day dream and sending me back to my desk. “Could you tell us what is wrong with Sentence B?”
My eyes dragged themselves from her head back to the board, back to where the damn sentences were.

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