The Rose | Teen Ink

The Rose

May 12, 2015
By Potatogirl BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Potatogirl BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Enjoy the little things in life... for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

As I look at the red petals, my throat clenches up and it's hard to swallow. I can still picture that day. My eyes feel blurry and I can’t see through the mist. My nose gets stuffy with snot when I remember the day you gave me that rose that had exactly 22 petals, and 4 thorns on it. You gave it to me on our one month anniversary, telling me that each petal represented all those happy days together and the thorns were when we fought. I believed that as long as the petals outweighed the thorns our love would be able to stay strong. Every month brought a new flower, each one bigger than the last. I honestly had no idea how you were able to find flowers of that size.You also said the same cheesy phrase when you handed me a new rose. “ With every new flower our love just seems to grow and grow.” Then you looked gently into my eyes and caressed my cheek and embrace me in a loving manner. 
      After three years of dating, I still had every single rose you had ever given me. I even kept the ones that have already withered and dried. Little did I know on October 16, 2015 you would take all the roses from my house and spell out the words WILL YOU MARRY ME, which was laid out on the ground in the place we first met. You kneeled with a single rose in your hand and said, “ I knew from the moment I saw you that I had found the person who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. When you smiled at me that cold December day, my heart began to feel like it would beat right out of my chest. I knew in that instant that I had found my soulmate. When I first saw you surround by the rose bushes I wanted to buy you a single rose every day. I know I’ve said this to you a hundred times already, but with every new flower, our love just seem to grow and grow. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. Marry me.”
      I had never heard anything more beautiful in my life. I was shaking with tears in my eyes, and butterflies flying around in my stomach.  So I said the only word I could choke out “Yes” with a watery smile you put the ruby ring on my left ring finger.
       It’s the day of our wedding and I can’t wait to be your wife. I’m waiting behind the oak doors with my 49 roses all bundled up in a bouquet. Some roses yellow, some red, and some pink. They are the roses you had given to me the days leading up to our wedding. I’ll get the last white rose when I walk down the aisle on a day so pure. With every step I had take, my heart to thumps even louder. I look into your eyes and I see the raw emotions in them; I think I even see a lone tear fall from your eye. I receive my white rose when we said our I Do’s then we walk into a future filled with a promise of roses.

The author's comments:

I was wearing a sweater with a rose on it.

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