have you ever been in love? | Teen Ink

have you ever been in love?

May 31, 2015
By yulissa martinez BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
yulissa martinez BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have You Ever Been In Love?
Its 7:15 a.m. I was awoken by the annoying sound of my alarm. I had to wake up and get ready for work. I was working at a local hospital as doctor.  I had a good life and everything was just perfect. One day I was having lunch in the cafeteria with some of the other doctors. Suddenly I hear the intercom say ‘’Alice please report to the emergency room immediately.’’ I put my lunch down and took a little sip of my strawberry and kiwi Snapple. I rush to the emergency room to see what was the problem. There was man that had gotten burnt because someone set the entire building on fire were he lived. Alice took good care of the man and gave him the treatments he needed to get better and he did and he did get better, way better.
One day I was taking his lunch to him, which were broccoli soup, garlic bread with orange juice and some grapes. As I set the food tray on the side table he was trying to get up himself but I stopped him and told him ‘’ Liam, be careful your going to hurt yourself I’ll help you sit up.’’ He stares at her and she stares back at him and they both look deeply into each others eyes.  Alice said, ‘’ What? Do I have something on my face or something?’’ Liam answers, ‘’No miss your just so beautiful I can’t move my eyes off of you.’’ Alice giggles, ‘’ well thank you.’’ Everything is quiet for about to minutes. ‘’ Alice, when I get better and off of these casts can I take you out to dinner?’’ ‘’Yes M.r Liam, you can take me out to dinner, but you have to promise me you’ll get better.’’
*2 years later…*
Alice no longer works at the local hospital and no longer is a doctor anymore.  She has started a new life. She now lives in Paris with her parents in a big white and golden yellow house. One day she went to the market to buy some groceries for her mom. When she was going towards the tomato section, she was about to pick up one of the fat and red tomatoes and as soon as she does a man grabs it first. Alice hand is on top of his hand. She looks up at him and he looks back at her.
She says, ‘’You tried to grab the same tomato as me.’’
‘’ I sure did ma’am’’, with a big smile.
‘’ And what is your name sr.’’
‘’Well my name is Gabe, what’s yours?’’
‘’My name is Alice.’’
‘’Nice too meet you Alice’’.
‘’Nice too meet you too Gabe.’’
Gabe and Alice walk away from each other and as they do Gabe turns back and looks at Alice one last time. Later that day, Alice gets an unexpected phone call my her old friend back in L.A. She answers and she tells her she as in town and if she wanted to go out and go see a movie or something. Alice says yes. She gets all dressed up with a beautiful black with white pock a dot dress, red heels and a really red lipstick. Once she gets ready she calls her friend to come pick her up.
They all arrive to a fair by a mall. The thing that is funny about Alice is that she is lonely because her friend is with her boyfriend and she’s basically all alone with nobody. After getting on all the rides they go to a hot dog truck to buy some food because they were all starving. Alice sees someone unexpectedly and surprised. She sees the man she saw at the tomato stand while getting groceries. She sees Gabe. She goes up to him ad says hello to him. They start talking and have funny conversations. Minutes later Alice friend tells her that they are leaving, but Alice tells her they could go, that she’s going to stay with Gabe for awhile. Alice and Gabe start walking towards the exit of the fair and walk down the street. He starts flirting with her making her giggle and blush. He drops her off at her house and that was the day he was already falling in love with her.
Her parents had signed her up for classes when they had just moved to Paris and today was her first day of school. The day went by fast and pretty good. When she was walking out of school with some of her friends she saw that same exact guy she had taken care of at the hospital. It was Liam with a really expensive car and really nice clothes. Liam smiled at her. Alice was shocked to see him. She told her friends to go on without her that she was going to go stop by and say hello to Liam.
‘’Well hello Liam, I see your out of bed and you look in great conditions.’’
‘’ Yes miss Alice I’ am and remember what I told you once I get out of the hospital?’’
‘’Yes I do , and I see u kept your promise.’’ said Alice.
Alice gets on the car and they drive off. Liam takes her out on a date to a really fancy and expensive restaurant. They are both having a great time together, but it’s getting really cold and dark. It’s 11:30 p.m. and he takes her home. When they arrive he gives her a hug and trys to give her a kiss but she moves away and says ‘’ Thank you for everything Liam, I had a really good time goodnight.’’
Its Monday August 28, 1976 , it’s a good beautiful day out in Paris. She’s getting ready to go out and have a 30 minute run at the park. Its been 25 minutes since she’s started running and she’s red and her body is all covered in sweat. Minutes later she stopped by a bench and sat down to have some water. Gabe is walking towards her and asks her a question.
‘’Alice can I please take you out on a date for one night, I promise you will have an amazing time, but can u please say yes because I really want to take you out and get to know you better so what do you say?’’
‘’ I suppose you can take me out, but I have to be home early.’’ says Alice.
*7 months later…*
It has been 7 months since Alice hasn’t seen Gabe nor hasn’t talked to him. She is happily engaged to the handsome man Liam. Their wedding was in 2 months and she was already picking out her wedding dress.
One day Gabe was walking down the street and wanted to buy the newspaper of the day. As soon as he turns the page he sees Alice and her future husband kissing. The description of the image said:
‘’ The William Family wedding is in 2 months , how amazing. Ms William is happily engaged to the handsome Mr William. ‘’
Gabe was really shocked when he saw the picture of her. His heart was almost broken because he was falling for her. He decided to search where she is was at to try and stop the wedding and get her back. He tried everything and he couldn’t find her nowhere. Until she was walking by with her friends and he spotted her. He ran to her as fast as he could because he didn’t want to lose her again.
‘’Alice! Wait! I want to talk to you.’’
‘’ Oh my god, Gabe I haven’t seen you since the longest. Where have you been all this time?’’
‘’ Well around you know, but anyways I heard you were engaged to this one guy called Liam.’’
‘’ Yes I am Gabe and my wedding is in 2 months.’’
‘’Congrats Alice.’’
‘’ And what exactly did you wanted to talk to me about.’’
‘’ ohh it was nothing I totally forgot, but I got to.’’
‘’Well all right Gabe have a nice day.’’
‘’Goodbye Alice.’’
Gabe was really heart broken not only did he lose her but he completely lost everything he wanted because he knew he was going to always make her happy and he believed they had a chance together to start something knew, but he believed wrong. The day of the wedding, Gabe showed up with a frown. When the wedding was over Gabe couldn’t stand being there so he left and never did he saw or talked to Alice ever again. Alice and Liam lived happily ever after.
Sometimes people do anything they can to get that person to fall in love with them , but that person might just not be the right person because they either do you wrong or they just ain’t ment to be with you.

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