Can You See Me? | Teen Ink

Can You See Me?

September 12, 2015
By Anonymous

   My gaze darted around, trying to find someone to help me. Anyone! The girls surrounding me moved in, closing me in a semi-circle with my back against the brick wall of the high school. I saw the one in the middle raise her hand, ready to strike me. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for the blow, but it never came. Slowly I opened my eyes. There, standing in front of me, was Ryan. Ryan Paige, the most popular guy in school, and he was holding the girl's hand back!

   "You shouldn't hit people." He said to the girl, his deep voice reverberating throughout my whole being.

  "Ugh, whatever," the girl said with a twisted snarl, "lets go girls!" And with that and a flip of their hair, the girls marched away.

   We watched for a bit before Ryan turned to me. Suddenly the fear I felt earlier came back, except ten-fold. I felt sweat beading my forehead and, because my hands were trembling I stuck them in my pockets. 

   "Thanks." I said to him, ducking my head I tried to walk around him but his hand shot out and caught my arm.

   "Hey, I was wondering... Um..." He gazed into my eyes and I glanced into his. They were a rich brown.

   "I-I have to go." I said and quickly slipped out of his grip. With my head down, I started the short walk home.

   I could still feel his stare burning into my back. 

                                        *  *  *

   The next day I ran into Ryan again. Quickly I tried to walk away but his voice stopped me.

   "Sarah, wait!" He called out to my back.

   Slowly I turned, suprised that he knew my name. For someone of his status to know the name of a girl like me... I was shocked into place.

   "Yes?" I asked quietly with my gaze averted from his.

   "Well, I just wanted to talk to you. I've wanted to talk to you for a long time now..." He said.

   I glanced up at those words and saw his blushing face. It was so cute it made me blush too.

   "W-What did you want to talk about?" I asked tentativley, my voice a bit shaky.

   He ran his hand through his chocolaty hair and rubbed his neck. He was a quite a bit taller than me, but then again many people were.

   "I wanted to...ask you out!" He blew out a breath and glanced at me.

   I could feel my face turning many shades of red right now. Ryan just asked me out... He wants to date me! I didn't know what to say so I just said the first thing I could.

   "You want to be my boyfriend?"

   "Yes, Sarah. I've wanted to be your boyfriend since we had science class together first trimester. Will you go out with me?"

   Science class first trimester? I don't remember him being in that class with me. Then again, I wasn't very focused in that class.

   With my heart in my throat I answered his question, "Yes."

   I looked up at him from under my lashes as my cheeks turned redder than before. A huge smile was stretched across his face as he looked down at me. Suddenly he laughed, a sort of relived laugh, and wrapped his arms around me. I was suprised from his sudden hug but the feeling went away quickly. A smile curled the corners of my lips upward and my arms snaked around his shoulders. I breathed in his scent and nuzzled his neck. His arms squeezed me tighter and, without any warning, he lifted me up. A little squeak escaped my lips as he re-arranged me in his arms. I hooked my arms around his neck for fear of getting dropped. With me in his arms being carried like a bride, he swooped down and kissed me.


The author's comments:

I hope people will realise that there is someone out there for everyone.

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