A Love like No Other. | Teen Ink

A Love like No Other.

October 2, 2015
By apriacoleman1 BRONZE, Teague, Tx, Texas
apriacoleman1 BRONZE, Teague, Tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        “The first thing I noticed when I looked at him, would probably be his dangerously beautiful green eyes. They weren’t the green grass color green, but a magnificently enchanting type of green, the kind that you know you will never get tired of staring at, the kind that would take a God to perfectly create. To say his eyes weren’t heavenly would be the biggest lie I’ve ever told.
       The second thing that always grasped my attention, had to be the way he walked. It wasn’t a slouch, but it wasn’t the perfect posture walk either. He walked more like an elegant but non-rehearsed dance, waltzing up and down the school halls like he was completely and utterly happy to “take the lead” if need be.
       No, he wasn’t the Prince Charming that ever girl wishes for, but that didn’t matter. Although if he were the villain I would have loved him just the same, without thinking twice about it, mama always did say, “you win, or you learn”, I guess I knew which I would choose. That says allot about me doesn’t it? A girl like me, a “goody-goody” as he would put it, falling head over heels for a bomb, or that flame that starts a forest fire. I didn’t think I deserved him, I still don’t. He was beautifully sculpted while I, just a girl.
       A girl who’s entire life revolves around a schedule and clock, an orderly and tiring life it is. But then again every clock runs out of batteries sooner or later.
      When he bombarded into my life I began to feel things, things that make you question you humanity, things that keep you up late at night just thinking about that special person. I slowly started to throw my schedule away, I mean with all the “surprise dates” and three hour phone calls, you kind of have to. I began to smile, my peers noticed. I wasn’t a shell of a girl anymore, he showed me how I was much more than that, how I could conquer anything. Often he would start his sentences of with the whole “one day you’ll find someone that deserves you” thing, of course we both had doubts at times. I was terrified that he’d want a “bad girl”, the kind that people in hallways walked aside for, the girl that made mouths drop with just a little swaying of the hips. When I would voice my thoughts of the girl I wanted to be for him, he wouldn’t hesitate to tell me how he didn’t want a girl like that because he already had his “Queen.” Those moment were my favorite.
       The cute little things he would say, always made my day. From Monday to Sunday, I would smile. Not just your average “cheese” smile, but that mind-blowing ear to ear smile, the one that left your cheeks sore for days on end. To be honest I didn’t even know that I could smile that much, until he came along.
       I remembered how we met, that day will forever be engraved into my mind. January 17, 1973, was a cold day, and of course I didn’t wear a sweater, so I was freezing walking down the school halls. Suddenly someone pushed me down, and I hit the cold blue floors, awhile hearing laughter. Next thing I know someone is picking me up bridal- style, as hot tears made their way down my face, I was completely embarrassed. After that he took me to an empty science lab, and wiped my tears, and introduced himself as “Nicolas Parks” then proceeded to say that his friends called him “Nick” and that I was allowed to also. After he saw me shiver he quickly with no hesitation gave me his warm jacket that smelled heavenly, then carried my bags for the rest of the day. It was from that day that our love story started.
       It as from that day that I found myself falling completely and uncontrollably in love with Nicolas Simon Parks”, I finished telling Nicolette, my daughter about her father. Her beautiful green eyes that she inherited from her father, began to sparkle with love. I knew she had been surprised that I talked about my late husband, she saw firsthand how heartbroken I was after his death. Although he only died a year ago on July 26th, 2015, his death was still heavy on my mind. But our love should be spoken of, because he did in fact love me like no other.

The author's comments:

This peice came to me when i was watching Barbie and Ken.

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