Victoria | Teen Ink


October 10, 2015
By Anonymous

They were next to each other, laying in silence in his room staring into each until Jack said:

“Hey Victoria.”
“Hey Jack.”
“I have something pretty important to tell you.”
“Tell me.”
“I really, really, really like your face.”
She answered with a gorgeous smirk, and:
“Thanks, Jack, it’s kind of easy to see. You know you tell me that everyday.”
“That’s because it’s important and important things must be repeated. For emphasis, you know.”
Her smile broadened, and so did his. She was his mirror- the happier she looked, the happier he was. They laid, staring at each other’s smiles until:
“Hey Jack.”
“Hey Victoria.”
“I thought about it, and I want you to know that I really like your face, too.”
“Yeah. In fact, I might even be in love with it.”
“Yeah,” she said giggling.
“That’s great news since considering I love your face as well.”
Now she laughed out loud (she couldn’t help it) until he began stroking her auburn hair, looking deep into her hazel eyes.
“In fact, I don’t just love your face. I love everything else. Everything about you.”
“Yeah?” she asked, biting her lightly glossed lips.
“Yeah.” His hand smoothed over her hair, down onto her neck. “Like your neck. I love kissing your neck.
“Please do,” she said quickly.
“I can’t right now, sweetheart. I’m about to give a sensual speech.”
“OK, but promise to kiss it later.”
“Of course, I promise. Wouldn’t want to miss out on that. I love your shoulders,” his hand corresponding to his words, unlooping her tank top strap. “That’s why it’s so awesome whenever you wear tank tops. Don’t get me wrong- you look drop dead gorgeous in anything. You’re so dazzling you might even pull off a Snuggie if you wanted to.
“Your shoulders. I love your shoulders. And your arms… And your elbows… And your wrists…”
“You gave me this charm bracelet. I never, ever take it off, even in the shower.”
“I gave it to you because you’re charming, Victoria.
He paused to look deeper into the hazel eyes, where he saw his future, until:
“Your hands too, ooh, how I love your hands.” He drew her hand in his and brought it to his mouth, where he traced the back of her palm with his dewy lips.
“Mmm,” she said, closing her eyes in pleasure. “A proper gentleman.”
“Vic,” he said, with a playful hint of urgency in his voice. Her eyes fluttered open, much to his relief. “Please don’t close your eyes. I don’t want to go a second without seeing your eyes.”
Her smirk was back. “But Jack, what if I have to blink?”
“It’s OK to blink. I like it when your eyelashes flutter… I love your eyelashes. Your pink lips. Your button nose. Your rosy cheeks.”
“Rosy cheeks. Such a cliche,” she said smiling. Always smiling.
“Shh… I’m almost done. Moving down now, so don’t be so alarmed. I really love your chest.
“Jack,” she said with a hint of self-consciousness. “I don’t really like my chest.”
“Well, you should. I so very do. In fact, I might even have to say it’s definitely one of my favorite features, although I have no real preferences.”
“Oh yeah. I love your tummy, hips, your waist… Need I say more?”
“Nah, but please keep going.” 
“Your legs. The flawless legs of God’s wife, queen of yoga pants. Scratch that- your legs are even better. So much better.”
“Ah, that’s great.”
“It’s all true, you know.”
“That’s right.”
“Hey Jack?”
“I love you too.”
They returned to a beautiful silence, looking into each other. Their eyes were each other’s mirrors, where they saw the future.
Their future.

The author's comments:

Wrote longily.

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