Wonderland? | Teen Ink


October 27, 2015
By Anonymous


Her curiosity was always getting her into trouble. Nothing major, just small quarrels with teachers and friends about being too nosy or not paying attention to the correct thing. Her friends warned her about him, but as usual she didn’t listen. Only a sophomore in high school, she was still so innocent. She had had boyfriends in the past but nothing that meant anything. This was nothing close to a boyfriend though. This was a naive girl letting her imagination and inexperience get the best of her.
She knew of his reputation, how he would tell girls they meant the world to him, then strip them of their purity. She decided to ignore this and dive in headfirst, falling like alice into the rabbit hole. The whole situation was some obscene trip, but the only drug she was on was her own adrenaline. Not listening to what her friends were saying or looking to the outside world, she came up with her own version of reality and expected to get everything she wanted. Her eyes were only on him and everything he did and said; his James Dean good looks, the way he walked like he never needed to care about anything, his cheshire cat smile that was almost impossible to ignore. She fell and fell hard, not knowing what they had would end up spinning out of control.
She knew him, but not well. She would pass him in the halls (on the days he would attend school) and get a glimpse every once in awhile. Then one day he came up to her locker telling her how he had never noticed how beautiful she was. He was a professional player, telling girls exactly what they wanted to hear. Well, she fell for his lies about how he is just a misunderstood guy and truly cares about people. He told her how he was interested in getting to know her and invited her to an upcoming party. She immediately agreed. It all felt new and exciting to her; being noticed by a guy and feeling wanted. Unfortunately, this was not the guy she should want to be wanted by. She told all her friends and all they did was warn her. There was nothing else they could do but worry about what would become of her curious mind.
It was getting late and he hadn’t called and she was almost ready to give up. It was around ten o’clock at night, when her phone began to ring. She saw his name pop up on her screen and her heart started to race. Her face turned flush and she answered the phone with a shaky voice. He told her he would be there in ten minutes, but wouldn’t reveal where they were going. A small trace of doubt tried showing through her adrenaline filled veins, but was soon covered up by her thoughts of them holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes, slow dancing the night away. What she had in mind was not close whatsoever to the actual plans for the evening.
She heard her mom yell from downstairs that a car had pulled up to the house. He started beeping the horn and didn’t even come up to the door. He was driving a blacked out Dodge Charger. She walked over to the car swiftly and opened the front door. He sat in the driver’s seat wearing black skinny jeans, leather boots and a leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. His dark shaggy hair was framing his face perfectly and he gave her a smirk, which only made her heart beat faster. He was every teenage girl’s guilty pleasure and she only fell deeper into his trance.
There was minimal conversation on the way to the party. Mostly listening to The Black Keys and him constantly taking a drag on his Newport cigarette. This all felt new and exciting to her and she was not prepared for what the night had in store. They pulled up to the party, but this was not your average high school party. It was in the middle of a field with loud music, flashing lights, and hundreds of people. She wondered how they would ever have their romantic night at a place like this. He told her to follow him, and didn’t even open the door for her. He led her right over to the bar area. She didn’t drink, and was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. He started to down drink after drink while she only sipped on one. He set down his cup and winked at her, and asked her to go dance. She removed all uneasiness she had and looked into his deep green eyes. He was the devil, but looked so much like an angel. She let her guard down completely and grabbed his hand, following him to the dancefloor. The lights were flashing so bright, different colors. The music was so loud, one was unable to hear anything else. The two were dancing and she was enjoying herself, at least for now. Their bodies moved together in sync, almost as if they have done this all before. He pulled her in close and her heart started again. He whispered in her ear and asked if she was nervous. She just shook her head thinking that she couldn’t possibly reveal how nervous she really was. He put his arm around her back and leaned in to kiss her. She was not expecting this, well at least not until later. When he let go and pulled back he just walked away. She couldn’t even fathom what had just happened. The room seemed to be spinning and nothing seemed normal. She looked around and didn’t see him anywhere. Even though her dream had just come true, she felt alone.
She searched the party for him, but was unsuccessful. He wasn’t anywhere to be found until she saw him at the bar, yelling at another man. He pushed the man and the man pushed back. He then punched the man in the face, knocking him out. She was scared and didn’t know whether to follow him or not. He furiously walked over to her, kissed her hard, then ran onto the dancefloor. Confusion filled her mind and she just stood there not knowing where to go. She made her way back onto the dancefloor looking for him. Suddenly her heart dropped. She chose not to believe her friends, but in that moment knew she made the wrong decision. He was dancing with another girl, and kissing her. She refused to believe that this was who he really is, but now she knew. She tried so hard not to burst out in tears, but couldn’t help it. She ran off to the side of the bar where no one was. Her phone was on 11% and she just stood there in confusion, frustration, nervousness, and anxiety. How could she fall for him and his tricks? She was just like every other girl that he had used.
He walked over to her grabbing her hand and told her to come back to his car,  so they could “have some fun.” She needed to get out of this situation and refused to go with him. He became very angry and told her to walk home. She watched him walk away, still that same swift movement she would see in the halls at school. She felt broken and stupid. She thought she had found wonderland but all she got was a harsh reality her curious mind refused to see. She was now left with no ride home, and no one to talk to. Her parents would be upset with her, and her friends would all say they told her so. She had never felt so used, so alone. Her innocence was gone and she now realized what happens to naive pretty girls who fall for misfit older boys.
It all came back in flashes to her. She could remember the way he looked at her, his smirk and wink. She was too caught up in what could have been to see what was really going on. The night was a kaleidoscope of event after event and she never got a chance to catch her breath until it was all over. It happened so fast, so sudden. She never got to step back and see what she was doing and with that, the worst part wasn’t losing him, it was losing herself.

The author's comments:

I wanted to go along with the alice and wonderland theme, so I turned it into something realistic. I was inspired by many different songs so I kind of molded the plot lines into one to create a story. I also put some personal experience into the story.

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