Too Sick To Party | Teen Ink

Too Sick To Party

October 29, 2015
By Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. - Andy Biersack

One late afternoon my friend, Alex, invited me to her 18th birthday party. I said that I would love to go.
Let me give you a back ground story and tell you how I met Alex. I moved here from Arizona in 2nd grade. When I first stepped in the small classroom, I saw this petite blonde, curly haired girl. The teacher pointed at a seat next to her.
“Hi, my name is Alex, what is yours?” She said with a smile.
“My name is Grace, would you like to be my best friend?”
“I would love to,” I replied.
Since then we have been the best of friends, two peas in a pod. We told each other everything. Nothing could separate us from each other. We know about each other’s first pets to our first kisses. So there you have it. Next week is her party so this weekend I have to shopping for this birthday party. Alex loves to throw parties. They have always been so elaborate. So this one will be her biggest yet.
On my way to the mall, I had a small cough ever since I left the house. I stopped from store to store spending lots of time for each. At the end of my shopping spree, I ended up with two dresses, three pairs of high heeled shoes, and two dressy shirts.
My coughs has been getting worse since then but I still chose to ignore them.
Today is Alex’s birthday. When I got home from school, I started to get ready. As soon as I stepped into my bedroom, I hit the shower. I stayed in there for at least 30 minutes. I stepped out and looked at the clock, her party starts in 3 hours, and I figure that I still have enough time to get ready, no rush. I put on my bathrobe and start to blow dry my hair. Afterwards, I throw all the clothes I bought earlier that week on my bed. I stared at the mess for fifteen minutes unable to figure out what I want to wear.
I finally picked out a turquoise dress and brown heels. I slipped on the dress and begum my makeup in front of my enormous vanity. I pull long caramel colored hair into a pony tail then beginning my artwork. I finished that in an hour. Now I have to do my hair. I usually curl my hair for ringlets for parties so I will do the same for this one. I remember what happened last year at Alex’s 17th party. It was so fun.
One of my fondest memory on that night we were playing seven in heaven and it was my turn to draw out of the hat. I inserted my hand in there and pulled out a guitar pick.
“Whose guitar pick?” I yelled
A guy about my age with black shiny hair that reflected the moon, green eyes that did the exact same thing, and the way he said that it was his guitar pick. Don’t get me started on that. I could have melted in his arms right then and there.  I handed him his guitar pick and we walk towards my Alex’s room. He opened it for me and closes it right after we stepped inside the room.
“So what is your name?” I asked.
“It’s Tyler. What is yours?”
“My name is Nicole. So you play the guitar how long have you been playing?”
He said his answer and I slowly faded back in present time. I remember we kissed a few times and after our seven minutes were up, we came out with my hand into his. He is my boyfriend till this day. I love him so much.
Anyway, I finish my hair and I put on my shoes. As I grabbed my keys and walk down the stair headed for the door, my mom stopped me.
“Where do you think you are going Missy?”
“I’m going to Alex’s birthday party, remember? Tyler is picking me up.”
“I know you go there every year, but you’ve been sick all week honey.”
“No I haven’t.” I coughed deathly
“See listen to yourself Grace, you’ve been throwing up all week.”
That was true. Today during 2nd period, I threw up twice but afterwards I felt just fine.
“Mom I feel fine.”
“Grace you have to stay at home today sweetie. You have to get better.”
“Fine I’ll stay at home.”
After my little confrontation, I decided to head back upstairs and call Tyler and Gracie that I can’t come to the party today.

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