By the Light of the Moon | Teen Ink

By the Light of the Moon

November 11, 2015
By AbbeyBrady BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
AbbeyBrady BRONZE, Peachtree City, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He normally does this, almost every night. He’s lived on the beach since he was about 7-- he is now 19. He takes night walks on the beach when he needs to think, unless of course it's storming. He only has the light of the moon guiding him, although he has never gotten lost finding his way back home. He takes these walks to get away from reality and tragedy that has occurred in his life.
He and his dad  don’t have much money, but the boy is saving up the money he is earning at his new job. He recently got hired at a local diner busting tables. He used to come here on Sunday mornings with his mom after church while his dad was at work. Mondays through Thursdays, he works from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. just so he can earn money for him and his dad. He still goes there to eat on Sunday mornings, he sits in the same small booth in the corner, where he and his mom would sit. On a rainy Thursday night, right before he was about to end his last shift, a beautiful young lady walked in and sat in the corner booth. She was alone. He went to go ask what she’d like to drink and if she was ready to order. He got to her table and asked if she’d like a drink.
She said, “Yes, can I have a water with two lemons please?”
“Of course,” he said, “it’ll be right out.” That’s what his mom would order-- water with 2 lemons. He was a little confused, sort of shocked. He came back with her drink and was taking her order when she said something surprising.
“Can I have a cheeseburger with no onions and with the pickles on the side?”
“Yes. Is that all?”, he asked.
“Yes. Thank you,” she said with a smile.
He was walking away when she said, “Hey. Are you the boy whose father was an amazing fisherman?” He answered, “Yes, why?”
“Oh. I was just going to say that he was magnificent and that I’m really sorry about what happened to your mom.”
His mom passed away a little over 3 years ago and his dad doesn’t work anymore. His dad was one of the most famous fisherman in their small, quaint town. His dad retired about a year before his mother passed away.
“Thank you,” he said and walked into the kitchen to help prepare her order.
After about ten minutes, her food was ready and he was taking it to her table. She was still in the booth alone. At this point the diner was fairly empty so he didn't have any other tables he need to cover. He felt as if he need to accompany her and talk to her, so he brought her a refill of her water with two lemons and the hamburger with no onions and pickles on the side. He set her food on the table then sat down across the booth from her. She had a puzzled look on her face when she saw him sit down.
“Do you want to get dinner sometime?”, he asked her hoping to hear the answer he wanted.
“Of course”, she replied.
“At my house tomorrow night? I can pick you up at 7.”
“Sounds great!”
The next day he didn’t have to go to the diner to work his shifts since it was his few days off. All he could think about was the girl. He didn’t know why, but he really liked her. A lot. He knew she was perfect, all he’s been looking for.
The time came and it was exactly 6:45 when he was walking out the door to go pick her up. He got to her house at 6:59.and she walked out of her front door-- she looked beautiful. She got in the car and they headed back to his house. When they got back to his house dinner was already prepared and still warm from the being in the oven. They ate dinner and had a long conversation, then he asked her, “Do you want to go walk on the beach?”
“Yes, I’d love to”, she said, delighted.
They walked back and forth on the beach. They laughed with each other and they laughed at each other. They has the best time together just walking on the beautiful, calm beach he is used to walking on. They lost track of time and the only thing they had leading them back was the light of the moon.

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