The summer of 1989 | Teen Ink

The summer of 1989

November 6, 2015
By tbondiskey BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
tbondiskey BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was around seven o’clock am when Rachel’s alarm clock went off, “Time to start my day,” say noted.  Rachel sat up, put on her fluffy white slippers and walked over to the window to open her curtains to view the whole city of Manhattan.  Her life couldn’t get any better, she was the CEO of a company, had no children and was single.  Every weekend she went out to fancy dinners with co-workers or went out to the club.  It has been 15 years since Rachel last had a boyfriend and she doesn’t intend on getting into anything serious anytime soon.  The only thing on her mind was to become very successful in life.
Across the country, it was four o’clock in the morning, the sun was still down, the rooster was crowing and John was just waking up.  John had the same routine every day, wake up when the rooster crows, plow the fields, feed the animals on the farm, go fishing to catch himself dinner and sometimes even take a dip in the lake to cool off.  Although John has a busy schedule, you will always find him at church on Sunday, his rest day. John is very content with his life, he has been single for 15 years and lives with just himself and his Border collie, Oreo.
John grew up in the suburbs, his family was very wealthy and wished for their son to become very successful.  John’s mother was very unhappy when he announced he wasn’t attending college, instead he went on to do something none of his family was brave enough to do.
It was the summer of 1989, there was a slight breeze outside, a perfect night for a drive in movie.  Rachel and her three friends deiced to see the new movie “Back to the Future: Part II.”  Before the movie begun Rachel asked, “Would anybody like some popcorn or soda?”  “Yes,” all of her friends answered.  Rachel walked over to the concession stand, “May I have two bags of popcorn and 4 cokes please?” she asked.  Wondering how she was going to carry all of this back by herself, she heard a voice ask, “Can I help you with those?”  “Yes please,” Rachel answered as she turned around to see a boy about 6 feet tall with dark brown slicked back hair, dark brown eyes and a smile that glowed.  “I’m Johnny,” he said.  Rachel just smiled too anxious to say anything back.  After carrying her sodas to the car, Johnny said, “I hope I see you around here soon, I would love to get to know you.”  “It was very nice meeting you Johnny, how about we meet at Shake Hut tomorrow, seven o’clock sound good?” asked Rachel.  “See you there,” Johnny answered with a smile across his face.
Rachel and Johnny saw each other after their date at Shake Hut.  He would go to her house for dinner and she would go to his.  Johnny’s family loved Rachel, they knew she would be very successful in life which is why they wanted their Johnny to stay with her.  Unlike Johnny’s parents, Rachel’s parents weren’t so thrilled with the idea of having John around, they knew his family was wealthy, but Johnny didn’t seem to be the type to care about the money.  No one or nothing could stop them from seeing each other, they were madly in love.
After being together for eight years, John asked Rachel if he could take her on a date to Shake Hut, Rachel had so many thoughts going through her head, one of them being Johnny proposing to her at the place where they first went on a date.  Unfortunately, Rachel was wrong.  Johnny broke the news to her that he has enlisted in the United Stated Marine Corps and was leaving for boot camp in four weeks.  Rachel started bawling her eyes out not knowing what to say, just like the first time they met.  They spent every day of those last four weeks together, not a moment apart.  The day before Johnny left, they went to a drive-in movie where Johnny got down on one knee and proposed. “YES, yes, yes, yes,” Rachel cried with tears of joy. 
Johnny left for boot camp, they wrote each other every day, well for the first two weeks.  Eventually, Rachel stopped answering his letters and left John wondering what went wrong.  Nothing stopped him, though he wrote her every day.  During his last week at boot camp, he received a letter from Rachel with her engagement ring in the envelope.  He read the letter from her stating, “Johnny, I love you so much, you mean the whole world to me and you know that.  I can’t do this, I’m sorry, but I cannot marry you.  Things happened with another man, I am so sorry Johnny, I love you, good luck. Love always, Rachel Rockton.”  Johnny was devastated, he never encountered another relationship after the break up with Rachel.  She moved away by the time he made it home leaving him wondering where she had gone.
February 14, 2004, Johnny was in New York City visiting his parents whom he hasn’t seen in 15 years.  John flagged down a taxi along with the other forty people calling for taxis.  Reaching out to grab the handle to the door he felt another hand grab for it as well.  “This is my taxi I have been waiting for over 45 minutes,” John stated.  After implying it was his taxi, he turned his head to see nobody other than Rachel Rockton.  “Rachel?” John questioned.  “I’m sorry, but do I know you?” she questioned back.  All John had to do was smile before she realized who she was speaking with.  “John is that really you, I, I can’t believe this,” Rachel said.  “Would you like to share a taxi, catch up on the last 15 years, I do have lots of questions I need answers too?” replied John. “It would be my pleasure,” she answered him.
John and Rachel drove around in the taxi for hours, not a care in the world on how much their fee would cost them.  He asked her question and she asked him what she wanted to know.  Why did you just leave me?  Who was the other man?  Do you still love me?  Just to name a few of the questions asked during the taxi ride.  They both learned one thing during that ride throughout the city, they have both never seen anyone after the breakup, and they were still deeply in love with each other after fifteen years of not speaking or seeing each other.  “How about some dinner later?” John asked.  “I would love to, I was just about to ask you the same thing,” she replied with a smile on her face.  The two of them went out to dinner and saw each other every day for the rest of the week. 
John eventually had to go home to his ranch so the two of them said their final goodbyes to each other, tears shedding from each other’s eyes.  Three weeks passed and they called each other every night sharing laughs and stories from the past fifteen years.  It was about seven pm and John heard a knock on the door wondering who it could be.  He opened the door to see the girl he was in love with Rachel.  “Surprise,” Rachel screamed.  Johns' face shined with a smile from cheek to cheek, “Come in,” he insisted. They spent a month together at his ranch, Rachel realized money is just an object and never went back to New York City again.  After moving in together John realized it was time to ask Rachel a question he had once asked before, “Will you marry me Rachel Elizabeth Rockton, I loved you then and I love you even more now,” John said on one knee.  “YES, YES, YES, YES a thousand times yes,” Rachel answered with joy.  They now live happily together with a baby girl on the way.

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