The Depths | Teen Ink

The Depths

December 2, 2015
By Louiseisanartist BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
Louiseisanartist BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The eyes of a goddess were the eyes she possessed, adorning her blemish free expression. Shining a wonderful slate tone, with specks of grass appearing every now and again as you got closer to her pupil. Her skin was the color of coffee that had a bit too much cream poured into it, with small coffee grounds dotting the surface along her peachy toned cheeks and making their way across her pore less nose.  Plump lips, that always seemed to be in a mischievous smirk, spoke whatever they felt like speaking, in a variety of tones that were accompanied by mass emotion. She adorned such wonderful features, with a gleaming personality as bright as the moon. She was so hard to not stare at, but I could stare for as long as I’d like to because she was now mine.

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