Two Pumping Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Pumping Hearts

December 4, 2015
By Tsherman12 BRONZE, Harland, Wisconsin
Tsherman12 BRONZE, Harland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They stand anxious eyes, lock in. A white dress flows with the wind. Two pumping hearts, pumping like the drums that linger in the distance. Two hands sweaty, yet firm interlock forming a whole. Two rings, perfectly shined placed on. Two voices saying, “With this ring, I give you my heart.”
Their love is a journey. They live for every moment, holding a bond close. Words, that tremble with tears, that hold a future of a new beginning. Two dimples visible to the eye, he leans in to kiss her lips. 
Tears fall once more, another year passed, he lifts her holding her in his arms wrapped like a baby’s first touch, in its mother's arms. Pump, pump, pump. Hearts ignite for the love they're about to embark on.
Intertwined to the song that soon will be just a memory, to look back at when his heart is weak though they continue, tears again fall, head laying peacefully on a shoulder. The beat of the song finishes. Two heads hanging low. Two eyes look up. Two hearts pump for the last time, eyes close, one heart pumps, her life drifts away.

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