My Mistake | Teen Ink

My Mistake

December 14, 2015
By caralynjunte BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
caralynjunte BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I hear my phone start to ring, I jump across my soft colored bed spread. Hurrying to grab it, I answer with an anxious, “Hello?” It was tempting not to ignore because I didn’t have the number saved in my phone. I was beyond busy getting ready for my date night with Mat. I only have half my makeup done and my clock is on high speed. 
“Hello, may I speak with Haley Jaspering?” the man spoke with a fast past voice, but seemed to have an exciting tone behind it.
“Yes this is her,” I reply growing increasingly curious.
“I know you applied over a year ago, but I work with New York Times magazine. My name is Bryan Roberts. We have a job opening we would like to offer you. One of our department editors recently got fired and we are in dire need of a replacement. You would be overlooking the arts and entertainment section. Specific responsibilities are responding to story pitches, directing and editing stories, while also writing your own columns.” His words came out so quickly it took me a second to grasp. My heart fell right onto my lap. How could I drop everything and move to New York? I am completely across the country in Los Angeles. However, this opportunity is too good. My breaths began to come quicker and I could not get sound to escape my lips. 
“Look, I know this is a lot. Take a day to think it over and call me back. We could really use you. This could also be an opening to numerous other accomplishments in your professional career.” He wraps up his spiel with a convincing argument. 
“I’ll let you know by the end of the day, sir.” As soon I said this, I hear the line go silent and bury my face in a pillow. When I submitted my application, I would have taken it in a second. Everything was different now. 
Before I met Mat, I was living life day by day. Adventuring through new obstacles in my journalist career and hanging out with friends. I had never given much thought into settling down with anyone. I cared too much about myself and my job. This may sound selfish, but I wanted to do what was best for me, without having to think how it affected anyone else. It had always been easier this way. After my friend introduced Mat and me, everything changed. We met about five months ago and I fell head over heals for him instantly. There is something about being around him that makes me feel safe. As we grew closer we discovered how well we get along. He shows an endless amount of patience for my constant complaints about long days. He makes me laugh with his sarcastic jokes and silly attitude. Mat is more than anything I could imagine.
I sat up from my bed and begin to finish getting ready. I have a black desk by the door of my room and a mirror with lights lining both sides that sits above it. I plop down on my cushioned chair and begin to apply a cream colored powder to my eyelids. I bounce my leg up and down constantly. I can not seem to get Mat out of my thoughts. I reminisce on some of our amazing times together. The intimate candlelight dinner he prepared on our very first date. Or making me venture out early in the morning to watch the sunrise on the beach. Even the small things kept me smiling. For instance, he asks me what I had to eat everyday and I now do the same. Even the way he holds my hand when he knows I am upset. Being with him is exciting and I love not knowing what to expect. No one has ever put this much effort into making me happy before. It seems so natural to him.
As I finish up my makeup, I start to realize I’ve only been thinking about Mat. I didn’t even begin to consider all the amazing things I would be opening myself up to by taking this job. For some reason, I can not imagine my future without him being there. This is strange to me. I always liked having open options for myself, but now, I know that I can not leave. I don’t want to leave. It was time to settle down for once. For the first time, I plan to look over a job opportunity for my relationship. It was relieving. I really love Mat and I want to tell him that. Thinking about saying those three words to him made my head go dizzy. I try to picture his reaction.
I hurry; glancing at the clock and knowing I only have twenty minutes before I should be there. Every monday we go out to eat at a small diner. It became a little ritual between us and I always look forward to it. Today I’m especially eager considering my plan. Imagining what he will say is both intriguing and terrifying all at the same time. After stressing for the last hour, just his voice will make me feel better. I jump into the simple purple dress I had planned and connected the ends of a short, gold necklace behind my head. After, I slip into my soft gold sandals. The shoes complimented my necklace perfectly. I look into the mirror one last time before walking out the door.
I skip up to the small diner with only a dim light revealing the sign. A message popped up from Mat as I traveled through the skinny path leading to the doubled doors. It read, “Already sitting in the usual spot.” Since coming here is basically our routine now, the waitress places us at the same table. A smile fills my face when I see him. He sits twiddling his thumbs and looking down in his lap. I wonder if he is upset about something? Now I am closer to the table and he looks up, “Hi babe,” his voice is low and he seems uncomfortable.
“Hey, are you okay? How was your day?” I say beginning to grow more curious by his odd attitude.
“Yeah I’m okay. I’ve just had a lot on my mind today. There is something we really need to talk about and I need to get it off my chest,”
“Okay? What is it?”
“So, listen. I hate to throw all of this at you suddenly, but I got a job offer to move up in my company. It is a really big opportunity and I would be making almost two times what I am now. However there is a catch; I will have to move locations,” He pauses so I interrupt. 
“Well, where is it?”
“Atlanta, Georgia.”
“What do you want to do?”
“That’s the other thing, Haley. I already said yes to the job.” I do not make a sound. The feeling of betrayal bleeds through me like a fast flowing stream. I wanted to explain everything to him. How I also, got a once in a lifetime job offer. Or, how much I thought about him and our relationship when ultimately making the decision to stay. I almost said I love you? He interrupts my rushing thoughts with, “Hey talk to me,” No I don’t want to talk to you. All I wanted to do was get out of there. I held the tears back and cleared my throat.
“Why would you do this without talking to me first?”
“I don’t mean to sound selfish, but I wanted to finally do something for myself. You know how I feel about you. I just need a new start. I’ve spent so much time investing myself in making the people I’m around happy. I start to forget about what is right for me. Being with you has meant so much. I just have to do this. It’s my only shot.” Hearing this devastated me. Why wouldn’t he just talk to me about it? Instead, he springs it on me at random. Somehow I was blinded by his charming personality. How I let this happen so soon, I will never truly know. As he revealed the news to me, I began to finally see something. Mat’s adventurous attitude put me under an awful spell. The excitement made me lose track of what’s real. Even though this broke my heart, I knew it was partly my own fault. I was jumping into things.
I stay quiet for several moments before deciding I don’t really have anything left to say. What’s done is done; so I go with, “Goodbye Mat. Good luck in Atlanta.” As I stood up he grabs my hand.
“Haley, I’m sorry.” I let out a sigh, put my purse over my shoulder, and turned around quickly without saying another word. I walk out of there feeling nothing. My emotions ran rapid tonight and I needed a break. Without another thought, I dig my phone out of my purse. I could use a fresh start too. A dial the number and wait anxiously until I finally hear a girl's voice on the other end.
“Hi, may I speak with Bryan? This is Haley Jaspering.”

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